About The Word Afflict

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Learn about the word Afflict to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Afflict definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Afflict Meaning & Definition
Afflict Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Afflict?

[v] cause bodily suffering to
[v] cause pain or suffering in; "afflict with the plague"; "That debasement of the verbal currency that afflicts terms used in advertisement"
[v] cause great unhappiness for; distress; "she was afflicted by the death of her parents"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Afflict: ail | pain | smite | trouble

Related Terms | Find terms related to Afflict: abuse | affect | aggrieve | agitate | agonize | ail | anguish | annoy | befoul | bewitch | bite | blight | bother | break down | bring to tears | burden | burn | chafe | condemn | convulse | corrupt | crucify | crush | curse | cut | cut up | damage | debilitate | defile | deprave | derange | desolate | despoil | destroy | devitalize | disable | disadvantage | discomfort | disorder | disquiet | disserve | distress | disturb | do a mischief | do evil | do ill | do wrong | do wrong by | doom | draw tears | embitter | enervate | enfeeble | envenom | excruciate | fester | fret | gall | get into trouble | give pain | gnaw | grate | grieve | grind | gripe | harass | harm | harrow | harry | hex | hospitalize | hurt | impair | incapacitate | indispose | infect | inflame | inflict pain | injure | inundate | invalid | irk | irritate | jinx | kill by inches | lacerate | lay up | load with care | maltreat | martyr | martyrize | menace | mistreat | molest | nip | oppress | outrage | overwhelm | pain | persecute | perturb | pester | pierce | pinch | plague | play havoc with | play hob with | poison | pollute | prejudice | press | prick | prolong the agony | prostrate | put to it | put to torture | rack | rankle | rasp | reduce | rub | savage | scathe | sicken | smite | sorrow | stab | sting | strike | taint | threaten | torment | torture | trouble | try | tweak | twist | upset | vex | violate | weaken | worry | wound | wreak havoc on | wring | wrong

See Also | aggrieve | blight | break out | damage | disagree with | discomfit | discompose | disconcert | erupt | grieve | hurt | plague | recrudesce | strain | stress | tribulate | try | untune | upset | visit

Afflict In Webster's Dictionary

\Af*flict"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Afflicted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Afflicting}.] [L. afflictus, p. p. of affigere to cast down, deject; ad + fligere to strike: cf. OF. aflit, afflict, p. p. Cf. {Flagellate}.] 1. To strike or cast down; to overthrow. [Obs.] ``Reassembling our afflicted powers.'' --Milton. 2. To inflict some great injury or hurt upon, causing continued pain or mental distress; to trouble grievously; to torment. They did set over them taskmasters to afflict them with their burdens. --Exod. i. 11. That which was the worst now least afflicts me. --Milton. 3. To make low or humble. [Obs.] --Spenser. Men are apt to prefer a prosperous error before an afflicted truth. --Jer. Taylor. Syn: To trouble; grieve; pain; distress; harass; torment; wound; hurt.
\Af*flict"\, p. p. & a. [L. afflictus, p. p.] Afflicted. [Obs.] --Becon.

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