What's The Definition Of Movement?
[n] the act of changing your location from one place to another; "police controlled the motion of the crowd"; "the movement of people from the farms to the cities"; "his move put him directly in my path"
[n] the act of changing the location of something; "the movement of cargo onto the vessel"
[n] a change of position that does not entail a change of location; "the reflex motion of his eyebrows revealed his surprise"; "movement is a sign of life"; "an impatient move of his hand"; "gastrointestinal motility"
[n] a series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end; "he supported populist campaigns"; "they worked in the cause of world peace"; "the team was ready for a drive toward the pennant"; "the movement to end slavery"; "contributed to the war effort"
[n] the driving and regulating parts of a mechanism (as of a watch or clock); "it was an expensive watch with a diamond movement"
[n] a general tendency to change (as of opinion); "not openly liberal but that is the trend of the book"; "a broad movement of the electorate to the right"
[n] a major self-contained part of a symphony or sonata; "the second movement is slow and melodic"
[n] a natural event that involves a change in the position or location of something
[n] a group of people with a common ideology who try together to achieve certain general goals; "he was a charter member of the movement"; "politicians have to respect a mass movement"; "he led the national liberation front"
[n] an optical illusion of motion produced by viewing a rapid succession of still pictures of a moving object; "the cinema relies on apparent motion"; "the succession of flashing lights gave an illusion of movement"
[n] a euphemism for defecation; "he had a bowel movement"
Synonyms | Synonyms for Movement: apparent motion |
apparent movement |
bm |
bowel movement |
campaign |
cause |
crusade |
drift |
drive |
effort |
front |
motility |
motion |
motion |
motion |
move |
social movement |
Related Terms | Find terms related to Movement: accent |
accentuation |
act |
action |
activeness |
activism |
activity |
actuation |
advance |
age group |
Alexandrine |
American |
amotion |
amphibious operations |
amphibrach |
amphimacer |
anacrusis |
anagnorisis |
anapest |
angle |
antispast |
architectonics |
architecture |
argument |
arsis |
Art Nouveau |
art schools |
Ashcan school |
atmosphere |
bacchius |
background |
band |
Barbizon |
bass passage |
bat |
battalion |
Bauhaus |
bearing |
beat |
beck |
beckon |
bevy |
bloody flux |
BM |
body |
body language |
Bolognese |
bourdon |
bowel movement |
bridge |
brigade |
British |
buffalo chips |
bunch |
burden |
business |
cabal |
ca-ca |
cadence |
caesura |
campaign |
carriage |
cast |
catalexis |
catastrophe |
catharsis |
cause |
change |
characterization |
charade |
chironomy |
chloriamb |
chloriambus |
chorus |
clique |
clockworks |
coalition |
Cobra |
coda |
cohort |
colon |
color |
combined operations |
commitment |
communist front |
commutation |
company |
complement |
complication |
contingent |
continuity |
contrivance |
coprolite |
coprolith |
corps |
coterie |
counterpoint |
course |
covey |
cow chips |
cow flops |
cow pats |
crap |
cretic |
crew |
crossing |
crowd |
crusade |
current |
dactyl |
dactylic hexameter |
dactylology |
deaf-and-dumb alphabet |
decline |
decrease |
deed |
defecation |
dejection |
delocalization |
denouement |
design |
detachment |
detail |
development |
device |
diaeresis |
diarrhea |
dimeter |
dingleberry |
dipody |
direction |
displacement |
division |
dochmiac |
doings |
drift |
drive |
drive train |
droppings |
dry run |
dumb show |
dung |
Dutch |
dynamics |
dynamism |
dysentery |
eclectic |
elegiac |
elegiac couplet |
elegiac pentameter |
emphasis |
episode |
epitrite |
evacuation |
exposition |
fable |
faction |
faith |
falling action |
feces |
feculence |
feminine caesura |
figure |
fleet |
Flemish |
flicker |
flow |
fluid operations |
flux |
folderol |
Fontainebleau |
foot |
French |
front |
gang |
gear |
gears |
genre |
gesticulation |
gesture |
gesture language |
gimmick |
glacial movement |
globe-trotting |
going |
goings-on |
grass-roots movement |
great cause |
ground swell |
group |
grouping |
groupment |
groups |
guano |
hand signal |
harmonic close |
heptameter |
heptapody |
heroic couplet |
hexameter |
hexapody |
iamb |
iambic |
iambic pentameter |
ictus |
incident |
increase |
in-group |
innards |
interest |
interlude |
intermezzo |
introductory phrase |
ionic |
issue |
Italian |
jakes |
jingle |
journeying |
junta |
kinematics |
kinesics |
kinesipathy |
kinesis |
kinesitherapy |
kinetics |
lientery |
lifework |
lilt |
line |
lines |
local color |
locomotion |
logistics |
loose bowels |
machinery |
main current |
mainstream |
maneuver |
maneuvers |
Mannerist |
manure |
masculine caesura |
mass movement |
measure |
mechanism |
meter |
metrical accent |
metrical foot |
metrical group |
metrical unit |
metrics |
metron |
migration |
Milanese |
militancy |
military operations |
minor operations |
mission |
mob |
mobilization |
Modenese |
molossus |
Momentum |
mood |
mora |
motif |
motion |
motivation |
move |
movements |
moving |
musical phrase |
musical sentence |
mythos |
Neapolitan |
New York |
night soil |
number |
numbers |
operation |
operations |
ordure |
ornament |
outfit |
out-group |
overseas operations |
pack |
Paduan |
paeon |
pantomime |
Parisian |
part |
party |
passage |
peer group |
pencil |
pentameter |
pentapody |
period |
peripeteia |
phalanx |
Phases |
phrase |
plan |
platoon |
plein-air |
plot |
poise |
political activism |
political front |
popular front |
pose |
posse |
posture |
power train |
Pre-Raphaelite |
principle |
proceedings |
proceleusmatic |
progress |
prosody |
purgation |
purge |
pyrrhic |
quantity |
Raphaelite |
reason for being |
recognition |
Reflex |
refrain |
regiment |
relocation |
remotion |
removal |
removement |
resolution |
response |
Restany |
restlessness |
rhythm |
rhythmic pattern |
rising action |
ritornello |
Roman |
run |
running |
runs |
salon |
scheme |
school |
Scottish |
secondary plot |
section |
servomechanism |
set |
sewage |
sewerage |
shift |
shit |
shits |
shrug |
Sienese |
sign |
sign language |
signal |
slant |
spondee |
sprung rhythm |
Spur |
squad |
stable |
staff work |
stance |
stanza |
statement |
stir |
stirring |
stool |
story |
strain |
stream |
stress |
string |
structure |
style |
subject |
subplot |
Suprematism |
swing |
switch |
syzygy |
tailpiece |
team |
tendency |
tenor |
tetrameter |
tetrapody |
tetraseme |
the general tendency |
the grand style |
the main course |
The Ten |
thematic development |
theme |
thesis |
time spirit |
tone |
topic |
tourism |
touristry |
traject |
trajet |
transfer |
transit |
travel |
traveling |
trend |
tribe |
tribrach |
trimeter |
tripody |
triseme |
trochee |
troop |
trots |
troupe |
turd |
turistas |
Tuscan |
tutti |
tutti passage |
twist |
Umbrian |
unrest |
variation |
velocity |
Venetian |
verse |
voidance |
war game |
war plans |
Washington |
watchworks |
wheels |
wheels within wheels |
wing |
workings |
works |
See Also | abduction |
action |
action mechanism |
ad blitz |
ad campaign |
adduction |
advance |
advancement |
advertising campaign |
agitation |
anti-war movement |
approach |
approach |
approaching |
approaching |
art movement |
artistic movement |
ascending |
ascension |
ascent |
backlash |
bend |
bending |
body English |
Boy Scouts |
Brownian motion |
Brownian movement |
cam stroke |
campaigning |
candidacy |
candidature |
change |
change of location |
chase |
circumduction |
Civil Rights movement |
clock |
closing |
coming |
common front |
commotion |
composition |
consumerism |
conveyance |
crawl |
cultural movement |
dart |
defecation |
deflection |
deflexion |
deracination |
descent |
displacement |
disposition |
disturbance |
ecumenical movement |
electioneering |
eurhythmics |
eurhythmy |
eurythmics |
eurythmy |
eversion |
everting |
feminism |
feminist movement |
fetal movement |
flicker |
flit |
flow |
flutter |
foetal movement |
following |
forward motion |
fund-raising campaign |
fund-raising drive |
fund-raising effort |
gay lib |
gay liberation movement |
gesture |
glide |
gravitation |
happening |
harmonic motion |
haste |
headshake |
headshaking |
heave |
hurry |
hurrying |
inclination |
inclination |
inclining |
insertion |
intermezzo |
introduction |
intromission |
inversion |
jerk |
jerking |
jolt |
kick |
kick |
kicking |
kneel |
kneeling |
laxation |
letting down |
locomotion |
lost cause |
lowering |
lunge |
lurch |
maneuver |
manoeuvre |
migration |
moving ridge |
musical composition |
natural event |
nystagmus |
occurrence |
onward motion |
opening |
optical illusion |
opus |
passage |
passing |
pedesis |
piece |
piece of music |
pitch |
pitching |
play |
political campaign |
political movement |
posing |
progress |
progression |
prostration |
pursuit |
quiver |
quivering |
reach |
reaching |
rebound |
reciprocation |
reclining |
recoil |
reform |
reform movement |
religious movement |
repercussion |
retraction |
retroflection |
retroflexion |
return |
rise |
rotation |
rush |
rushing |
scherzo |
seek |
shift |
shifting |
shitting |
shutting |
sitting |
slide |
slippage |
social group |
sonata |
span |
speed |
speeding |
squat |
squatting |
squeeze |
squirm |
standing |
straddle |
stream |
stretch |
stroke |
stroke |
sweep |
swing |
swinging |
tendency |
throw |
ticker |
transfer |
transferral |
translation |
transplant |
transplantation |
transplanting |
transportation |
travel |
travel |
traveling |
travelling |
troop movement |
turn |
turning |
twist |
undulation |
upending |
vacillation |
venture |
vibration |
war |
watch |
wave |
wave |
waver |
whirl |
wiggle |
wobble |
women's lib |
women's liberation movement |
wrench |
wriggle |
wring |
youth crusade |
youth movement |
Zionism |
Zionist movement
Movement In Webster's Dictionary
\Move"ment\, n. [F. mouvement. See {Move}, and cf.
1. The act of moving; change of place or posture;
transference, by any means, from one situation to another;
natural or appropriate motion; progress; advancement; as,
the movement of an army in marching or maneuvering; the
movement of a wheel or a machine; the party of movement.
2. Motion of the mind or feelings; emotion.
3. Manner or style of moving; as, a slow, or quick, or
sudden, movement.
4. (Mus.)
(a) The rhythmical progression, pace, and tempo of a
piece. ``Any change of time is a change of movement.''
(b) One of the several strains or pieces, each complete in
itself, with its own time and rhythm, which make up a
larger work; as, the several movements of a suite or a
5. (Mech.) A system of mechanism for transmitting motion of a
definite character, or for transforming motion; as, the
wheelwork of a watch.
{Febrille movement} (Med.), an elevation of the body
temperature; a fever.
{Movement cure}. (Med.) See {Kinesiatrics}.
{Movement of the bowels}, an evacuation or stool; a passage
or discharge.
Syn: Motion.
Usage: {Movement}, {Motion}. Motion expresses a general idea
of not being at rest; movement is oftener used to
express a definite, regulated motion, esp. a progress.