About The Word Lilt

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Lilt Meaning & Definition
Lilt Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Lilt?

[n] a jaunty rhythm in music
[v] articulate in a very careful and rhythmic way

Synonyms | Synonyms for Lilt: swing

Related Terms | Find terms related to Lilt: accent | accentuation | alba | Alexandrine | amphibrach | amphimacer | anacrusis | anapest | anthem | antispast | arsis | art song | aubade | bacchius | ballad | ballade | ballata | barcarole | bark | bawl | beam | beat | bellow | blare | blat | blubber | blues | blues song | boat song | boom | Brautlied | bray | breathe | bridal hymn | brindisi | buzz | cackle | cadence | caesura | calypso | canso | canticle | canzone | canzonet | canzonetta | caper | caracole | carol | catalexis | cavatina | chanson | chant | chantey | chirp | chirrup | chloriamb | chloriambus | choir | chorus | Christmas carol | clap hands | colon | coo | counterpoint | cretic | croon | croon song | crow | dactyl | dactylic hexameter | dance | delight | descant | diaeresis | dimeter | dipody | dirge | ditty | dochmiac | do-re-mi | drawl | drinking song | elegiac | elegiac couplet | elegiac pentameter | emphasis | epithalamium | epitrite | exclaim | exult | feminine caesura | flute | folk song | foot | frisk | frolic | gambol | gasp | glory | glow | growl | grunt | heptameter | heptapody | heroic couplet | hexameter | hexapody | hiss | hum | hymeneal | hymn | iamb | iambic | iambic pentameter | ictus | intonate | intone | ionic | jingle | joy | jubilate | keen | Kunstlied | laugh | lay | Liebeslied | lied | love song | love-lilt | masculine caesura | matin | measure | meter | metrical accent | metrical foot | metrical group | metrical unit | metrics | metron | minstrel | minstrel song | minstrelsy | molossus | mora | movement | mumble | murmur | mutter | national anthem | number | numbers | paeon | pant | pentameter | pentapody | period | pipe | proceleusmatic | prosody | prothalamium | psalm | pyrrhic | quantity | quaver | radiate cheer | rejoice | revel | rhythm | rhythmic pattern | roar | rollick | romp | roulade | rumble | scream | screech | serena | serenade | serenata | shake | shriek | sibilate | sigh | sing | sing in chorus | skip | skip for joy | smile | snap | snarl | snort | sob | sol-fa | solmizate | song | sparkle | spondee | sprung rhythm | squall | squawk | squeal | stress | swing | syzygy | tetrameter | tetrapody | tetraseme | theme song | thesis | thunder | torch song | tremolo | tribrach | trill | trimeter | tripody | triseme | trochee | troll | trumpet | twang | tweedle | tweedledee | twit | twitter | vocalize | Volkslied | wail | war song | warble | wedding song | whine | whisper | whistle | yap | yawp | yell | yelp | yodel

See Also | articulate | enounce | enunciate | pronounce | rhythmicity | say | sound out

Lilt In Webster's Dictionary

\Lilt\ (l[i^]lt), v. i. [Cf. Norw. lilla, lirla, to sing in a high tone.] 1. To do anything with animation and quickness, as to skip, fly, or hop. [Prov. Eng.] --Wordsworth. 2. To sing cheerfully. [Scot.]
\Lilt\, v. t. To utter with spirit, animation, or gayety; to sing with spirit and liveliness. A classic lecture, rich in sentiment, With scraps of thundrous epic lilted out By violet-hooded doctors. --Tennyson.
\Lilt\, n. 1. Animated, brisk motion; spirited rhythm; sprightliness. The movement, the lilt, and the subtle charm of the verse. --F. Harrison. 2. A lively song or dance; a cheerful tune. The housewife went about her work, or spun at her wheel, with a lilt upon her lips. --J. C. Shairp.

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