About The Word Movement

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Movement Meaning & Definition
Movement Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Movement?

[n] the act of changing your location from one place to another; "police controlled the motion of the crowd"; "the movement of people from the farms to the cities"; "his move put him directly in my path"
[n] the act of changing the location of something; "the movement of cargo onto the vessel"
[n] a change of position that does not entail a change of location; "the reflex motion of his eyebrows revealed his surprise"; "movement is a sign of life"; "an impatient move of his hand"; "gastrointestinal motility"
[n] a series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end; "he supported populist campaigns"; "they worked in the cause of world peace"; "the team was ready for a drive toward the pennant"; "the movement to end slavery"; "contributed to the war effort"
[n] the driving and regulating parts of a mechanism (as of a watch or clock); "it was an expensive watch with a diamond movement"
[n] a general tendency to change (as of opinion); "not openly liberal but that is the trend of the book"; "a broad movement of the electorate to the right"
[n] a major self-contained part of a symphony or sonata; "the second movement is slow and melodic"
[n] a natural event that involves a change in the position or location of something
[n] a group of people with a common ideology who try together to achieve certain general goals; "he was a charter member of the movement"; "politicians have to respect a mass movement"; "he led the national liberation front"
[n] an optical illusion of motion produced by viewing a rapid succession of still pictures of a moving object; "the cinema relies on apparent motion"; "the succession of flashing lights gave an illusion of movement"
[n] a euphemism for defecation; "he had a bowel movement"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Movement: apparent motion | apparent movement | bm | bowel movement | campaign | cause | crusade | drift | drive | effort | front | motility | motion | motion | motion | move | social movement | trend

Related Terms | Find terms related to Movement: accent | accentuation | act | action | activeness | activism | activity | actuation | advance | age group | Alexandrine | American | amotion | amphibious operations | amphibrach | amphimacer | anacrusis | anagnorisis | anapest | angle | antispast | architectonics | architecture | argument | arsis | Art Nouveau | art schools | Ashcan school | atmosphere | bacchius | background | band | Barbizon | bass passage | bat | battalion | Bauhaus | bearing | beat | beck | beckon | bevy | bloody flux | BM | body | body language | Bolognese | bourdon | bowel movement | bridge | brigade | British | buffalo chips | bunch | burden | business | cabal | ca-ca | cadence | caesura | campaign | carriage | cast | catalexis | catastrophe | catharsis | cause | change | characterization | charade | chironomy | chloriamb | chloriambus | chorus | clique | clockworks | coalition | Cobra | coda | cohort | colon | color | combined operations | commitment | communist front | commutation | company | complement | complication | contingent | continuity | contrivance | coprolite | coprolith | corps | coterie | counterpoint | course | covey | cow chips | cow flops | cow pats | crap | cretic | crew | crossing | crowd | crusade | current | dactyl | dactylic hexameter | dactylology | deaf-and-dumb alphabet | decline | decrease | deed | defecation | dejection | delocalization | denouement | design | detachment | detail | development | device | diaeresis | diarrhea | dimeter | dingleberry | dipody | direction | displacement | division | dochmiac | doings | drift | drive | drive train | droppings | dry run | dumb show | dung | Dutch | dynamics | dynamism | dysentery | eclectic | elegiac | elegiac couplet | elegiac pentameter | emphasis | episode | epitrite | evacuation | exposition | fable | faction | faith | falling action | feces | feculence | feminine caesura | figure | fleet | Flemish | flicker | flow | fluid operations | flux | folderol | Fontainebleau | foot | French | front | gang | gear | gears | genre | gesticulation | gesture | gesture language | gimmick | glacial movement | globe-trotting | going | goings-on | grass-roots movement | great cause | ground swell | group | grouping | groupment | groups | guano | hand signal | harmonic close | heptameter | heptapody | heroic couplet | hexameter | hexapody | iamb | iambic | iambic pentameter | ictus | incident | increase | in-group | innards | interest | interlude | intermezzo | introductory phrase | ionic | issue | Italian | jakes | jingle | journeying | junta | kinematics | kinesics | kinesipathy | kinesis | kinesitherapy | kinetics | lientery | lifework | lilt | line | lines | local color | locomotion | logistics | loose bowels | machinery | main current | mainstream | maneuver | maneuvers | Mannerist | manure | masculine caesura | mass movement | measure | mechanism | meter | metrical accent | metrical foot | metrical group | metrical unit | metrics | metron | migration | Milanese | militancy | military operations | minor operations | mission | mob | mobilization | Modenese | molossus | Momentum | mood | mora | motif | motion | motivation | move | movements | moving | musical phrase | musical sentence | mythos | Neapolitan | New York | night soil | number | numbers | operation | operations | ordure | ornament | outfit | out-group | overseas operations | pack | Paduan | paeon | pantomime | Parisian | part | party | passage | peer group | pencil | pentameter | pentapody | period | peripeteia | phalanx | Phases | phrase | plan | platoon | plein-air | plot | poise | political activism | political front | popular front | pose | posse | posture | power train | Pre-Raphaelite | principle | proceedings | proceleusmatic | progress | prosody | purgation | purge | pyrrhic | quantity | Raphaelite | reason for being | recognition | Reflex | refrain | regiment | relocation | remotion | removal | removement | resolution | response | Restany | restlessness | rhythm | rhythmic pattern | rising action | ritornello | Roman | run | running | runs | salon | scheme | school | Scottish | secondary plot | section | servomechanism | set | sewage | sewerage | shift | shit | shits | shrug | Sienese | sign | sign language | signal | slant | spondee | sprung rhythm | Spur | squad | stable | staff work | stance | stanza | statement | stir | stirring | stool | story | strain | stream | stress | string | structure | style | subject | subplot | Suprematism | swing | switch | syzygy | tailpiece | team | tendency | tenor | tetrameter | tetrapody | tetraseme | the general tendency | the grand style | the main course | The Ten | thematic development | theme | thesis | time spirit | tone | topic | tourism | touristry | traject | trajet | transfer | transit | travel | traveling | trend | tribe | tribrach | trimeter | tripody | triseme | trochee | troop | trots | troupe | turd | turistas | Tuscan | tutti | tutti passage | twist | Umbrian | unrest | variation | velocity | Venetian | verse | voidance | war game | war plans | Washington | watchworks | wheels | wheels within wheels | wing | workings | works | Zeitgeist

See Also | abduction | action | action mechanism | ad blitz | ad campaign | adduction | advance | advancement | advertising campaign | agitation | anti-war movement | approach | approach | approaching | approaching | art movement | artistic movement | ascending | ascension | ascent | backlash | bend | bending | body English | Boy Scouts | Brownian motion | Brownian movement | cam stroke | campaigning | candidacy | candidature | change | change of location | chase | circumduction | Civil Rights movement | clock | closing | coming | common front | commotion | composition | consumerism | conveyance | crawl | cultural movement | dart | defecation | deflection | deflexion | deracination | descent | displacement | disposition | disturbance | ecumenical movement | electioneering | eurhythmics | eurhythmy | eurythmics | eurythmy | eversion | everting | feminism | feminist movement | fetal movement | flicker | flit | flow | flutter | foetal movement | following | forward motion | fund-raising campaign | fund-raising drive | fund-raising effort | gay lib | gay liberation movement | gesture | glide | gravitation | happening | harmonic motion | haste | headshake | headshaking | heave | hurry | hurrying | inclination | inclination | inclining | insertion | intermezzo | introduction | intromission | inversion | jerk | jerking | jolt | kick | kick | kicking | kneel | kneeling | laxation | letting down | locomotion | lost cause | lowering | lunge | lurch | maneuver | manoeuvre | migration | moving ridge | musical composition | natural event | nystagmus | occurrence | onward motion | opening | optical illusion | opus | passage | passing | pedesis | piece | piece of music | pitch | pitching | play | political campaign | political movement | posing | progress | progression | prostration | pursuit | quiver | quivering | reach | reaching | rebound | reciprocation | reclining | recoil | reform | reform movement | religious movement | repercussion | retraction | retroflection | retroflexion | return | rise | rotation | rush | rushing | scherzo | seek | shift | shifting | shitting | shutting | sitting | slide | slippage | social group | sonata | span | speed | speeding | squat | squatting | squeeze | squirm | standing | straddle | stream | stretch | stroke | stroke | sweep | swing | swinging | tendency | throw | ticker | transfer | transferral | translation | transplant | transplantation | transplanting | transportation | travel | travel | traveling | travelling | troop movement | turn | turning | twist | undulation | upending | vacillation | venture | vibration | war | watch | wave | wave | waver | whirl | wiggle | wobble | women's lib | women's liberation movement | wrench | wriggle | wring | youth crusade | youth movement | Zionism | Zionist movement

Movement In Webster's Dictionary

\Move"ment\, n. [F. mouvement. See {Move}, and cf. {Moment}.] 1. The act of moving; change of place or posture; transference, by any means, from one situation to another; natural or appropriate motion; progress; advancement; as, the movement of an army in marching or maneuvering; the movement of a wheel or a machine; the party of movement. 2. Motion of the mind or feelings; emotion. 3. Manner or style of moving; as, a slow, or quick, or sudden, movement. 4. (Mus.) (a) The rhythmical progression, pace, and tempo of a piece. ``Any change of time is a change of movement.'' --Busby. (b) One of the several strains or pieces, each complete in itself, with its own time and rhythm, which make up a larger work; as, the several movements of a suite or a symphony. 5. (Mech.) A system of mechanism for transmitting motion of a definite character, or for transforming motion; as, the wheelwork of a watch. {Febrille movement} (Med.), an elevation of the body temperature; a fever. {Movement cure}. (Med.) See {Kinesiatrics}. {Movement of the bowels}, an evacuation or stool; a passage or discharge. Syn: Motion. Usage: {Movement}, {Motion}. Motion expresses a general idea of not being at rest; movement is oftener used to express a definite, regulated motion, esp. a progress.

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Crossword Dictionary