About The Word Bucolic

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Bucolic Meaning & Definition
Bucolic Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Bucolic?

[n] a short descriptive poem of rural or pastoral life
[n] a country person
[adj] used of idealized country life; "a country life of arcadian contentment"; "a pleasant bucolic scene"; "charming in its pastoral setting"; "rustic tranquility"
[adj] relating to shepherds or herdsmen or devoted to raising sheep or cattle; "pastoral seminomadic people"; "pastoral land"; "a pastoral economy"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Bucolic: arcadian | eclogue | idyll | pastoral | pastoral | peasant | provincial | rural | rustic

Related Terms | Find terms related to Bucolic: agrarian | agrestic | agricultural | alba | Alcaic | Anacreontic | Arcadian | balada | ballad | ballade | bardic | boor | bumpkin | campestral | canso | Castalian | chanson | clerihew | clod | clodhopper | clown | countrified | country | country bumpkin | didactic | dirge | dithyramb | dithyrambic | dramatic | eclogic | eclogue | elegiac | elegy | English sonnet | epic | epigram | epithalamium | epode | epopee | epopoeia | epos | farm | farmer | genuine | georgic | ghazel | haiku | hayseed | heroic | hick | hillbilly | Homeric | homespun | Horatian ode | Hudibrastic | idyll | idyllic | inartificial | Italian sonnet | jingle | limerick | looby | lout | lowland | lyric | madrigal | mock-heroic | monody | narrative | narrative poem | native | natural | naturelike | nursery rhyme | ode | outland | palinode | pastoral | pastoral elegy | pastorela | pastourelle | Petrarchan sonnet | Pierian | Pindaric | Pindaric ode | poem | poetic | poetico-mystical | poetico-mythological | poetico-philosophic | poetlike | prothalamium | provincial | rhapsodic | rhyme | rondeau | rondel | roundel | roundelay | rube | runic | rural | rustic | sapphic | Sapphic ode | satire | sestina | Shakespearean sonnet | skaldic | sloka | song | sonnet | sonnet sequence | tanka | tenso | tenzone | Theocritean | threnody | triolet | troubadour poem | unadorned | unaffected | unartificial | unassuming | undesigning | undisguising | undissembling | undissimulating | unembellished | unfeigning | unpretending | unpretentious | unspoiled | unvarnished | upland | verse | verselet | versicle | villanelle | virelay | yokel

See Also | cottar | cotter | moujik | mujik | muzhik | muzjik | pastoral | rustic

Bucolic In Webster's Dictionary

\Bu*col"ic\, a. [L. bucolicus, Gr. ?, fr. ? cowherd, herdsman; ? ox + (perh.) ? race horse; cf. Skr. kal to drive: cf. F. bucolique. See {Cow} the animal.] Of or pertaining to the life and occupation of a shepherd; pastoral; rustic.
\Bu*col"ic\, n. [L. Bucolic[^o]n po["e]ma.] A pastoral poem, representing rural affairs, and the life, manners, and occupation of shepherds; as, the Bucolics of Theocritus and Virgil. --Dryden.

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