About The Word Kick

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Kick Meaning & Definition
Kick Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Kick?

[n] a rhythmic thrusting movement of the legs as in swimming or calisthenics; "the kick must be synchronized with the arm movements"; "the swimmer's kicking left a wake behind him"
[n] the act of delivering a blow with the foot; "he gave the ball a powerful kick"; "the team's kicking was excellent"
[n] the sudden stimulation provided by strong drink (or certain drugs); "a sidecar is a smooth drink but it has a powerful kick"
[n] informal terms for objecting; "I have a gripe about the service here"
[n] the backward jerk of a gun when it is fired
[n] the swift release of a store of affective force; "they got a great bang out of it"; "what a rush!"; "he does it for kicks"
[v] express complaints, discontent, displeasure, or unhappiness; "My mother complains all day"; "She has a lot to kick about"
[v] make a goal; "He kicked the extra point after touchdown"
[v] stop consuming; "kick a habit"
[v] strike with the foot; "The boy kicked the dog"; "Kick the door down"
[v] spring back, as from a forceful thrust; "The gun kicked back into my shoulder"
[v] drive or propel with the foot, as in sports such as football
[v] thrash about or strike out with the feet
[v] kick a leg up

Synonyms | Synonyms for Kick: bang | beef | bitch | boot | boot | charge | complain | flush | gripe | kick back | kicking | kvetch | plain | quetch | recoil | recoil | rush | sound off | squawk | thrill

Related Terms | Find terms related to Kick: abandon | aggressiveness | aid to navigation | air a grievance | alarm | amber light | amusement | animal pleasure | antagonism | antipathy | backfire | backlash | backlashing | balefire | bang | beacon | beacon fire | beat the drum | beef | beefing | bell | bell buoy | bellyache | bellyaching | bitch | bitching | bite | blinker | blue peter | bodily pleasure | boggle | boomerang | boot | bounce | bounce back | bound | bound back | boycott | break | break the habit | briskness | broad hint | bump | buoy | bust | calcitration | call in question | can | cannon | cannon off | carnal delight | carom | cashier | caution light | challenge | charge | clamor | clashing | clue | collision | comfort | complain | complain loudly | complaining | complaint | compunction | conflict | confront | confutation | contend with | content | contentment | contradiction | contraposition | contrariety | contrecoup | counteraction | counterposition | counterworking | coziness | crab | crankiness | creature comforts | croak | crotchetiness | cry out against | cue | dash | defrock | degrade | demonstrate | demonstrate against | demonstration | demote | demur | demurrer | deplume | depose | deprive | destructive criticism | dip | disbar | discharge | discontinue | disemploy | dismiss | displace | displume | dispute | dissent | drive | drop | drop kick | drum out | ease | endpleasure | enjoyment | enter a protest | enterprise | entertainment | euphoria | except | exception | exchange colors | expel | expostulate | expostulation | face down | face out | face up to | faultfinding | fire | flag | flag down | flare | flash | flush | fly back | fog bell | fog signal | fog whistle | foghorn | forepleasure | fret | fret and fume | friction | front | fruition | fun | furlough | fuss | gentle hint | gesture | get-up-and-go | ginger | give a signal | give the ax | give the gate | give the nod | give up | glance | glimmer | glimmering | go light | gong buoy | gratification | great satisfaction | green light | grievance | grievance committee | gripe | griping | groan | groaning | grouch | grouse | grousing | growl | grumble | grumbling | grunt | gusto | guts | hail | hail and speak | half-mast | have repercussions | hearty enjoyment | heliograph | high sign | hint | hoist a banner | holler | hotness | howl | implication | index | indication | indignation meeting | initiative | inkling | innuendo | insinuation | intellectual pleasure | interference | international alphabet flag | international numeral pennant | intimation | inveigh | joie de vivre | jollies | keen pleasure | kick against | kick back | kick upstairs | kickback | kicking | kicks | knee | lash back | lay off | leave off | leer | let go | let out | lift | liveliness | lodge a complaint | look | luxury | make a sign | make a stand | make redundant | march | marker beacon | meet head-on | murmur | murmuring | mutter | nip | nippiness | nod | nonconformity | nonviolent protest | nudge | object | objection | offer resistance | oppose | opposition | opposure | oppugnance | oppugnancy | parachute flare | peeve | peevishness | pension off | pep | pepper | pepperiness | perverseness | pet peeve | petulance | physical pleasure | picket | picketing | pilot flag | piss and vinegar | pizzazz | place kick | pleasure | poke | police whistle | poop | press objections | prompt | protest | protest demonstration | protestation | punch | punt | push | qualm | quarantine flag | querulousness | quiet pleasure | quiver | raciness | radio beacon | raise a cry | raise a howl | rally | reaction | read out of | rebound | rebuff | recalcitrance | recalcitrate | recalcitration | recoil | red flag | red light | register a complaint | release | relish | reluct | remonstrance | remonstrate | remonstration | remove | renitency | repercuss | repercussion | replace | repugnance | repulse | resile | resilience | resistance | retire | revolt | ricochet | rocket | Roman candle | rush | rush of emotion | sack | sailing aid | salute | satisfaction | scent | scolding | scruple | self-gratification | self-indulgence | semaphore | semaphore flag | semaphore telegraph | sensation | sensual pleasure | sensuous pleasure | separate forcibly | sexual pleasure | shake | shiver | show fight | shudder | sign | signal | signal beacon | signal bell | signal fire | signal flag | signal gong | signal gun | signal lamp | signal light | signal mast | signal post | signal rocket | signal shot | signal siren | signal tower | signalize | sit in | sit-in | snap | snap back | snappiness | sniping | sound an alarm | sound the trumpet | spar buoy | speak | spice | spiciness | spoor | spring | spring back | spunk | squawk | squawking | stand | stand at bay | stand up against | stand up to | starch | state a grievance | stop | stop light | strike | strip | strive against | suggestion | superannuate | surge of emotion | surplus | suspend | suspicion | swear off | sweetness of life | swimming upstream | symptom | take on | tang | tanginess | teach in | teach-in | telltale | the nod | the wink | thrill | throw off | thrust | tingle | tingling | titillation | touch | track | traffic light | traffic signal | tremor | tremor of excitement | turn off | turn out | unfrock | unfurl a flag | verve | vim | voluptuousness | wallop | watch fire | wave | wave a flag | wave the hand | well-being | whine | whining | whisper | white flag | wigwag | wigwag flag | wink | withstand | yap | yapping | yell bloody murder | yellow flag | yelp | zest | zestfulness | zing | zip

See Also | backbite | beef | bellyache | bemoan | bewail | bitch | bleat | blow | boot | boot out | bounce | bound | croak | dance | deplore | displace | dropkick | dropkick | drop-kick | drop-kick | drum out | excitement | exhilaration | expel | forgo | give up | gnarl | goal-kick | gripe | grizzle | grouch | grouse | grumble | hen-peck | hit | hit | holler | impel | input | inveigh | kick down | kick in | kick out | kick up | lament | motility | motion | motion | move | move | move | movement | movement | murmur | mutter | nag | objection | oust | peck | place kick | place-kick | place-kick | place-kicking | propel | protest | punt | punt | punting | rack up | rail | rebound | regret | repine | report | resile | reverberate | ricochet | scold | score | scuff | spring | squawk | stimulant | stimulation | stimulus | swimming kick | take a hop | tally | throw out | trip the light fantastic | trip the light fantastic toe | whine | yammer | yawp

Kick In Webster's Dictionary

\Kick\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Kicred}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Kicking}.] [W. cicio, fr. cic foot.] To strike, thrust, or hit violently with the foot; as, a horse kicks a groom; a man kicks a dog. He [Frederick the Great] kicked the shins of his judges. --Macaulay. {To kick the beam}, to fit up and strike the beam; -- said of the lighter arm of a loaded balance; hence, to be found wanting in weight. --Milton. {To kick the bucket}, to lose one's life; to die. [Colloq. & Low]
\Kick\, v. i. 1. To thrust out the foot or feet with violence; to strike out with the foot or feet, as in defense or in bad temper; esp., to strike backward, as a horse does, or to have a habit of doing so. Hence, figuratively: To show ugly resistance, opposition, or hostility; to spurn. I should kick, being kicked. --Shak. 2. To recoil; -- said of a musket, cannon, etc.
\Kick\, n. 1. A blow with the foot or feet; a striking or thrust with the foot. A kick, that scarce would more a horse, May kill a sound divine. --Cowper. 2. The projection on the tang of the blade of a pocket knife, which prevents the edge of the blade from striking the spring. See Illust. of {Pocketknife}. 3. (Brickmaking) A projection in a mold, to form a depression in the surface of the brick. 4. The recoil of a musket or other firearm, when discharged.

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Crossword Dictionary