Learn about the word Bust to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Bust definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.
Bust Definition And Meaning |
What's The Definition Of Bust?
[n] an occasion for excessive eating or drinking; "they went on a bust that lasted three days"
[n] a sculpture of the head and shoulders of a person
[n] a complete failure; "the play was a dismal flop"
[adj] lacking funds; "`skint' is a British slang term"
[v] break open or apart suddenly and forcefully; "The dam burst"
[v] go to pieces; "The lawn mower finally broke"; "The gears wore out"; "The old chair finally fell apart completely"
[v] ruin completely; "He busted my radio!"
[v] separate or cause to separate abruptly; "The rope snapped"; "tear the paper"
[v] search without warning, make a sudden surprise attack on; "The police raided the crack house"
Synonyms | Synonyms for Bust: binge |
bout |
break |
broke |
burst |
fall apart |
flop |
poor |
raid |
rupture |
skint |
snap |
stone-broke |
stony-broke |
tear |
tear |
wear |
wear out
Related Terms | Find terms related to Bust: abase |
abasement |
ado |
apprehend |
apprehension |
arch |
arrest |
arrestation |
arrestment |
bacchanal |
bacchanalia |
bacchanalian |
backfire |
bad times |
bag |
bang |
bankrupt |
bankruptcy |
barrow |
bat |
be ruined |
become insolvent |
bender |
binge |
blast |
blow out |
blow up |
bomb |
boobs |
boom |
boot |
booze |
bosom |
bottoming out |
bounce |
bouncing check |
boundary stone |
bout |
box |
brannigan |
brass |
breach |
break |
break in |
break to harness |
breast |
breasts |
brisket |
bum |
bump |
burst |
business cycle |
business fluctuations |
bustle |
cairn |
can |
capture |
carousal |
carouse |
carving |
cashier |
casting down |
celebration |
cenotaph |
check |
chest |
chip |
chop |
clamor |
clap |
clash |
clout |
collapse |
collar |
column |
compotation |
cooling off |
crack |
crash |
crisis |
cromlech |
crop |
cross |
crump |
cup |
cyclolith |
debase |
debasement |
debauch |
deconsecrate |
defrock |
degradation |
degrade |
degrading |
dement |
demerit |
demote |
demotion |
deplume |
depluming |
depose |
depression |
deprive |
detain |
dethrone |
detonate |
disbar |
discharge |
discrown |
disemploy |
disenthrone |
disgrade |
disgrading |
dismiss |
displace |
displume |
displuming |
doll |
dolly |
dolmen |
domesticate |
downgrade |
downgrading |
downturn |
drinking bout |
drum out |
drunk |
drunken carousal |
dud |
dug |
dull thud |
dummy |
economic cycle |
economic expansion |
economic growth |
economic stagnation |
escapade |
evil day |
excommunicate |
exfoliate |
expanding economy |
expansion |
expel |
explode |
fail |
failure |
fantoccini |
figure |
figurehead |
figurine |
fire |
fissure |
fizzle |
flap |
flat failure |
fling |
flop |
floperoo |
flunk |
flunk out |
flurry |
fold |
fold up |
footstone |
fracture |
frost |
fulminate |
furlough |
furore |
fuss |
gentle |
gingerbread man |
give the ax |
give the gate |
go bankrupt |
go into receivership |
go off |
go to pot |
go to ruin |
go under |
go up |
grave |
gravestone |
growth |
guzzle |
hard times |
hassle |
haymaker |
headstone |
heavy weather |
high growth rate |
hoarstone |
housebreak |
hubbub |
humble |
humbling |
hurly-burly |
impoverish |
inscription |
insolvency |
insufficient funds |
jag |
kick |
kick upstairs |
kited check |
knock |
knockers |
lark |
lay figure |
lay off |
lemon |
let go |
let off |
let out |
liquidate |
loser |
low |
lower |
make a pinch |
make redundant |
mama |
mamelon |
mamelonation |
mammary gland |
mammilla |
mammillation |
man of straw |
manikin |
mannequin |
marionette |
marker |
market expansion |
mausoleum |
megalith |
memento |
memorial |
memorial arch |
memorial column |
memorial statue |
memorial stone |
menhir |
model |
monolith |
monument |
mound |
nab |
necrology |
nenes |
netting |
nipple |
obelisk |
obituary |
orgy |
oust |
overdraft |
overdrawn account |
overthrow |
pap |
papilla |
paste |
pauper |
pauperize |
peak |
peaking |
pension |
pension off |
pick up |
pigeon breast |
pillar |
pinch |
plaque |
ploy |
poke |
portrait bust |
potation |
pother |
prize |
prosperity |
pub-crawl |
pull in |
punch |
puppet |
purge |
pyramid |
rainy day |
randan |
randy |
rap |
read out of |
receivership |
recession |
recovery |
reduce |
reduction |
release |
reliquary |
remembrance |
remove |
remove from office |
replace |
report |
retire |
revel |
ribbon |
rostral column |
ruin |
run in |
rupture |
sack |
sad times |
scale |
scarecrow |
sculpture |
scuttle |
seizure |
separate forcibly |
set off |
shaft |
shoot |
shrine |
shut down |
sink |
slam |
slap |
slat |
slowdown |
slump |
smack |
snap |
snowman |
sock |
splat |
split |
spree |
statuary |
statue |
statuette |
stela |
stone |
stormy weather |
strip |
strip of office |
strip of rank |
stripping of rank |
stupa |
superannuate |
surplus |
suspend |
swap |
symposium |
tablet |
tame |
tap |
tear |
teat |
testimonial |
thorax |
thwack |
tit |
tits |
titties |
titty |
to-do |
tomb |
tombstone |
toot |
tope |
total loss |
touch off |
trophy |
tumult |
turkey |
turmoil |
turn off |
turn out |
udder |
unchurch |
unfrock |
unsaddle |
unseat |
unthrone |
uproar |
upturn |
wash out |
washout |
wassail |
wax figure |
waxwork |
whack |
wham |
whap |
whirl |
whirlpool |
whirlwind |
whomp |
whop |
wingding |
wood carving
See Also | analyse |
analyze |
assail |
attack |
bomb |
break |
break apart |
break away |
break down |
break off |
break up |
bust up |
chip |
chip off |
come apart |
come off |
crash |
crumble |
cut off |
decay |
delapidate |
destroy |
disassemble |
dismantle |
dissect |
disunite |
divide |
dud |
failure |
fall apart |
fray |
frazzle |
knap |
lacerate |
level |
pan |
part |
piss-up |
pull |
pull down |
rase |
raze |
rend |
revel |
revelry |
rip |
rip up |
rive |
ruin |
sculpture |
separate |
separate |
sever |
shatter |
shred |
split up |
take apart |
take down |
tear apart |
tear down |
tear up |
trash |
turkey |
wear away |
wear off |
whittle away |
whittle down |
wrack |
Bust In Webster's Dictionary
\Bust\ (b[u^]st), n. [F. buste, fr. It. busto; cf. LL.
busta, bustula, box, of the same origin as E. box a case;
cf., for the change of meaning, E. chest. See {Bushel}.]
1. A piece of sculpture representing the upper part of the
human figure, including the head, shoulders, and breast.
Ambition sighed: she found it vain to trust The
faithless column, and the crumbling bust. --Pope.
2. The portion of the human figure included between the head
and waist, whether in statuary or in the person; the chest
or thorax; the upper part of the trunk of the body.
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