About The Word Ictus

Bay Area Crosswords

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Ictus Meaning & Definition
Ictus Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Ictus?

[n] a sudden occurrence (or recurrence) of a disease; "he suffered an epileptic seizure"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Ictus: raptus | seizure

Related Terms | Find terms related to Ictus: abdominal epilepsy | accent | accentuation | access | acquired epilepsy | activated epilepsy | affect epilepsy | akinetic epilepsy | Alexandrine | amphibrach | amphimacer | anacrusis | anapest | antispast | apoplexy | arrest | arsis | attack | autonomic epilepsy | bacchius | beat | blockage | cadence | caesura | cardiac epilepsy | catalexis | chloriamb | chloriambus | clonic spasm | clonus | colon | convulsion | cortical epilepsy | counterpoint | cramp | cretic | cursive epilepsy | dactyl | dactylic hexameter | diaeresis | dimeter | dipody | diurnal epilepsy | dochmiac | eclampsia | elegiac | elegiac couplet | elegiac pentameter | emphasis | epilepsia | epilepsia gravior | epilepsia major | epilepsia minor | epilepsia mitior | epilepsia nutans | epilepsia tarda | epilepsy | epitasis | epitrite | falling sickness | feminine caesura | fit | focal epilepsy | foot | frenzy | grammatical accent | grand mal | grip | haute mal | heptameter | heptapody | heroic couplet | hexameter | hexapody | hysterical epilepsy | iamb | iambic | iambic pentameter | intonation | intonation pattern | ionic | Jacksonian epilepsy | jingle | larval epilepsy | laryngeal epilepsy | laryngospasm | latent epilepsy | level of stress | lilt | lockjaw | masculine caesura | matutinal epilepsy | measure | menstrual epilepsy | meter | metrical accent | metrical foot | metrical group | metrical unit | metrics | metron | molossus | mora | movement | musicogenic epilepsy | myoclonous epilepsy | nocturnal epilepsy | numbers | occlusion | orgasm | paeon | paroxysm | pentameter | pentapody | period | petit mal | physiologic epilepsy | pitch accent | primary stress | proceleusmatic | prosodics | prosody | psychic epilepsy | psychomotor epilepsy | pyrrhic | quantity | reflex epilepsy | rhetorical accent | rhythm | rhythmic pattern | rhythmical accent | rhythmical stress | Rolandic epilepsy | rotatoria | secondary stress | seizure | sensory epilepsy | serial epilepsy | sexual climax | spasm | spondee | sprung rhythm | stoppage | stress | stress accent | stress arsis | stress pattern | stroke | swing | syzygy | tardy epilepsy | tertiary stress | tetanus | tetany | tetrameter | tetrapody | tetraseme | thesis | throes | thromboembolism | thrombosis | tone accent | tonic epilepsy | tonic spasm | torsion spasm | traumatic epilepsy | tribrach | trimeter | tripody | triseme | trismus | trochee | ucinate epilepsy | visitation | weak stress

See Also | attack | convulsion | focal seizure | raptus hemorrhagicus

Ictus In Webster's Dictionary

\Ic"tus\, n. [L., fr. icere, ictum, to strike.] 1. (Pros.) The stress of voice laid upon accented syllable of a word. Cf. {Arsis}. 2. (Med.) A stroke or blow, as in a sunstroke, the sting of an insect, pulsation of an artery, etc.

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