About The Word Alto

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Learn about the word Alto to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Alto definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Alto Meaning & Definition
Alto Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Alto?

[n] the pitch range of the lowest female voice
[n] the highest adult male singing voice
[n] the lowest female singing voice
[n] a singer whose voice lies in the alto clef
[adj] (of a musical instrument) second highest member of a group; "alto clarinet or recorder"
[adj] of or being the highest male voice; having a range above that of tenor
[adj] of or being the lowest female voice

Synonyms | Synonyms for Alto: contralto | contralto | countertenor | countertenor | high | high-pitched | low | low-pitched

Related Terms | Find terms related to Alto: accompaniment | aria singer | baritenor | baritone | bass | basso | basso buffo | basso cantante | basso continuo | basso ostinato | basso profundo | bassus | blues singer | canary | cantatrice | canto | cantor | cantus | cantus figuratus | cantus planus | caroler | chanter | chantress | coloratura soprano | comic bass | continuo | contralto | countertenor | crooner | deep bass | descant | diva | dramatic soprano | drone | falsetto | figured bass | ground bass | head register | head tone | head voice | Heldentenor | heroic tenor | hymner | improvisator | lead singer | lieder singer | line | male alto | Meistersinger | melodist | mezzo-soprano | opera singer | part | plain chant | plain song | prick song | prima donna | psalm singer | rock-and-roll singer | singer | singstress | songbird | songster | songstress | soprano | tenor | thorough bass | torch singer | treble | undersong | vocalist | vocalizer | voice | voice part | warbler | yodeler

See Also | countertenor | low frequency | low pitch | singer | singing voice | vocaliser | vocalist | vocalizer

Alto In Webster's Dictionary

\Al"to\, n.; pl. {Altos}. [It. alto high, fr. L. altus. Cf. {Alt}.] 1. (Mus.) Formerly the part sung by the highest male, or counter-tenor, voices; now the part sung by the lowest female, or contralto, voices, between in tenor and soprano. In instrumental music it now signifies the tenor. 2. An alto singer. {Alto clef} (Mus.) the counter-tenor clef, or the C clef, placed so that the two strokes include the middle line of the staff. --Moore.

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