About The Word Activity

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Activity Meaning & Definition
Activity Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Activity?

[n] the trait of being active; moving or acting rapidly and energetically; "the level of activity declines with age"
[n] an organic process that takes place in the body; "respiratory activity"
[n] the state of being active; "his sphere of activity"; "he is out of action"
[n] (chemistry) the capacity of a substance to take part in a chemical reaction; "catalytic activity"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Activity: action | action | activeness | activeness | bodily function | bodily process | body process | natural action | natural process

Related Terms | Find terms related to Activity: act | acting | action | actions | activism | activities | acts | actuation | address | affair | affairs | affectation | air | animation | ardor | artificial radioactivity | bag | bearing | behavior | behavior pattern | behavioral norm | behavioral science | brio | briskness | business | bustle | campaign | carriage | cause | commerce | commitment | comportment | concern | concernment | conduct | contamination | crusade | culture pattern | curiage | custom | decontamination | demeanor | deportment | doing | doings | drive | dynamics | elan | employ | employment | endeavor | energy | enterprise | enthusiasm | exercise | exercising | exertion | faith | fallout | folkway | function | functioning | gestures | glow | going | goings-on | great cause | guise | gusto | half-life | impetuosity | impetus | interest | issue | job | joie de vivre | kinematics | kinesipathy | kinesis | kinesitherapy | kinetics | labor | life | lifework | liveliness | lookout | lustiness | maintien | manner | manners | mass movement | matter | method | methodology | methods | mettle | mien | mobilization | modus vivendi | motion | motions | motivation | move | movement | movements | moves | moving | natural radioactivity | nuclear radiation | observable behavior | occupation | operation | operations | pattern | perkiness | pertness | play | poise | port | pose | posture | practice | praxis | presence | principle | procedure | proceeding | project | pursuit | radiant energy | radiation | radioactive radiation | radioactivity | radiocarbon dating | radiolucency | radiopacity | radiosensibility | radiosensitivity | reason for being | restlessness | robustness | running | saturation point | service | social science | specific activity | spirit | spiritedness | stir | stirring | style | swing | tactics | thing | tone | undertaking | unrest | velocity | venture | vigor | vim | vivacity | vocation | warmth | way | way of life | ways | work | working | workings | zest | zestfulness

See Also | ablactation | absorption | acidification | act | acting | activating | activation | actus reus | adiabatic process | aeration | agency | anastalsis | animation | animation | antiredeposition | attempt | bag | behavior | behaviour | biological process | breath | breathing | brio | burst | business | busyness | capability | capacity | capture | cataphoresis | centrifugation | ceremony | chemical action | chemical change | chemical process | chromatography | clotting | coagulation | committal to writing | concealing | concealment | concretion | condensation | consumption | continuance | continuation | control | control | convection | creation | creative activity | crying | cup of tea | curdling | decay | deeds | delectation | demagnetisation | demagnetization | demand | desorption | diaphoresis | diffusion | disassembly | discharge | dish | disintegration | dismantlement | dismantling | dissipation | dissolution | distillation | distillment | diversion | domesticity | drift | dynamism | ecesis | education | educational activity | effervescence | effort | electrophoresis | emission | emplacement | employment | endeavor | endeavour | energizing | enjoyment | eructation | eruption | establishment | exercise | expectoration | expelling | external respiration | extinction | extraction | extravasation | feedback | festering | filtration | fit | flocculation | flow | formation | fossilisation | fossilization | fractional process | fractionation | game | geological process | grooming | grouping | hardening | healing | hiding | hidrosis | human action | human activity | hunt | hunting | hypostasis | ignition | inactivation | induction | ingestion | insemination | instruction | intake | invigoration | ion exchange | ionisation | ionization | job | lachrymation | lacrimation | lactation | lamentation | leach | leaching | line | line of work | liveliness | locating | location | magnetic induction | magnetisation | magnetization | materialisation | materialization | maturation | measure | measurement | measuring | mensuration | military operation | misconduct | mourning | music | nuclear reaction | occupation | oomph | opacification | operation | operation | opsonisation | opsonization | organic process | organisation | organization | oscillation | overactivity | oxygenation | pair creation | pair formation | pair production | pattern | pedagogy | performing | peristalsis | perspiration | phagocytosis | phase change | phase transition | physical change | pinocytosis | pizzaz | pizzazz | placement | placentation | play | play | playacting | playing | pleasure | position | positioning | practice | precession of the equinoxes | preparation | procedure | process | process | protection | provision | psilosis | puncture | radiation | reaction | recreation | representation | respiration | response | role | search | sensory activity | service | set | sex | sex activity | sexual activity | sexual practice | sleeping | solidification | solidifying | space walk | spiritedness | state | state change | sudation | supply | supplying | support | supporting | suppuration | sweating | swing | tanning | teaching | tearing | tears | training | trait | transpiration | try | turn | uptake | usage | use | utilisation | utilization | variance | variation | ventilation | vermiculation | vivification | waste | wastefulness | watering | weeping | work | works | worship | writing | wrongdoing | wrongful conduct | zing

Activity In Webster's Dictionary

\Ac*tiv"i*ty\, n.; pl. {Activities}. [Cf. F. activit['e], LL. activitas.] The state or quality of being active; nimbleness; agility; vigorous action or operation; energy; active force; as, an increasing variety of human activities. ``The activity of toil.'' --Palfrey. Syn: Liveliness; briskness; quickness.

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