About The Word Birth

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Learn about the word Birth to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Birth definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Birth Meaning & Definition
Birth Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Birth?

[n] the event of being born; "they celebrated the birth of their first child"
[n] the process of giving birth
[n] the kinship relation of an offspring to the parents
[n] the time when something begins (especially life); "they divorced after the birth of the child" or"his election signaled the birth of a new age"
[v] give birth (to a newborn); "My wife had twins yesterday!"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Birth: bear | birthing | deliver | give birth | giving birth | have | nascence | nascency | nativity | parentage | parturition

Related Terms | Find terms related to Birth: abiogenesis | abortion | accouchement | affiliation | allele | allelomorph | Altmann theory | ancestry | animal spirits | animate existence | animation | apparentation | archigenesis | aristocracy | aristocraticalness | babyhood | bear | bearing | beget | beginning | beginnings | being alive | biogenesis | birth throes | birthing | blastogenesis | blessed event | blood | bloodline | blue blood | branch | breed | bring to birth | character | childbearing | childbed | childbirth | childhood | chromatid | chromatin | chromosome | commencement | common ancestry | confinement | consanguinity | cradle | creation | dawn | dawning | De Vries theory | delivery | derivation | descent | determinant | determiner | development | diathesis | digenesis | direct line | distaff side | distinction | DNA | emergence | endowment | engender | epigenesis | eugenics | eumerogenesis | existence | extraction | factor | family | father | female line | filiation | freshman year | Galtonian theory | gene | generation | genesiology | genesis | genetic code | genetics | genteelness | gentility | give birth to | giving birth | hatching | having a baby | having life | hereditability | heredity | heritability | heritage | heterogenesis | histogenesis | homogenesis | honorable descent | house | immortality | inborn capacity | inception | inchoation | incipience | incipiency | incunabula | infancy | inheritability | inheritance | isogenesis | labor | life | lifetime | line | line of descent | lineage | liveliness | living | long life | longevity | male line | matrocliny | Mendelianism | Mendelism | merogenesis | metagenesis | miscarriage | monogenesis | mother | multiparity | nascence | nascency | nativity | nobility | noble birth | nobleness | onset | opening | origin | origination | orthogenesis | outset | outstart | pangenesis | parentage | parthenogenesis | parturition | patrocliny | pharmacogenetics | phylum | pregnancy | procreate | procreation | quality | race | rank | recessive character | replication | RNA | royalty | seed | sept | side | sire | slip | spear side | spindle side | spontaneous generation | spriteliness | start | stem | stirps | stock | strain | succession | sword side | the Nativity | the stork | travail | Verworn theory | viability | vitality | vivacity | Weismann theory | Weismannism | Wiesner theory | youth

See Also | accouchement | alteration | beginning | biological process | bring forth | brooding | calving | change | childbearing | childbed | childbirth | commencement | conceive | confinement | cradle | delivery | drop | egg laying | family relationship | farrow | farrowing | first | foal | hatch | hatching | incubation | kickoff | kinship | kitten | labor | labour | lamb | laying | life | lifespan | lifetime | litter | live birth | lying-in | modification | offset | organic process | outset | parturiency | posthumous birth | produce | rebirth | reincarnation | relationship | reproduction | start | starting time | travail | twin | vaginal birth

Birth In Webster's Dictionary

\Birth\ (b[~e]rth), n. [OE. burth, birth, AS. beor[edt], gebyrd, fr. beran to bear, bring forth; akin to D. geboorte, OHG. burt, giburt, G. geburt, Icel. bur[eth]r, Skr. bhrti bearing, supporting; cf. Ir. & Gael. beirthe born, brought forth. [root]92. See 1st {Bear}, and cf. {Berth}.] 1. The act or fact of coming into life, or of being born; -- generally applied to human beings; as, the birth of a son. 2. Lineage; extraction; descent; sometimes, high birth; noble extraction. Elected without reference to birth, but solely for qualifications. --Prescott. 3. The condition to which a person is born; natural state or position; inherited disposition or tendency. A foe by birth to Troy's unhappy name. --Dryden. 4. The act of bringing forth; as, she had two children at a birth. ``At her next birth.'' --Milton. 5. That which is born; that which is produced, whether animal or vegetable. Poets are far rarer births than kings. --B. Jonson. Others hatch their eggs and tend the birth till it is able to shift for itself. --Addison. 6. Origin; beginning; as, the birth of an empire. {New birth} (Theol.), regeneration, or the commencement of a religious life. Syn: Parentage; extraction; lineage; race; family.
\Birth\, n. See {Berth}. [Obs.] --De Foe.

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