About The Word Bounce

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Bounce Meaning & Definition
Bounce Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Bounce?

[n] a light springing movement upwards or forwards
[n] the quality of a substance that is able to rebound
[n] rebounding from an impact (or series of impacts)
[v] hit something so that it bounces, as of a ball
[v] eject from the premises; "The ex-boxer's job is to bounce people who want to enter this private club"
[v] spring back; spring away from an impact; "The rubber ball bounced"; "These particles do not resile but they unite after they collide"
[v] move up and down repeatedly
[v] leap suddenly; "He bounced to his feet"
[v] refuse to accept and send back; "bounce a check"
[v] come back after being refused; "the check bounced"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Bounce: bounciness | bouncing | bound | bound | jounce | leap | leaping | rebound | recoil | resile | reverberate | ricochet | saltation | spring | spring | take a hop

Related Terms | Find terms related to Bounce: adaptability | airiness | AM signal | and jump | animation | ax | backfire | backlash | backlashing | beam | beat signal | blips | bludgeon | bluff | bluster | bluster and bluff | bob | bobble | boomerang | boot | boot out | bounce | bounce back | bounces | bounciness | bound | bound back | brag | brave show | break | breeziness | broad jump | browbeat | buck | buckjump | bulldoze | bully | bullyrag | bump | buoyance | buoyancy | bust | can | cannon | cannon off | caper | capriole | caracole | carefreeness | carom | cashier | cast | cast out | cavort | chatter | chirpiness | chuck out | clear | contrecoup | cow | CRT spot | curvet | cut a dido | cut capers | debonairness | defenestrate | defrock | degrade | demivolt | demote | deplume | depose | deprive | detrude | didder | direct signal | disbar | discard | discharge | disemploy | dismiss | displace | display | displume | dither | DM display | Doppler signal | double-dot display | dragoon | drum out | dynamism | echo | echo signal | eject | elasticity | energy | exclude | expel | extensibility | extrude | falter | fire | flexibility | flounce | fly back | flying jump | FM signal | frisk | furlough | galliard | gambado | gambol | gasconade | gelandesprung | get-up-and-go | give | give the ax | give the gate | give the hook | go | grand jete | grimace | handspring | have an ague | have repercussions | heave out | hector | high jump | Highland fling | hippety-hop | hop | hurdle | hustle | IF signal | IM display | intimidate | jactitate | jar | jauntiness | jerk | jete | jettison | jig | jigget | jiggle | jog | joggle | jolt | jostle | jounce | jump | jump about | jump over | jump shot | jump turn | jump-hop | jump-off | junk | kick | kick back | kick downstairs | kick out | kick upstairs | kickback | lash back | lavolta | lay off | leap | leap over | leapfrog | let go | let out | levity | life | light heart | lightheartedness | lightness | lightsomeness | liveliness | local oscillator signal | long jump | lop | make redundant | morris | negotiate | obtrude | oust | out-herod Herod | output signal | overjump | overleap | overskip | peacockery | peacockishness | pension off | pep | perkiness | pertness | picture | pips | pole vault | pounce | pounce on | pounce upon | prance | put out | quake | quaver | quiver | radar signal | radio-frequency amplifier | radio-frequency signal | radio-frequency stage | rage | ramp | rant | rave | read out of | reading | rebound | rebuff | recalcitrate | recalcitration | recoil | reflected signal | reflection | reject | release | remove | repercuss | repercussion | replace | repulse | resile | resilience | resiliency | responsiveness | retire | return | return signal | RF amplifier | RF echoes | RF signal | RF stage | ricochet | rictus | roister | rollick | romp | running broad jump | running high jump | sack | saut de basque | separate forcibly | shake | shiver | shock | shortwave signal | shudder | signal | signal display | ski jump | skip | slang | snap | snap back | splutter | spot | spring | spring back | springiness | sputter | start | start aside | start up | steeplechase | storm | stretch | stretchability | stretchiness | strip | strut | strutting | superannuate | surplus | suspend | swagger | swaggering | swank | swash | swashbuckle | swashbucklering | swashbucklery | swashbuckling | target image | terminate | throw away | throw out | throw overboard | thrust out | tic | tone | tonicity | tonus | toss out | tour jete | trace | transmitter signal | tremble | tremor | trip | turn off | turn out | twitch | twitter | unfrock | unidirectional signal | updive | upleap | upspring | vapor | vault | verve | vibrate | video signal | vitality | vivacity | wobble | yield | zest | zip

See Also | backlash | boot out | bounce | bounce out | bound off | carom | chuck out | come back | decline | eject | elasticity | exclude | expel | get back | glance | go | go back | hit | jump | jump | jumping | kick | kick back | kick out | leap | locomote | move | pass up | pounce | rebound | recoil | refuse | reject | repercussion | return | skip | throw out | travel | turf out | turn down | turn out

Bounce In Webster's Dictionary

\Bounce\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Bounced}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Bouncing}.] [OE. bunsen; cf. D. bonzen to strike, bounce, bons blow, LG. bunsen to knock; all prob. of imitative origin.] 1. To strike or thump, so as to rebound, or to make a sudden noise; a knock loudly. Another bounces as hard as he can knock. --Swift. Against his bosom bounced his heaving heart. --Dryden. 2. To leap or spring suddenly or unceremoniously; to bound; as, she bounced into the room. Out bounced the mastiff. --Swift. Bounced off his arm+chair. --Thackeray. 3. To boast; to talk big; to bluster. [Obs.]
\Bounce\, v. t. 1. To drive against anything suddenly and violently; to bump; to thump. --Swift. 2. To cause to bound or rebound; sometimes, to toss. 3. To eject violently, as from a room; to discharge unceremoniously, as from employment. [Collog. U. S.] 4. To bully; to scold. [Collog.] --J. Fletcher.
\Bounce\, n. 1. A sudden leap or bound; a rebound. 2. A heavy, sudden, and often noisy, blow or thump. The bounce burst open the door. --Dryden. 3. An explosion, or the noise of one. [Obs.] 4. Bluster; brag; untruthful boasting; audacious exaggeration; an impudent lie; a bouncer. --Johnson. De Quincey.? 5. (Zo["o]l.) A dogfish of Europe ({Scyllium catulus}).
\Bounce\, adv. With a sudden leap; suddenly. This impudent puppy comes bounce in upon me. --Bickerstaff.

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