About The Word Drone

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Drone Meaning & Definition
Drone Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Drone?

[n] stingless male bee in a colony of social bees (especially honeybees) whose sole function is to mate with the queen
[n] a pipe of the bagpipe that is tuned to produce a single continuous tone
[n] an aircraft without a pilot that is operated by remote control
[n] an unchanging intonation
[n] someone who takes more time than necessary; someone who lags behind
[v] talk in a monotonous voice
[v] make a monotonous low dull sound

Synonyms | Synonyms for Drone: bourdon | dawdler | drone on | drone pipe | droning | laggard | lagger | monotone | pilotless aircraft | radio-controlled aircraft | trailer

Related Terms | Find terms related to Drone: accompaniment | alliteration | alto | array | articulation | assonance | bagpipe | bagpipes | bank | baritone | bass | basso continuo | basso ostinato | bassus | bee | beggar | birr | blubber | bombilate | bombinate | boom | bourdon | bum | bumble | bumblebee | bummer | burden | burr | buzz | cadger | canto | cantus | cantus figuratus | cantus planus | catena | catenation | chain | chain reaction | chaining | chanter | chest voice | chime | clockwork regularity | coloratura | concatenation | connection | consecution | constancy | continue the same | continuo | continuum | contralto | cornemuse | coupon clippers | course | cycle | daily round | dawdle | dawdler | descant | descent | dingdong | doodlesack | drag along | drag on | drone bass | droning | endless belt | endless round | even pace | even tenor | falsetto | figured bass | file | filiation | foot-dragger | freeloader | gabble | gamut | gibber | gibbering | goldbrick | goof-off | gradation | ground bass | harping | head voice | honeybee | hornet | hum | humdrum | idle rich | Indian file | invariability | jabber | jibber | jingle | jingle-jangle | laggard | lallygag | laze | leisure class | lie-abed | line | lineage | lingerer | loaf | loiter | loiterer | loll | lounge | lounge lizard | lumpen proletariat | maunder | maundering | mendicant | monologue | monotone | monotonousness | monotony | moocher | mouth | mouthing | mumble | mumbling | murmur | murmuring | musette | mutter | muttering | near rhyme | nexus | nonworker | orderliness | panhandler | parasite | part | pendulum | periodicity | persist | pipes | pitter-patter | plain chant | plain song | plenum | plodder | powder train | prevail | prick song | procrastinator | progression | purr | queen | queen bee | queue | range | rank | recurrence | regularity | rentiers | repeated sounds | repetitiousness | repetitiveness | reticulation | rhyme | rotation | round | routine | row | run | run through | sameliness | sameness | scale | sequence | series | single file | singsong | slant rhyme | sleepyhead | slow goer | slowbelly | slow-foot | slowpoke | slug | sluggard | smoothness | snail | sob | soprano | sordellina | speak incoherently | spectrum | spiv | splutter | sponger | sputter | stale repetition | stick-in-the-mud | string | strum | succession | susurrate | susurration | swath | tedium | tenor | the unemployable | the unemployed | thorough bass | thread | thrum | tier | tortoise | train | treadmill | treble | trot | undersong | undeviation | undifferentiation | union pipes | unnecessary repetition | unvariation | voce | voce di petto | voce di testa | voice | voice part | wasp | whir | whisper | whispering | whiz | windrow | worker | yellow jacket

See Also | bagpipe | bee | bum | do-nothing | go | heavier-than-air craft | idler | intonation | layabout | lingerer | loafer | loiterer | modulation | mouth | pipe | pipes | pitch contour | plodder | potterer | putterer | slowcoach | slowpoke | sound | speak | stick-in-the-mud | straggler | strayer | tabor pipe | talk | utter | verbalise | verbalize

Drone In Webster's Dictionary

\Drone\, n. [OE. drane a dronebee, AS. dr[=a]n; akin to OS. dr[=a]n, OHG. treno, G. drohne, Dan. drone, cf. Gr. ? a kind of wasp, dial. Gr. ? drone. Prob. named fr. the droning sound. See {Drone}, v. i.] 1. (Zo["o]l.) The male of bees, esp. of the honeybee. It gathers no honey. See {Honeybee}. All with united force combine to drive The lazy drones from the laborious hive. --Dryden. 2. One who lives on the labors of others; a lazy, idle fellow; a sluggard. By living as a drone,to be an unprofitable and unworthy member of so noble and learned a society. -- Burton. 3. That which gives out a grave or monotonous tone or dull sound; as: (a) A drum. [Obs.] Halliwell. (b) The part of the bagpipe containing the two lowest tubes, which always sound the key note and the fifth. 4. A humming or deep murmuring sound. The monotonous drone of the wheel. --Longfellow. 5. (Mus.) A monotonous bass, as in a pastoral composition.
\Drone\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Droned}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Droning}.] [Cf. (for sense 1) D. dreunen, G. dr["o]hnen, Icel. drynja to roar, drynr a roaring, Sw. dr["o]na to bellow, drone, Dan. dr["o]ne, Goth. drunjus sound, Gr. ? dirge, ? to cry aloud, Skr. dhran to sound. Cf. {Drone}, n.] 1. To utter or make a low, dull, monotonous, humming or murmuring sound. Where the beetle wheels his droning flight. --T. Gray. 2. To love in idleness; to do nothing. ``Race of droning kings.'' --Dryden.

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