About The Word Fissure

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Learn about the word Fissure to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Fissure definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Fissure Meaning & Definition
Fissure Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Fissure?

[n] (anatomy) a long narrow slit or groove that divides an organ into lobes
[n] a long narrow opening
[n] a long narrow depression in a surface
[v] break into fissures or fine cracks

Synonyms | Synonyms for Fissure: chap | cleft | crack | crack | cranny | crevice | crevice | scissure

Related Terms | Find terms related to Fissure: abysm | abyss | amputate | arachnoid | arbor vitae | archipallium | arroyo | ax | between brain | bisect | box canyon | brain stem | breach | break | break open | break up | breakage | broach | burst | bust | butcher | caesura | canyon | carve | cavity | cerebellar hemispheres | cerebellum | cerebral cortex | cerebrospinal fluid | cerebrum | cessation | chap | chasm | check | chimney | chink | chip | chop | cleave | cleft | cleuch | clough | col | come apart | come unstuck | convolution | corpus callosum | corpus striatum | coulee | couloir | crack | cranny | crevasse | crevice | cut | cut away | cut in two | cut off | cut open | cwm | defile | dell | dichotomize | diencephalon | dike | disintegrate | dispart | dissever | ditch | divaricate | divide | donga | draw | dura mater | endbrain | excavation | excise | exfoliate | fall to pieces | fault | flaw | flume | fly open | folia | forebrain | fornix | fracture | frontal lobe | furrow | gap | gape | gash | give away | give way | glial cells | globus pallidus | gorge | gray matter | groove | gulch | gulf | gully | gyrus | hack | halve | hew | hiatus | hindbrain | hippocampus | hole | hypothalamus | incise | incision | interim | intermission | interruption | interval | jigsaw | joint | kloof | lacuna | lance | lay open | leak | lenticular nucleus | letup | limbic lobe | little brain | lobe | lull | mantle | medulla oblongata | meninges | mesencephalon | metencephalon | midbrain | moat | myelencephalon | neopallium | notch | nullah | occipital lobe | ope | open | open up | opening | optic chiasm | pallium | pare | parietal lobe | part | pass | passage | pause | pia mater | pineal body | pituitary body | pons | prune | ravine | rend | rent | reticular system | rhombencephalon | rift | rime | rip | rive | rupture | saw | scale | schism | scissor | scissure | seam | separate | sever | slash | slice | slit | slot | snap | snip | splinter | split | spread | spread out | spring a leak | spring open | start | subthalamus | sunder | suspension | swing open | tap | tear | tear open | telencephalon | temporal lobe | thalamus | throw open | trench | valley | ventricle | vermis | void | wadi | white matter | whittle

See Also | break | chap | chink | crack | crater | crevasse | depression | fatigue crack | fault | fracture | gap | geological fault | groove | hilum | hilus | impression | imprint | opening | rift | shift | slit | split | sulcus | vallecula | vent | volcanic crater | volcano

Fissure In Webster's Dictionary

\Fis"sure\, n. [L. fissura, fr. findere, fissum, to cleave, split; akin to E. bite: cf. F. fissure.] A narrow opening, made by the parting of any substance; a cleft; as, the fissure of a rock. {Cerebral fissures} (Anat.), the furrows or clefts by which the surface of the cerebrum is divided; esp., the furrows first formed by the infolding of the whole wall of the cerebrum. {Fissure needle} (Surg.), a spiral needle for catching together the gaping lips of wounds. --Knight. {Fissure of rolando} (Anat.), the furrow separating the frontal from the parietal lobe in the cerebrum. {Fissure of Sylvius} (Anat.), a deep cerebral fissure separating the frontal from the temporal lobe. See Illust. under {Brain}. {Fissure vein} (Mining), a crack in the earth's surface filled with mineral matter. --Raymond.
\Fis"sure\, v. t. To cleave; to divide; to crack or fracture.

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