About The Word Mulct

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Learn about the word Mulct to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Mulct definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Mulct Meaning & Definition
Mulct Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Mulct?

[n] money extracted as a penalty
[v] impose a fine on
[v] deprive of by deceit; "He swindled me out of my inheritance"; "She defrauded the customers who trusted her"; "the cashier gypped me when he gave me too little change"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Mulct: amercement | bunco | con | defraud | diddle | fine | fine | goldbrick | gyp | nobble | rook | scam | swindle | victimize

Related Terms | Find terms related to Mulct: amerce | amercement | beat | beguile of | bilk | bleed | bunco | burn | cheat | chisel | chouse | chouse out of | claim | cog | cog the dice | con | cozen | crib | damages | defraud | demand | diddle | distrain | distraint | distress | do in | do out of | escheat | escheatment | estreat | euchre | exact | finagle | fine | flam | fleece | flimflam | fob | forfeit | forfeiture | fudge | gouge | gull | gyp | have | hocus | hocus-pocus | levy a distress | milk | pack the deal | penalty | pigeon | practice fraud upon | require | rook | scam | sconce | screw | sell gold bricks | shave | shortchange | stack the cards | stick | sting | sweat | swindle | take a dive | thimblerig | throw a fight | victimize

See Also | beat | cheat | chisel | impose | levy | library fine | penalty | rip off | short | short-change

Mulct In Webster's Dictionary

\Mulct\, n. [L. mulcta, multa.] 1. A fine or penalty, esp. a pecuniary punishment or penalty. 2. A blemish or defect. [Obs.] Syn: Amercement; forfeit; forfeiture; penalty.
\Mulct\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Mulcted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Mulcting}.] [L. mulctare, multare.] 1. To punish for an offense or misdemeanor by imposing a fine or forfeiture, esp. a pecuniary fine; to fine. 2. Hence, to deprive of; to withhold by way of punishment or discipline. [Obs.]

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