Crossword Puzzle Abbreviations & Acronyms Dictionary

Bay Area Crosswords

Free online Abbreviations & Acronyms Dictionary to help you solve those really difficult crosswords. Bay Area Crosswords helps you quickly solve all your crossword puzzles.

Abbreviations & Acronyms Dictionary
Alphabetical Abbreviations & Acronyms Dictionary Index

Abbreviations & Acronyms Of The Day

  • NAPWA ‐ National Association of People Living With AIDS…
  • FERLS ‐ Ferroelectrics Letters Section
  • SENIOR ‐ SPAN Segment
  • DLSE ‐ Dial Line Service Evaluation…
  • UMID ‐ Unique Material IDentifier
  • M/ED ‐ Mental or emotional disturbance
  • TCBK ‐ TriCo Bancshares
  • B.M. ‐ Bachelor of Music, Beatae Memoriae, Bench Mark, Bene Merenti…
  • NAMSB ‐ National Association of Mutual Savings Banks
  • JIDC ‐ Jamaica Industrial Development Corporation, Joint interrogation and debriefing center…