About The Word Beef

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Beef Meaning & Definition
Beef Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Beef?

[n] cattle that are reared for their meat
[n] informal terms for objecting; "I have a gripe about the service here"
[n] meat from an adult domestic bovine
[v] complain; "What was he hollering about?"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Beef: beef cattle | bellyache | bitch | boeuf | gripe | gripe | grouse | holler | kick | squawk | squawk

Related Terms | Find terms related to Beef: air a grievance | altercation | amperage | arm | armipotence | aurochs | authority | avoirdupois | beef cattle | beef extract | beef tea | beefiness | beefing | beeves | bellyache | bellyaching | bickering | bison | bitch | bitching | black power | bleat | blow off | boggle | bossy | bouillon | bovine | bovine animal | boycott | Brahman | brawl | brawn | brawniness | brute force | buffalo | bull | bullock | bully | bully beef | calf | call in question | carabao | cattle | challenge | charge | charisma | charqui | chipped beef | clamor | clout | cogence | cogency | complain | complaining | complaint | compulsion | compunction | cow | crab | critter | croak | cry out against | dairy cattle | dairy cow | deadweight | demonstrate | demonstrate against | demonstration | demur | demurrer | destructive criticism | dint | dispute | dissent | dogie | dried beef | drive | duress | effect | effectiveness | effectuality | elasticity | energy | enter a protest | exception | expostulate | expostulation | falling-out | fatness | faultfinding | flower power | force | force majeure | forcefulness | fret | fret and fume | full blast | full force | fuss | gravity | grievance | grievance committee | gripe | griping | groan | groaning | gross weight | grouch | ground beef | grouse | grousing | growl | grumble | grumbling | grunt | hamburger | heaviness | heft | heftiness | heifer | holler | hornless cow | howl | huskiness | Indian buffalo | indignation meeting | influence | involuntary muscle | jerky | kick | kicking | kine | leppy | liveweight | lodge a complaint | main force | main strength | mana | march | maverick | might | might and main | mightiness | milch cow | milcher | milk cow | milker | moxie | muley cow | muley head | murmur | murmuring | muscle | muscle power | muscularity | musculature | musk-ox | mutter | neat | neat weight | net | net weight | nonviolent protest | object | objection | overbalance | overweight | ox | oxen | pastrami | peeve | peevishness | pet peeve | petulance | physique | picket | picketing | pizzazz | ponderability | ponderosity | ponderousness | poop | potence | potency | potentiality | poundage | power | power pack | power structure | power struggle | powerfulness | prepotency | press objections | productiveness | productivity | protest | protest demonstration | protestation | puissance | pull | punch | push | qualm | querulousness | raise a howl | rally | register a complaint | remonstrance | remonstrate | remonstration | rhubarb | roast beef | salt beef | scolding | scruple | sinew | sinewiness | sinews | sit in | sit-in | sniping | squabble | squawk | squawking | state a grievance | steam | steer | stirk | stot | strength | strike | strong arm | suet | superiority | superpower | take on | teach in | teach-in | thew | thewiness | thews | tiff | tone | tonnage | underweight | validity | vehemence | vigor | vim | virility | virtue | virulence | vitality | voluntary muscle | wattage | weight | weightiness | whining | wisent | yak | yammer | yap | yapping | yawp | yearling | yell bloody murder | yelp | zebu

See Also | Aberdeen Angus | Angus | beef loin | beefalo | black Angus | Bos taurus | Bos taurus | bully beef | cattalo | cattle | cattle | Charolais | complain | corn beef | corned beef | cows | cows | cut of beef | Durham | Galloway | ground beef | hamburger | Hereford | kick | kine | kine | kvetch | longhorn | meat | objection | oxen | oxen | pastrami | plain | quetch | Santa Gertrudis | shorthorn | sound off | Texas longhorn | whiteface

Beef In Webster's Dictionary

\Beef\ (b[=e]f), n. [OE. boef, befe, beef, OF. boef, buef, F. b[oe]ef, fr. L. bos, bovis, ox; akin to Gr. boy^s, Skr. g[=o] cow, and E. cow. See 2d {Cow}.] 1. An animal of the genus {Bos}, especially the common species, {B. taurus}, including the bull, cow, and ox, in their full grown state; esp., an ox or cow fattened for food. Note: [In this, which is the original sense, the word has a plural, beeves (b[=e]vz).] A herd of beeves, fair oxen and fair kine. --Milton. 2. The flesh of an ox, or cow, or of any adult bovine animal, when slaughtered for food. Note: [In this sense, the word has no plural.] ``Great meals of beef.'' --Shak. 3. Applied colloquially to human flesh.
\Beef\, a. Of, pertaining to, or resembling, beef. {Beef tea}, essence of beef, or strong beef broth.

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Crossword Dictionary