About The Word Wasp

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Learn about the word Wasp to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Wasp definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Wasp Meaning & Definition
Wasp Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Wasp?

[n] social or solitary hymenopterans typically having a slender body with the abdomen attached by a narrow stalk and having a formidable sting
[n] a White Protestant of Anglo-Saxon ancestry

Synonyms | Synonyms for Wasp: white Anglo-Saxon Protestant

Related Terms | Find terms related to Wasp:

See Also | Caucasian | cynipid gall wasp | cynipid wasp | gall wasp | gallfly | hymenopter | hymenopteran | hymenopteron | hymenopterous insect | Protestant | sphecoid | sphecoid wasp | vespid | vespid wasp | White | white person

Wasp In Webster's Dictionary

\Wasp\, n. [OE. waspe, AS. w[ae]ps, w[ae]fs; akin to D. wesp, G. wespe, OHG. wafsa, wefsa, Lith. vapsa gadfly, Russ. osa wasp, L. vespa, and perhaps to E. weave.] (Zo["o]l.) Any one of numerous species of stinging hymenopterous insects, esp. any of the numerous species of the genus {Vespa}, which includes the true, or social, wasps, some of which are called {yellow jackets}. Note: The social wasps make a complex series of combs, of a substance like stiff paper, often of large size, and protect them by a paperlike covering. The larv[ae] are reared in the cells of the combs, and eat insects and insect larv[ae] brought to them by the adults, but the latter feed mainly on the honey and pollen of flowers, and on the sweet juices of fruit. See Illust. in Appendix. {Digger wasp}, any one of numerous species of solitary wasps that make their nests in burrows which they dig in the ground, as the sand wasps. See {Sand wasp}, under {Sand}. {Mud wasp}. See under {Mud}. {Potter wasp}. See under {Potter}. {Wasp fly}, a species of fly resembling a wasp, but without a sting.

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