About The Word Bovine

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Learn about the word Bovine to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Bovine definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Bovine Meaning & Definition
Bovine Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Bovine?

[n] any of various members of the genus Bos
[adj] dull and slow-moving and stolid; like an ox; "showed a bovine apathy"
[adj] of or relating to or belonging to the genus Bos (cattle)

Synonyms | Synonyms for Bovine: bovid | dull

Related Terms | Find terms related to Bovine: asinine | aurochs | beef | beef cattle | beef-brained | beef-witted | beeves | bison | blockish | Boeotian | bossy | bovid | bovine animal | Brahman | buffalo | bull | bullock | calf | caprid | caprine | carabao | cattle | chumpish | cloddish | complacent | cow | cowish | cowlike | crass | critter | dairy cattle | dairy cow | deerlike | dense | dispassionate | dogie | doltish | dull | dullard | dumb | duncical | duncish | equestrian | equine | even-tempered | fat | goatish | goatlike | gross | heifer | hircine | hoggish | hoofed | hornless cow | horsy | impassive | imperturbable | Indian buffalo | ineducable | inexcitable | inirritable | kine | klutzy | leppy | lumpish | maverick | milch cow | milcher | milk cow | milker | muley cow | muley head | mulish | musk-ox | neat | oafish | opaque | ovine | ox | oxen | patient | piggish | ruminant | self-complacent | self-content | self-contented | self-satisfied | sheepish | sheeplike | smug | sottish | steady | steer | stirk | stoic | stolid | stot | stupid | swinish | thick | undisturbable | unflappable | ungulate | unirritable | unnervous | unpassionate | unteachable | wisent | wrongheaded | yak | yearling | zebu

See Also | Bos | Bos indicus | Bos taurus | bovid | Brahma | Brahman | Brahmin | cattle | cows | genus Bos | kine | ox | oxen | wild ox

Bovine In Webster's Dictionary

\Bo"vine\, a. [LL. bovinus, fr.L. bos, bovis, ox, cow: cf. F. bovine. See {Cow}.] 1. (Zo["o]l.) Of or pertaining to the genus {Bos}; relating to, or resembling, the ox or cow; oxlike; as, the bovine genus; a bovine antelope. 2. Having qualities characteristic of oxen or cows; sluggish and patient; dull; as, a bovine temperament. The bovine gaze of gaping rustics. --W. Black.

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