About The Word Etiquette

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Learn about the word Etiquette to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Etiquette definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Etiquette Meaning & Definition
Etiquette Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Etiquette?

[n] rules governing socially acceptable behavior

Synonyms | Synonyms for Etiquette:

Related Terms | Find terms related to Etiquette: amenities | approbatory | approving | behavior | bienseance | bon ton | civilities | civility | comity | commendatory | complimentary | conduct | conformity | consuetude | convenance | convention | conventional usage | conventionalism | conventionality | correct deportment | correctness | courtesy | courtliness | custom | decencies | decency | decorousness | decorum | deportment | dignity | diplomatic code | discourtesy | elegance | elegancies | encomiastic | established way | eulogistic | exquisite manners | fashion | folkway | form | formalities | formality | good behavior | good citizenship | good form | good manners | laudatory | manner | manners | misbehavior | mores | natural politeness | observance | panegyrical | point of etiquette | politeness | politesse | poor behavior | practice | praiseful | praxis | prescription | proper thing | proprieties | propriety | protocol | punctilio | quiet good manners | ritual | rules of conduct | sanctioned behavior | seemliness | sociability | social code | social conduct | social convention | social graces | social procedures | social usage | standard behavior | standard usage | standing custom | time-honored practice | tradition | usage | use | way | what is done | wont | wonting

See Also | prescript | protocol | punctilio | rule

Etiquette In Webster's Dictionary

\Et"i*quette`\, n. [F. prop., a little piece of paper, or a mark or title, affixed to a bag or bundle, expressing its contents, a label, ticket, OF. estiquete, of German origin; cf. LG. stikke peg, pin, tack, stikken to stick, G. stecken. See {Stick}, and cf. {Ticket}.] The forms required by good breeding, or prescribed by authority, to be observed in social or official life; observance of the proprieties of rank and occasion; conventional decorum; ceremonial code of polite society. The pompous etiquette to the court of Louis the Fourteenth. --Prescott.

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