About The Word Mince

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Learn about the word Mince to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Mince definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Mince Meaning & Definition
Mince Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Mince?

[n] food chopped into small bits; "a mince of mushrooms"
[v] make less severe or harsh; "He moderated his tone when the students burst out in tears"
[v] cut into small pieces; "mince the garlic"
[v] walk daintily

Synonyms | Synonyms for Mince: moderate | soften

Related Terms | Find terms related to Mince: allow for | amble | aspic | atomize | barbecue | barge | boiled meat | bouilli | bowl along | break into pieces | break to pieces | break up | bridle | bundle | civet | clump | color | crash | croak | crunch | crush | cut to pieces | demolish | diffuse | diminish | disperse | disrupt | drag | drawl | droop | ease | extenuate | fission | flesh | flounce | foot | footslog | forcemeat | fragment | gait | gallop | game | gloss over | grind | hachis | halt | hash | hippety-hop | hitch | hobble | hop | ignore | jerky | jog | joint | jolt | jugged hare | jump | lessen | limp | lisp | lock step | lumber | lunge | lurch | make allowance for | make mincemeat of | meat | menue viande | mince it | mincing steps | mitigate | pace | paddle | palliate | peg | pemmican | piaffe | piaffer | plod | pot roast | prance | prink | pulverize | quaver | rack | roast | roll | sashay | saunter | sausage meat | scatter | scrapple | scuff | scuffle | scuttle | shake | shamble | shatter | shiver | shuffle | sidle | simper | single-foot | skip | slink | slither | slog | slouch | slowness | slur over | smash | smash up | smirk | soften | soft-pedal | splinter | squash | squish | stagger | stalk | stamp | step | stomp | straddle | straggle | stride | stroll | strolling gait | strut | stump | swagger | swing | talk incoherently | tittup | toddle | totter | traipse | tread | trip | trot | trudge | varnish | velocity | venison | viande | waddle | walk | wamble | whitewash | wiggle | wobble

See Also | aliment | alimentation | alter | change | chop | chop up | nourishment | nutriment | nutrition | sustenance | victuals | walk

Mince In Webster's Dictionary

\Mince\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Minced}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Minging}.] [AS. minsian to grow less, dwindle, fr. min small; akin to G. minder less, Goth. minniza less, mins less, adv., L. minor, adj. (cf. {Minor}); or more likely fr. F. mincer to mince, prob. from (assumed) LL. minutiare. ????. See {Minish}.] 1. To cut into very small pieces; to chop fine; to hash; as, to mince meat. --Bacon. 2. To suppress or weaken the force of; to extenuate; to palliate; to tell by degrees, instead of directly and frankly; to clip, as words or expressions; to utter half and keep back half of. I know no ways to mince it in love, but directly to say -- ``I love you.'' --Shak. Siren, now mince the sin, And mollify damnation with a phrase. --Dryden. If, to mince his meaning, I had either omitted some part of what he said, or taken from the strength of his expression, I certainly had wronged him. --Dryden. 3. To affect; to make a parade of. [R.] --Shak.
\Mince\, v. i. 1. To walk with short steps; to walk in a prim, affected manner. The daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with stretched forth necks and wanton eyes, . . . mincing as they go. --Is. iii. 16. I 'll . . . turn two mincing steps Into a manly stride. --Shak. 2. To act or talk with affected nicety; to affect delicacy in manner.
\Mince\, n. A short, precise step; an affected manner.

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