About The Word Jingle

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Jingle Definition And Meaning |
What's The Definition Of Jingle?
[n] a comic verse of irregular measure; "he had heard some silly doggerel that kept running through his mind"
[n] a metallic sound; "the jingle of coins"; "the jangle of spurs" [v] as of metallic objects; "The keys were jingling in his pocket" Synonyms | Synonyms for Jingle: doggerel | doggerel verse | jangle | jangle | jinglejangle Related Terms | Find terms related to Jingle: accent | accentuation | alba | Alexandrine | alliterate | alliteration | amphibrach | amphimacer | anacreontic | anacrusis | anapest | antispast | arsis | assonance | assonate | bacchius | balada | ballad | ballade | beat | bucolic | cadence | caesura | canso | cap verses | catalexis | change ringing | chanson | chime | chiming | chink | chinking | chloriamb | chloriambus | clack | clang | clanging | clangor | clank | clanking | clatter | clerihew | clink | clinking | colon | counterpoint | cretic | dactyl | dactylic hexameter | diaeresis | dimeter | ding | ding-a-ling | dingdong | dinging | dingle | dipody | dirge | dithyramb | ditty | dochmiac | doggerel | dong | donging | drone | eclogue | elegiac | elegiac couplet | elegiac pentameter | elegy | emphasis | English sonnet | epic | epigram | epithalamium | epitrite | epode | epopee | epopoeia | epos | feminine caesura | foot | georgic | ghazel | gong | haiku | harping | heptameter | heptapody | heroic couplet | hexameter | hexapody | Horatian ode | humdrum | iamb | iambic | iambic pentameter | ictus | idyll | ionic | Italian sonnet | jangle | jinglejangle | jingle-jangle | jingling | knell | knelling | lilt | limerick | lyric | madrigal | masculine caesura | measure | melody | meter | metrical accent | metrical foot | metrical group | metrical unit | metron | molossus | monody | monotone | monotony | mora | movement | narrative poem | near rhyme | numbers | nursery rhyme | ode | paeon | palinode | paronomasia | pastoral | pastoral elegy | pastorela | pastourelle | peal | peal ringing | pealing | pentameter | pentapody | period | Petrarchan sonnet | Pindaric ode | pitter-patter | poem | proceleusmatic | prothalamium | pun | pyrrhic | quantity | rattle | repeated sounds | repetitiousness | repetitiveness | rhyme | rhythm | ring | ring changes | ringing | rondeau | rondel | roundel | roundelay | Sapphic ode | satire | scan | sestina | Shakespearean sonnet | singsong | slant rhyme | sloka | song | sonnet | sonnet sequence | sound | sound a knell | spondee | sprung rhythm | stale repetition | stress | swing | syzygy | tanka | tedium | tenso | tenzone | tetrameter | tetrapody | tetraseme | thesis | threnody | ting | ting-a-ling | tingle | tingling | tink | tinkle | tinkling | tinnitus | tintinnabulate | toll | tolling | tribrach | trimeter | triolet | tripody | triseme | trochee | trot | troubadour poem | tune | unnecessary repetition | verse | verselet | versicle | villanelle | virelay See Also | make noise | noise | resound | rhyme | sound | verse Jingle In Webster's Dictionary \Jin"gle\, v. i. [OE. gingelen, ginglen; prob. akin to E.
chink; cf. also E. jangle.]
1. To sound with a fine, sharp, rattling, clinking, or
tinkling sound; as, sleigh bells jingle. [Written also
2. To rhyme or sound with a jingling effect. ``Jingling
street ballads.'' --Macaulay.
\Jin"gle\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Jingled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Jingling}.] To cause to give a sharp metallic sound as a little bell, or as coins shaken together; to tinkle. The bells she jingled, and the whistle blew. -- Pope. \Jin"gle\, n. 1. A rattling, clinking, or tinkling sound, as of little bells or pieces of metal. 2. That which makes a jingling sound, as a rattle. If you plant where savages are, do not only entertain them with trifles and jingles,but use them justly. -- Bacon. 3. A correspondence of sound in rhymes, especially when the verse has little merit; hence, the verse itself.`` The least jingle of verse.'' --Guardian. {Jingle shell}. See {Gold shell} (b), under {Gold}. |
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