About The Word Beat

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Beat Meaning & Definition
Beat Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Beat?

[n] the act of beating to windward; sailing as close as possible to the direction from which the wind is blowing
[n] a stroke or blow; "the signal was two beats on the steam pipe"
[n] a regular rate of repetition; "the cox raised the beat"
[n] the basic rhythmic unit in a piece of music; "the piece has a fast rhythm"; "the conductor set the beat"
[n] (prosody) the accent in a metrical foot of verse
[n] the sound of stroke or blow; "he heard the beat of a drum"
[n] the rhythmic contraction and expansion of the arteries with each beat of the heart; "he could feel the beat of her heart"
[n] a regular route for a sentry or policeman; "in the old days a policeman walked a beat and knew all his people by name"
[n] a member of the beat generation; a nonconformist in dress and behavior
[n] a single pulsation of an oscillation produced by adding two waves of different frequencies; has a frequency equal to the difference between the two oscillations
[v] be a mystery or bewildering to; "This beats me!"; "Got me--I don't know the answer!"; "a vexing problem"
[v] wear out completely; "This kind of work exhausts me"; "I'm beat"; "He was all washed up after the exam"
[v] come out better in a competition, race, or conflict; "Agassi beat Becker in the tennis championship"; "We beat the competition"; "Harvard defeated Yale in the last football game"
[v] beat through cleverness and wit; "I beat the traffic"; "She outfoxed her competitors"
[v] make by pounding or trampling; "beat a path through the forest"
[v] give a beating to; subject to a beating, either as a punishment or as an act of aggression; "Thugs beat him up when he walked down the street late at night"; "The teacher used to beat the students"
[v] hit repeatedly; "beat on the door"; "beat the table with his shoe"
[v] strike (water or bushes) repeatedly to rouse animals for hunting
[v] strike (a part of one's own body) repeatedly, as in great emotion or in accompaniment to music; "beat one's breast"; "beat one's foot rhythmically"
[v] stir vigorously; "beat the egg whites"; "beat the cream"
[v] shape by beating; "beat swords into ploughshares"
[v] produce a rhythm by striking repeatedly; "beat the drum"
[v] move with or as if with a regular alternating motion; "the city pulsated with music and excitement"
[v] move rhythmically; "Her heart was beating fast"
[v] indicate by beating; as with the fingers or drumsticks; "Beat the rhythm"
[v] sail with much tacking or with difficulty; "The boat beat in the strong wind"
[v] move with a flapping motion; "The bird's wings were flapping"
[v] move with a thrashing motion; "The bird flapped its wings"; "The eagle beat its wings and soared high into the sky"
[v] glare or strike with great intensity; "The sun was beating down on us"
[v] make a rhythmic sound; "Rain drummed against the windshield"; "The drums beat all night"
[v] make a sound like a clock or a timer; "the clocks were ticking"; "the grandfather clock beat midnight"
[v] deprive somebody of something by deceit; "The con-man beat me out of $50"; "This salesman ripped us off!"; "we were cheated by their clever-sounding scheme"; "They chiseled me out of my money"
[v] be superior; "Reading beats watching television"; "This sure beats work!"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Beat: amaze | baffle | beat out | beat up | beatnik | bewilder | cadence | cheat | chisel | crush | drum | dumbfound | exhaust | flummox | get | gravel | heartbeat | measure | meter | musical rhythm | mystify | nonplus | perplex | pose | pound | pulsate | pulsation | pulse | puzzle | quiver | rhythm | rip off | round | scramble | shell | stupefy | thrum | thump | tick | ticktack | ticktock | trounce | tucker | tucker out | vanquish | vex | wash up | work over

Related Terms | Find terms related to Beat: about ship | abrade | abscond | accent | accentuation | addle | addled | aerate | agitate | air lane | Alexandrine | all in | all up with | alternation | amaze | ambit | amphibrach | amphimacer | anacrusis | anapest | andante tempo | antispast | area | arena | arrhythmia | arsis | article | at a loss | atomize | bacchius | back and fill | baffle | baffled | bailiwick | balk | bamboozle | bamboozled | bang | bar beat | barnacle | barrage | bash | baste | bastinado | baton | batter | bear away | bear off | bear the palm | bear to starboard | beat a ruffle | beat a tattoo | beat about | beat all hollow | beat hollow | beat it | beat off | beat the drum | beat time | beat to windward | beat up | beaten | beaten path | beating | beguile of | belabor | belt | best | bested | better | bicker | bilk | birch | blend | blow | bludgeon | boggle | Bohemian | bone-weary | border | borderland | bout | box off | bray | break | breakaway | brecciate | bring about | bring round | broke | bruise | budget of news | buffalo | buffaloed | buffet | bunco | bung | bung up | bureaucracy | bureaucratism | burn | burn out | bushed | busted | cadence | cadency | caesura | cane | cant | cant round | cast | cast about | catalexis | change course | change the heading | chase | cheat | chinoiserie | chisel | chloriamb | chloriambus | chouse | chouse out of | churn | churn up | circle | circuit | circumvent | clobber | close-haul | clout | club | cog | cog the dice | colon | comb | come about | comminute | compound time | con | confound | confounded | conquer | contriturate | contuse | convulse | copy | count | count the beats | counterpoint | course | cowhide | cozen | cream | cretic | crib | crumb | crumble | crush | cudgel | curry | cut | cycle | cyclicalness | dactyl | dactylic hexameter | daily grind | dance | dash | daze | dazed | dead | dead-and-alive | deadbeat | dead-tired | debilitate | defeat | defeated | defraud | demesne | depart | department | destroy | diaeresis | diastole | diddle | dimeter | din | ding | dipody | disappoint | disarrange | discipline | discomfited | discompose | disintegrate | disquiet | disturb | do | do in | do out of | do up | dochmiac | dog | dog-tired | dog-weary | domain | dominion | done | done for | done in | done up | double a point | down | downbeat | drained | drive | drive away | drive off | drub | drum | drum music | drumbeat | drumfire | drumming | duff | dump | duple time | elegiac | elegiac couplet | elegiac pentameter | emphasis | enervate | epitrite | euchre | exceed | excel | excite | exclusive | exhaust | exhausted | fag | fag out | fagged | fagged out | falcon | fallen | far out | fashion | fatigue | fatigued | feminine caesura | ferment | fetch about | field | finagle | fix | fixed | flag | flagellate | flail | flam | flap | flat | flat broke | fleece | flick | flicker | flight path | flimflam | flip | flit | flitter | flog | floor | floored | flop | flour | flurry | flush | flutter | foam | fob | foil | follow the hounds | foot | forage | forge | form | fowl | fragment | frazzle | free and easy | freeloader | fret | fringy | froth | fuddle | fuddled | fudge | full circle | fustigate | get | give a whipping | give the stick | go about | go hunting | go pitapat | gone | gouge | grain | granulate | granulize | grate | grind | grind to powder | groove | grub | gull | gun | gutter | gybe | gyp | hammer | harass | have | hawk | heartbeat | heartthrob | heave round | hemisphere | heptameter | heptapody | heretical | heroic couplet | heterodox | hexameter | hexapody | hide | hippie | hit the road | hocus | hocus-pocus | hors de combat | horsewhip | hound | hunt | hunt down | iamb | iambic | iambic pentameter | ictus | in a dilemma | in suspense | informal | intermittence | intermittency | ionic | itinerary | jack | jacklight | jade | jibe | jibe all standing | jingle | jog trot | judicial circuit | jurisdiction | keep in suspense | keep time | kinky | knock | knock out | knock up | knocked out | knout | lace | lam | lambaste | lap | largo | larrup | lash | lather | lathered | lay on | leave | leech | level of stress | levigate | lick | licked | lilt | line | loop | luff | luff up | make | manhandle | mantle | march | march tempo | masculine caesura | mash | master | maul | maverick | maze | measure | meter | metrical accent | metrical foot | metrical group | metrical unit | metrics | metron | mill | miss stays | mix | mixed times | molossus | mora | mould | movement | muddle | muddled | mulct | muss up | mystified | mystify | news item | nonplus | nonplussed | not cricket | not done | not kosher | number | numbers | offbeat | on tenterhooks | on the skids | oofless | orb | orbit | original | oscillation | outclass | outdo | outdone | outfight | outgeneral | outmaneuver | outpoint | outrun | outsail | outshine | outstrip | overborne | overcome | overfatigue | overmastered | overmatched | overpowered | overreach | overridden | overstrain | overthrown | overtire | overturned | overweary | overwhelm | overwhelmed | pack the deal | paddle | paeon | pale | palpitate | palpitation | panicked | pant | paradiddle | parasite | paste | path | patter | pelt | pendulum motion | pentameter | pentapody | period | periodicalness | periodicity | perplex | perplexed | perturb | perturbate | pestle | piece | pigeon | pinch | pistol-whip | piston motion | pitapat | pitter-patter | play drum | played out | ply | pommel | poop | poop out | pooped | pooped out | pound | pounding | powder | practice fraud upon | precinct | presto | prevail | prevail over | primary stress | primrose path | proceleusmatic | prosodics | prosody | prostrate | province | prowl after | pulsate | pulsation | pulse | pulverize | pummel | put | put about | put back | put to rout | puzzle | puzzled | pyrrhic | quantity | quiver | rag | ragtime | rake | ransack | rap | rataplan | rat-a-tat | rat-tat | rat-tat-tat | rattattoo | rawhide | ready to drop | realm | reappearance | recurrence | red tape | red-tapeism | reduce to powder | regular wave motion | reoccurrence | return | revolution | rhyme | rhythm | rhythmic pattern | rhythmical stress | ride to hounds | rile | ripple | rise above | road | roil | roll | rook | rotation | rough up | roughen | round | round a point | round trip | rounds | rout | route | routed | routine | rub-a-dub | rubato | ruff | ruffle | ruin | ruined | rummage | rumple | run | run away | run off | rut | sail fine | scam | scattered | scoop | scourge | screw | scrunch | scum | sea lane | search | seasonality | secondary stress | sell gold bricks | series | settle | settled | sextuple time | shake | shake up | shape | shard | shave | sheer | shellac | shift | shikar | shoot | shortchange | shortcut | shred | silenced | simple time | skin | skin alive | skinned | skinned alive | slat | sledgehammer | slew | smash | smear | smell-feast | smite | smother | sound a tattoo | spank | spatter | spell | spent | sphere | splatter | splutter | spondee | sponge | sponger | sport | spot news | sprung rhythm | spume | sputter | squash | squirrel cage | staccato | stack the cards | stalk | stampeded | start | stick | still-hunt | sting | stir | stir up | stone-broke | stony | story | strap | strapped | stress | stress accent | stress pattern | strike | stripe | stroke | stuck | stump | stumped | subdiscipline | subdue | sud | suds | surmount | surpass | swerve | swindle | swing | swing round | swing the stern | swinge | swirl | switch | syncopation | syncope | systole | syzygy | tack | take a dive | tan | tap | tat-tat | tattoo | tempo | tempo rubato | tertiary stress | tetrameter | tetrapody | tetraseme | thesis | thimblerig | thrash | three-quarter time | thresh | throb | throbbing | throw | throw a fight | throw about | thrown | thrum | thump | thumping | thwart | tick | ticktock | time | time pattern | timing | tire | tire out | tire to death | tired out | tired to death | tom-tom | top | touch the wind | tour | track | trade route | trail | traject | trajectory | trajet | trample | transcend | tread | treadmill | tribrach | trim | trimeter | trimmed | triple time | triplet | tripody | triseme | triturate | triumph | triumph over | trochee | trouble | trounce | trounced | truncheon | tucker | tuckered out | turn | turn back | two-four time | unconventional | undo | undone | undulation | unfashionable | unorthodox | upbeat | upset | use up | used up | vanquish | veer | victimize | waggle | walk | wallop | waltz time | washed-up | wave | waver | way out | weak stress | weaken | wear | wear down | wear on | wear out | wear ship | weary | weary unto death | well-worn groove | whack | whacked | whale | wheel | whelmed | whip | whip up | whipped | whisk | whop | wilt | win | wind | wiped out | work up | worn out | worn-out | worst | worsted | yaw

See Also | agitate | backbeat | baste | bastinado | bat | bate | batter | be | beat generation | beat out | beatniks | beats | bedevil | beetle | befuddle | beguile | belabor | belabour | best | bilk | bunco | cane | cheat | checkmate | chicane | chouse | clap | clobber | clobber | coldcock | common measure | common meter | commove | con | confound | confuse | cozen | cream | create | deceive | deck | defeat | defraud | delude | diastole | diddle | discombobulate | displace | disturb | downbeat | drub | dump | eliminate | elude | escape | exceed | fag | fag out | fatigue | figure out | flail | flail | flap | fleece | flog | floor | flutter | foot | forge | form | fox | frazzle | fuddle | gazump | get the jump | glare | go | goldbrick | gyp | hammer | hammer | hit | hoodwink | hook | immobilise | immobilize | itinerary | jade | jockey | juggle | kayo | knock cold | knock down | knock out | lam | lambast | lambaste | larrup | lash | lather | lead on | lick | lick | make | mate | metrical foot | metrical unit | mix up | mold | mop up | mould | move | mulct | musical time | nobble | nonconformist | oscillation | outdo | outfight | outflank | outgo | outmatch | outplay | outpoint | outscore | outstrip | outwear | overcharge | overcome | overmaster | overpower | overwhelm | pace | paddle | palpitate | paste | path | periodic event | pip | pistol-whip | play | play | pluck | plume | poetic rhythm | pounding | prosody | puzzle out | puzzle over | rack up | raise up | rate | recurrent event | recusant | rhythmic pattern | riddle | rob | rook | rough up | rout | route | sail | sailing | scam | scansion | scoop | screw | shaft | shake up | shape | slash | soak | soak | solve | sound | sound | spank | spreadeagle | spread-eagle | stagger | stir up | strap | strike | stroke | strong-arm | stump | surcharge | surmount | surpass | swindle | syncopation | systole | tap out | thrash | thrash | thrash | thresh | thresh | throb | throbbing | throw | thump out | tire | tire out | trample | tread | trounce | trump | upbeat | vex | vibration | victimise | victimize | wear | wear down | wear out | wear upon | weary | welsh | welt | whang | whip | whip | whipsaw | whisk | whomp | win | work | work | work out | worst

Beat In Webster's Dictionary

\Beat\, v. t. [imp. {Beat}; p. p. {Beat}, {Beaten}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Beating}.] [OE. beaten, beten, AS. be['a]tan; akin to Icel. bauta, OHG. b?zan. Cf. 1st {Butt}, {Button}.] 1. To strike repeatedly; to lay repeated blows upon; as, to beat one's breast; to beat iron so as to shape it; to beat grain, in order to force out the seeds; to beat eggs and sugar; to beat a drum. Thou shalt beat some of it [spices] very small. --Ex. xxx. 36. They did beat the gold into thin plates. --Ex. xxxix. 3. 2. To punish by blows; to thrash. 3. To scour or range over in hunting, accompanied with the noise made by striking bushes, etc., for the purpose of rousing game. To beat the woods, and rouse the bounding prey. --Prior. 4. To dash against, or strike, as with water or wind. A frozen continent . . . beat with perpetual storms. --Milton. 5. To tread, as a path. Pass awful gulfs, and beat my painful way. --Blackmore. 6. To overcome in a battle, contest, strife, race, game, etc.; to vanquish or conquer; to surpass. He beat them in a bloody battle. --Prescott. For loveliness, it would be hard to beat that. --M. Arnold. 7. To cheat; to chouse; to swindle; to defraud; -- often with out. [Colloq.] 8. To exercise severely; to perplex; to trouble. Why should any one . . . beat his head about the Latin grammar who does not intend to be a critic? --Locke. 9. (Mil.) To give the signal for, by beat of drum; to sound by beat of drum; as, to beat an alarm, a charge, a parley, a retreat; to beat the general, the reveille, the tattoo. See {Alarm}, {Charge}, {Parley}, etc. {To beat down}, to haggle with (any one) to secure a lower price; to force down. [Colloq.] {To beat into}, to teach or instill, by repetition. {To beat off}, to repel or drive back. {To beat out}, to extend by hammering. {To beat out of} a thing, to cause to relinquish it, or give it up. ``Nor can anything beat their posterity out of it to this day.'' --South. {To beat the dust}. (Man.) (a) To take in too little ground with the fore legs, as a horse. (b) To perform curvets too precipitately or too low. {To beat the hoof}, to walk; to go on foot. {To beat the wing}, to flutter; to move with fluttering agitation. {To beat time}, to measure or regulate time in music by the motion of the hand or foot. {To beat up}, to attack suddenly; to alarm or disturb; as, to beat up an enemy's quarters. Syn: To strike; pound; bang; buffet; maul; drub; thump; baste; thwack; thrash; pommel; cudgel; belabor; conquer; defeat; vanquish; overcome.
\Beat\, v. i. 1. To strike repeatedly; to inflict repeated blows; to knock vigorously or loudly. The men of the city . . . beat at the door. --Judges. xix. 22. 2. To move with pulsation or throbbing. A thousand hearts beat happily. --Byron. 3. To come or act with violence; to dash or fall with force; to strike anything, as, rain, wind, and waves do. Sees rolling tempests vainly beat below. --Dryden. They [winds] beat at the crazy casement. --Longfellow. The sun beat upon the head of Jonah, that he fainted, and wisbed in himself to die. --Jonah iv. 8. Public envy seemeth to beat chiefly upon ministers. --Bacon. 4. To be in agitation or doubt. [Poetic] To still my beating mind. --Shak. 5. (Naut.) To make progress against the wind, by sailing in a zigzag line or traverse. 6. To make a sound when struck; as, the drums beat. 7. (Mil.) To make a succession of strokes on a drum; as, the drummers beat to call soldiers to their quarters. 8. (Acoustics & Mus.) To sound with more or less rapid alternations of greater and less intensity, so as to produce a pulsating effect; -- said of instruments, tones, or vibrations, not perfectly in unison. {A beating wind} (Naut.), a wind which necessitates tacking in order to make progress. {To beat about}, to try to find; to search by various means or ways. --Addison. {To beat about the bush}, to approach a subject circuitously. {To beat up and down} (Hunting), to run first one way and then another; -- said of a stag. {To beat up for recruits}, to go diligently about in order to get helpers or participators in an enterprise.
\Beat\, n. 1. A stroke; a blow. He, with a careless beat, Struck out the mute creation at a heat. --Dryden. 2. A recurring stroke; a throb; a pulsation; as, a beat of the heart; the beat of the pulse. 3. (Mus.) (a) The rise or fall of the hand or foot, marking the divisions of time; a division of the measure so marked. In the rhythm of music the beat is the unit. (b) A transient grace note, struck immediately before the one it is intended to ornament. 4. (Acoustics & Mus.) A sudden swelling or re["e]nforcement of a sound, recurring at regular intervals, and produced by the interference of sound waves of slightly different periods of vibrations; applied also, by analogy, to other kinds of wave motions; the pulsation or throbbing produced by the vibrating together of two tones not quite in unison. See {Beat}, v. i., 8. 5. A round or course which is frequently gone over; as, a watchman's beat. 6. A place of habitual or frequent resort. 7. A cheat or swindler of the lowest grade; -- often emphasized by dead; as, a dead beat. [Low] {Beat of drum} (Mil.), a succession of strokes varied, in different ways, for particular purposes, as to regulate a march, to call soldiers to their arms or quarters, to direct an attack, or retreat, etc. {Beat of a watch}, or {clock}, the stroke or sound made by the action of the escapement. A clock is in beat or out of beat, according as the strokes is at equal or unequal intervals.
\Beat\, a. Weary; tired; fatigued; exhausted. [Colloq.] Quite beat, and very much vexed and disappointed. --Dickens.
\Beat\, n. 1. One that beats, or surpasses, another or others; as, the beat of him. [Colloq.] 2. The act of one that beats a person or thing; as: (a) (Newspaper Cant) The act of obtaining and publishing a piece of news by a newspaper before its competitors; also, the news itself; a scoop. It's a beat on the whole country. --Scribner's Mag. (b) (Hunting) The act of scouring, or ranging over, a tract of land to rouse or drive out game; also, those so engaged, collectively. ``Driven out in the course of a beat.'' --Encyc. of Sport. Bears coming out of holes in the rocks at the last moment, when the beat is close to them. --Encyc. of Sport. (c) (Fencing) A smart tap on the adversary's blade.

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Crossword Dictionary