About The Word Ceremony

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Ceremony Meaning & Definition
Ceremony Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Ceremony?

[n] any activity that is performed in an especially solemn elaborate or formal way; "the ceremony of smelling the cork and tasting the wine"; "he makes a ceremony of addressing his golf ball"; "he disposed of it without ceremony"
[n] the proper or conventional behavior on some solemn occasion; "an inaugural ceremony"
[n] a formal event performed on a special occasion; "a ceremony commemorating Pearl Harbor"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Ceremony: ceremonial | ceremonial occasion | observance

Related Terms | Find terms related to Ceremony: amenities | anniversaries | appearances | baccalaureate service | buckram | celebrating | celebration | ceremonial | ceremonies | ceremoniousness | civilities | commemoration | commencement | convention | conventions | convocation | decorum | dignities | dignity | dressing ship | duty | elegancies | empty formality | etiquette | exercise | exercises | extrinsicality | fanfare | fanfaronade | festivity | flourish of trumpets | form | form of worship | formal | formalities | formality | formalization | formula | formulary | function | gentilities | graces | graduation | graduation exercises | gravity | holiday | holy rite | impersonality | inaugural | inauguration | initiation | institution | jubilee | liturgy | marking the occasion | memorialization | memory | mode of worship | motions | mummery | mystery | niceties | obsequies | observance | office | order of worship | ordinance | ovation | performance | pomp | pomposity | practice | prescribed form | primness | proprieties | protocol | rejoicing | religious ceremony | religious rites | remembrance | revel | rigidness | rite | rite de passage | rite of passage | rites | ritual | ritual observance | rituality | rituals | sacrament | sacramental | salute | salvo | service | solemn observance | solemnity | solemnization | starchiness | stiffness | stiltedness | stylization | testimonial | testimonial banquet | testimonial dinner | toast | tribute | triumph | weight

See Also | activity | affair | chanoyu | circumstance | commemoration | dedication | exercise | fire walking | formalities | formality | function | funeral | groundbreaking | groundbreaking ceremony | induction | initiation | installation | lustrum | Maundy | memorialisation | memorialization | military ceremony | military ceremony | nuptials | occasion | opening | pageant | pageantry | presentation | purgation | purification | religious ceremony | religious ritual | social function | social occasion | tea ceremony | wedding | wedding ceremony

Ceremony In Webster's Dictionary

\Cer"e*mo*ny\, n.; pl. {Ceremonies}. [F. c['e]r['e]monie, L. caerimonia; perh. akin to E. create and from a root signifying to do or make.] 1. Ar act or series of acts, often of a symbolical character, prescribed by law, custom, or authority, in the conduct of important matters, as in the performance of religious duties, the transaction of affairs of state, and the celebration of notable events; as, the ceremony of crowning a sovereign; the ceremonies observed in consecrating a church; marriage and baptismal ceremonies. According to all the rites of it, and according to all the ceremonies thereof shall ye keep it [the Passover]. --Numb. ix. 3 Bring her up the high altar, that she may The sacred ceremonies there partake. --Spenser. [The heralds] with awful ceremony And trumpet's sound, throughout the host proclaim A solemn council. --Milton. 2. Behavior regulated by strict etiquette; a formal method of performing acts of civility; forms of civility prescribed by custom or authority. Ceremony was but devised at first To set a gloss on . . . hollow welcomes . . . But where there is true friendship there needs none. --Shak. Al ceremonies are in themselves very silly things; but yet a man of the world should know them. --Chesterfield. 3. A ceremonial symbols; an emblem, as a crown, scepter, garland, etc. [Obs.] Disrobe the images, If you find them decked with ceremonies. . . . Let no images Be hung with C[ae]sar's trophies. --Shak. 4. A sign or prodigy; a portent. [Obs.] C[ae]sar, I never stood on ceremonies, Yet, now they fright me. --Shak. {Master of ceremonies}, an officer who determines the forms to be observed, or superintends their observance, on a public occasion. {Not to stand on ceremony}, not to be ceremonious; to be familiar, outspoken, or bold.

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