About The Word Liveliness

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Liveliness Meaning & Definition
Liveliness Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Liveliness?

[n] general activity and motion
[n] animation and energy in action or expression; "it was a heavy play and the actors tried in vain to give life to it"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Liveliness: animation | life | spirit | sprightliness

Related Terms | Find terms related to Liveliness: activity | adaptability | alacrity | animal spirits | animate existence | animation | anxiety | anxiousness | appetite | ardency | ardor | avidity | avidness | being alive | birth | bite | bounce | bounciness | breathless impatience | breeziness | brio | briskness | bubbliness | buoyance | buoyancy | capersomeness | cheerful readiness | coltishness | dash | eagerness | ebullience | ecstasy | effervescence | elan | elasticity | energy | enthusiasm | esprit | excitement | existence | extensibility | exuberance | fervency | fervidness | fervor | fire | flexibility | forwardness | friskiness | frolicsomeness | furor | fury | gaiety | gamesomeness | gayness | ginger | give | glow | gust | gusto | guts | having life | heart | heartiness | heat | hotness | immortality | impassionedness | impatience | impetuosity | impetus | joie de vivre | keen desire | keenness | kick | life | lifetime | living | long life | longevity | lustiness | mettle | moxie | nip | nippiness | passion | passionateness | pep | pepperiness | peppiness | perkiness | pertness | piquancy | piss and vinegar | pizzazz | playfulness | poignancy | promptness | punch | pungency | quickness | raciness | readiness | rebound | relish | resilience | resiliency | responsiveness | robustness | rollicksomeness | rompishness | savor | skittishness | snap | snappiness | soul | sparkle | spice | spiciness | spirit | spiritedness | spirits | sportiveness | sprightliness | spring | springiness | spriteliness | stretch | stretchability | stretchiness | tang | tanginess | tone | tonicity | tonus | vehemence | verve | viability | vigor | vim | vitality | vivaciousness | vivacity | vividness | warmth | warmth of feeling | zeal | zest | zestfulness | zip

See Also | activity | airiness | alacrity | animation | breeziness | brio | briskness | buoyancy | delicacy | ebullience | elan | energy | enthusiasm | esprit | exuberance | ginger | high-spiritedness | invigoration | irrepressibility | jauntiness | pep | peppiness | spiritedness | vigor | vigour | vim | vivification

Liveliness In Webster's Dictionary

\Live"li*ness\, n. [From {Lively}.] 1. The quality or state of being lively or animated; sprightliness; vivacity; animation; spirit; as, the liveliness of youth, contrasted with the gravity of age. --B. Jonson. 2. An appearance of life, animation, or spirit; as, the liveliness of the eye or the countenance in a portrait. 3. Briskness; activity; effervescence, as of liquors. Syn: Sprightliness; gayety; animation; vivacity; smartness; briskness; activity. -- {Liveliness}, {Gayety}, {Animation}, {Vivacity}. Liveliness is an habitual feeling of life and interest; gayety refers more to a temporary excitement of the animal spirits; animation implies a warmth of emotion and a corresponding vividness of expressing it, awakened by the presence of something which strongly affects the mind; vivacity is a feeling between liveliness and animation, having the permanency of the one, and, to some extent, the warmth of the other. Liveliness of imagination; gayety of heart; animation of countenance; vivacity of gesture or conversation.

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