About The Word Con-

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Learn about the word Con- to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Con- definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Con- Meaning & Definition
Con- Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Con-?

[n] a swindle in which you cheat at gambling or persuade a person to buy worthless property
[n] an argument opposed to a proposal
[n] a person serving a prison sentence
[adv] on the negative side; "much was written pro and con"
[v] commit to memory; learn by heart; "Have you memorized your lines for the play yet?"
[v] deprive of by deceit; "He swindled me out of my inheritance"; "She defrauded the customers who trusted her"; "the cashier gypped me when he gave me too little change"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Con-: bunco | bunco | bunco game | bunko | bunko game | con game | confidence game | confidence trick | convict | defraud | diddle | flimflam | gaolbird | goldbrick | gyp | gyp | hustle | in opposition | inmate | jailbird | learn | memorise | memorize | mulct | nobble | rook | scam | sting | swindle | victimize

Related Terms | Find terms related to Con-: adversary | adversative | adverse | against | alien | antagonistic | anti | antipathetic | antithetic | argue into | argument | argumentum | aye | beat | beguile of | bilk | bone | bring over | bring round | bring to reason | bunco | burn | cageling | captivate | captive | case | chain gang | charm | cheat | chisel | chouse | chouse out of | clashing | cog | cog the dice | commit to memory | competitive | conflicting | cons | consideration | contemplate | contradictory | contrary | convict | convince | counter | cozen | crib | cross | defraud | detenu | diddle | dig | disaccordant | disappointed | disapprobatory | disapproving | discontented | disenchanted | disgruntled | disillusioned | displeased | dissatisfied | dissentient | dissenting | do in | do out of | draw over | drill | elenchus | elucubrate | enemy | euchre | examine | ex-convict | finagle | flam | fleece | flimflam | fob | fractious | fudge | gain | gain over | gaolbird | get by heart | get letter-perfect | go over | gouge | grind | gull | gyp | have | have by heart | hocus | hocus-pocus | hook | hook in | hostile | ignoratio elenchi | indignant | inimical | interest | internee | jailbird | know by heart | learn by heart | learn verbatim | lifer | low | lucubrate | memorize | mulct | nay | negative | no | noncooperative | obstinate | opponent | opposed | opposing | opposite | oppositional | oppositive | oppugnant | outtalk | overthwart | pack the deal | parolee | parrot | persuade | peruse | perverse | pigeon | plaidoyer | plea | pleading | plunge into | political prisoner | poor | pore over | POW | practice | practice fraud upon | prevail on | prevail upon | prevail with | prisoner | prisoner of war | pro | pros | pros and cons | read | reason | recalcitrant | recite | refractory | refutation | regard studiously | repeat | repeat by heart | repugnant | restudy | review | rival | rook | scam | screw | sell | sell gold bricks | sell one on | shave | shortchange | side | special pleading | stack the cards | stick | sting | stir bird | study | sway | swindle | swot | swot up | take a dive | talk into | talk over | talking point | the affirmative | the negative | thimblerig | throw a fight | ticket-of-leave man | ticket-of-leaver | trusty | turned-off | unappreciative | unapproving | uncomplimentary | uncooperative | unfavorable | unfriendly | unhappy | unpropitious | vet | victimize | wade through | wangle | wangle into | wear down | win | win over

See Also | alternate | argument | beat | captive | cheat | cheat | chisel | hit the books | lifer | prisoner | rig | rip off | short | short-change | statement | study | swindle | understudy

Con- In Webster's Dictionary

\Con-\ A prefix, fr. L. cum, signifying with, together, etc. See {Com-}.
\Con\, adv. [Abbrev. from L. contra against.] Against the affirmative side; in opposition; on the negative side; -- The antithesis of pro, and usually in connection with it. See {Pro}.
\Con\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Conned}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Conning}.] [AS. cunnan to know, be able, and (derived from this) cunnian to try, test. See {Can}, v. t. & i.] 1. To know; to understand; to acknowledge. [Obs.] Of muses, Hobbinol, I con no skill. --Spenser. They say they con to heaven the highway. --Spenser. 2. To study in order to know; to peruse; to learn; to commit to memory; to regard studiously. Fixedly did look Upon the muddy waters which he conned As if he had been reading in a book. --Wordsworth. I did not come into Parliament to con my lesson. --Burke. {To con answer}, to be able to answer. [Obs.] {To con thanks}, to thank; to acknowledge obligation. [Obs.] --Shak.
\Con\, v. t. [See {Cond}.] (Naut.) To conduct, or superintend the steering of (a vessel); to watch the course of (a vessel) and direct the helmsman how to steer.

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