About The Word Break-up

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Break-up Meaning & Definition
Break-up Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Break-up?

[v] laugh unrestrainedly
[v] separate into constituent elements or parts, as of chemical substances
[v] cause to separate; "break up kidney stones"; "disperse particles"
[v] break or cause to break into pieces; "The plate fragmented"; "I don't want to break up the group"
[v] terminate (legally); "Their marriage dissolved"
[v] close at the end of a session; "The court adjourned"
[v] cause to go into a solution; "The recipe says that we should dissolve a cup of sugar in two cups of water"
[v] make a break in; "We interrupt the program for the following messages"
[v] release ice; of icebergs or glaciers
[v] take apart into its constituent pieces
[v] attack with or as if with a pickaxe of ice or rocky ground, for example; "Pick open the ice"
[v] set or keep apart; "sever a relationship"
[v] break violently or noisily; smash;
[v] destroy the completeness of a set of related items; "The book dealer would not break the set"
[v] suffer a nervous breakdown
[v] come apart
[v] to cause to separate and go in different directions, of crowds, for example; "She waved her hand and scattered the crows."
[v] discontinue an association or relation; go different ways; "The business partners broke over a tax question"; "The couple separated after 25 years of marriage"; "My friend and I split up"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Break-up: adjourn | break | break | break apart | break apart | break down | calve | collapse | crack | crack up | crack up | crash | crock up | cut off | decompose | disassemble | dismantle | dispel | disperse | disperse | disrupt | dissipate | dissolve | fragment | fragmentise | fragmentize | interrupt | part | pick | recess | resolve | scatter | scatter | separate | sever | split | split up | take apart

Related Terms | Find terms related to Break-up: ablate | accommodate | adapt | adjust | alter | ameliorate | amuse | analyze | anatomize | assay | atomize | be in stitches | beguile | better | bite the dust | break | break down | break into pieces | break open | break to pieces | burst | burst into laughter | burst out | burst out laughing | burst with laughter | bust a gut | cachinnate | cackle | canker | change | chortle | chuckle | come apart | come to dust | come unstuck | consume | convert | convulse | corrode | corrupt | crack | crack up | crash | crow | crumble | crumble into dust | crumble to dust | crunch | crush | cut to pieces | deactivate | debrief | decay | decompose | deform | delight | demob | demobilize | demolish | denature | detach | differ | differentiate | diffuse | disband | discharge | disintegrate | disjoin | disjoint | dismiss | disorganize | dispel | disperse | disrupt | dissect | dissent | dissever | dissolve | disunify | disunite | divaricate | diverge | diversify | divert | divide | effloresce | enliven | entertain | erode | exhilarate | fall | fall into decay | fall to dust | fall to pieces | fester | fission | fissure | fit | fracture | fracture one | fragment | gangrene | giggle | give away | give way | go bad | go into convulsions | go separate ways | go to pieces | grain | granulate | grind | guffaw | ha-ha | hee-haw | hee-hee | ho-ho | horselaugh | improve | kill | knock dead | laugh | laugh it up | laugh outright | let go | loosen up | make mincemeat of | meliorate | mildew | mince | mitigate | modify | modulate | mold | molder | mortify | muster out | mutate | nearly die laughing | necrose | overthrow | part | part company | powder | pulverize | putrefy | putresce | qualify | raise a laugh | raise a smile | rankle | realign | rebuild | reconstruct | recreate | re-create | redesign | reduce | reduce to elements | refit | reform | refresh | regale | relax | release | relieve | remake | renew | reshape | resolve | restructure | revamp | revive | ring the changes | roar | roar with laughter | rot | rupture | scatter | segment | separate | shake like jelly | shake with laughter | shatter | shift the scene | shiver | shout | shriek | shuffle the cards | slay | smash | smash up | snap | snicker | snigger | snort | solace | sphacelate | splinter | split | split up | split with laughter | spoil | spring a leak | squash | squish | start | subdivide | subvert | sunder | suppurate | tee-hee | tickle | titillate | titter | topple | tumble | turn the scale | turn the tables | turn the tide | turn upside down | variate | variegate | vary | waste away | wear away | work a change | worsen | wow | yuk-yuk

See Also | alter | atomise | atomize | backscatter | barge in | block | bray | break | break | break apart | break away | break in | break off | break with | brecciate | burst in on | burst upon | butt in | cease | change | change integrity | chime in | chisel in | chop | come apart | come in | comminute | crack | crumb | crunch | crush | cut | cut | cut in | destroy | destruct | disassociate | disband | discontinue | disintegrate | disjoint | dissociate | dissociate | dissolve | disunify | disunite | disunite | divide | divide | divorce | end | express joy | express mirth | fall apart | finish | get | grate | grind | hack | harass | have | heckle | inject | interject | intermit | interpose | jam | laugh | mash | melt | melt down | part | part | pause | pierce | pound | punctuate | put away | put in | rag | run | secede | separate | separate | separate | sliver | splinter | splinter | split | split up | stop | stop | stop over | suffer | sunder | sustain | take off | take time off | terminate | throw in

Break-up In Webster's Dictionary

\Break"-up`\, n. Disruption; a separation and dispersion of the parts or members; as, a break-up of an assembly or dinner party; a break-up of the government.

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Crossword Dictionary