About The Word Crush

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Learn about the word Crush to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Crush definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Crush Meaning & Definition
Crush Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Crush?

[n] the act of crushing
[n] temporary love of an adolescent
[n] a dense crowd of people
[n] leather that has had its grain pattern accentuated
[v] become injured, broken, or distorted by pressure; "The plastic bottle crushed against the wall"
[v] break into small pieces; "The car crushed the toy"
[v] come out better in a competition, race, or conflict; "Agassi beat Becker in the tennis championship"; "We beat the competition"; "Harvard defeated Yale in the last football game"
[v] make ineffective; "Martin Luther King tried to break down racial discrimination"
[v] crush or bruise; "jam a toe"
[v] to compress with violence, out of natural shape or condition; "crush an aluminum can"; "squeeze a lemon"
[v] humiliate or depress completely; "She was crushed by his refusal of her invitation"
[v] come down on or keep down by unjust use of one's authority; "The government oppresses political activists"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Crush: beat | beat out | break down | calf love | compaction | crunch | crushed leather | demolish | infatuation | jam | jam | mash | oppress | press | puppy love | shell | squash | squeeze | squelch | suppress | trounce | vanquish

Related Terms | Find terms related to Crush: abase | abash | abolish | abrade | affection | afflict | aggrieve | anguish | annihilate | answer | answer conclusively | argue down | army | asphyxiate | atomize | batter | bear | bear down | beat | beat down | bellyful | beloved | beloved object | bend | blot out | bottle up | bray | break | break down | break into pieces | break to pieces | break up | brecciate | bring down | bring low | bring to tears | bring to terms | bruise | buck | bumper | butter | calf love | capacity | case | cataplasm | censor | charge | chew | choke off | clamp | clamp down on | clamping | clamping down | cluster | cohue | comminute | complement | compress | compression | confound | confute | conquer | contradict | contriturate | controvert | contuse | cork | cork up | crack down on | cram | crash | crease | crinkle | crowd | crumb | crumble | crumple | crunch | cut to pieces | cut up | damp down | darling | dash | dear | dear one | dearly beloved | debase | defeat | degrade | deluge | demean | demolish | demoralize | dental pulp | deny | depress | desolate | destroy | devastate | diffuse | diminish | disgrace | disintegrate | dismiss | disperse | dispose of | disrupt | draw tears | drove | drown | dump | dump on | embarrass | embitter | ensphere | express | extinguish | fell | fill | finish | fission | flatten | flock | flood | floor | flour | fondness | fragment | full house | full measure | gag | galaxy | grain | granulate | granulize | grate | grieve | grind | grind to powder | gust | gusto | heap | hold down | horde | host | humble | humiliate | infatuation | inundate | jam | jam up | jump on | keep down | keep under | kill | knock down | lading | legion | levigate | light of love | likes | liking | load | love | loved one | lower | macerate | maim | make mincemeat of | mangle | mash | mass | master | masticate | mill | mince | mob | mortify | mouthful | multitude | mush | muzzle | nip | nonplus | obliterate | oppress | overcome | overmaster | overpower | override | overthrow | overturn | overwhelm | panoply | paper pulp | parry | pash | passing fancy | passion | paste | pestle | pinch | pith | plaster | porridge | poultice | pound | pour water on | powder | press | pressure | prostrate | psych out | pudding | pulp | pulp lead | pulpify | pulpwood | pulverize | puppy love | push | put down | put to silence | quash | quell | quench | rabble | rag pulp | rebut | reduce | reduce to powder | reduce to silence | refute | relish | repress | ride down | rout | ruck | ruin | rumple | sauce | scatter | scrunch | set down | settle | shake | shame | shard | shatter | shiver | shred | shut down on | shut up | silence | sit down on | sit on | skinful | smash | smash all opposition | smash up | smother | snootful | sorrow | spate | splinter | sponge | squab | squash | squeeze | squeezing | squelch | squish | stanch | stifle | strangle | stultify | subdue | subjugate | subvert | suffocate | sulfate pulp | sulfite pulp | suppress | take down | taste | thrash | throng | throttle | tighten | tightening | torment | trample down | trample underfoot | tread underfoot | trip up | triturate | truelove | tweak | tyrannize | unbrace | undermine | undo | unman | unnerve | unstring | upset | vanquish | wad up | weakness | well-beloved | white lead | wood pulp | wreck | wrinkle

See Also | abase | alter | bat | best | break | break up | bruise | bruise | chagrin | change | cheat | checkmate | chicane | chouse | clobber | come apart | compressing | compression | contuse | crowd | defeat | drub | eliminate | exceed | fall apart | fragment | fragmentise | fragmentize | get the jump | grind | humble | humiliate | immobilise | immobilize | jockey | keep down | leather | lick | love | mate | mill | mop up | mortify | outdo | outfight | outflank | outgo | outmatch | outplay | outpoint | outscore | outstrip | overcome | overmaster | overpower | overwhelm | pip | press | pulverisation | pulverization | quash | rack up | reduce | repress | rout | scoop | screw | separate | shaft | snarl-up | split up | spreadeagle | spread-eagle | stamp | steamroller | subdue | subjugate | surmount | surpass | telescope | thrash | traffic jam | tread | trump | whip | whomp | win | worst | wring

Crush In Webster's Dictionary

\Crush\ (kr?sh), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Crushed} (kr?sht); p. pr. & vb. n. {Crushing}.] [OE. cruschen, crousshen, Of. cruisir, croissir, fr. LL. cruscire, prob. of Ger. origin, from a derivative of the word seen in Goth. kruistan to gnash; akin to Sw. krysta to squeeze, Dan. kryste, Icel. kreysta.] 1. To press or bruise between two hard bodies; to squeeze, so as to destroy the natural shape or integrity of the parts, or to force together into a mass; as, to crush grapes. Ye shall not offer unto the Lord that which is bruised, or crushed, or broken, or cut. --Lev. xxii. 24. The ass . . . thrust herself unto the wall, and crushed Balaam's foot against the wall. --Num. xxii. 25. 2. To reduce to fine particles by pounding or grinding; to comminute; as, to crush quartz. 3. To overwhelm by pressure or weight; to beat or force down, as by an incumbent weight. To crush the pillars which the pile sustain. --Dryden. Truth, crushed to earth, shall rise again. --Bryant. 4. To oppress or burden grievously. Thou shalt be only oppressed and crushed alway. --Deut. xxviii. 33. 5. To overcome completely; to subdue totally. Speedily overtaking and crushing the rebels. --Sir. W. Scott. {To crush a cup}, to drink. [Obs.] {To crush out}. (a) To force out or separate by pressure, as juice from grapes. (b) To overcome or destroy completely; to suppress.
\Crush\ (kr?sh), v. i. To be or become broken down or in, or pressed into a smaller compass, by external weight or force; as, an eggshell crushes easily.
\Crush\, n. 1. A violent collision or compression; a crash; destruction; ruin. The wreck of matter, and the crush of worlds. --Addison. 2. Violent pressure, as of a crowd; a crowd which produced uncomfortable pressure; as, a crush at a peception. {Crush hat}, a hat which collapses, and can be carried under the arm, and when expanded is held in shape by springs; hence, any hat not injured by compressing. {Crush room}, a large room in a theater, opera house, etc., where the audience may promenade or converse during the intermissions; a foyer. Politics leave very little time for the bow window at White's in the day, or for the crush room of the opera at night. --Macaulay.

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