About The Word Strip

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Strip Meaning & Definition
Strip Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Strip?

[n] a form of erotic entertainment in which a dancer gradually undresses to music; "she did a strip right in front of everyone"
[n] an airfield without normal airport facilities
[n] artifact consisting of a narrow flat piece of material
[n] thin piece of wood or metal
[n] a sequence of drawings in a newspaper telling a story
[n] a relatively long narrow piece of something; "he felt a flat strip of muscle"
[v] get undressed; "please don't undress in front of everybody!"
[v] remove someone's clothes; "The nurse quickly undressed the accident victim"
[v] draw the last milk (of cows)
[v] take off or remove; "strip a wall of its wallpaper"
[v] remove a constituent from a liquid; in chemistry
[v] remove the thread (of screws)
[v] lay bare; "denude a forest"
[v] remove substances from by a percolating liquid; "leach the soil"
[v] remove the surface from; "strip wood"
[v] strip the cured leaves from; "strip tobacco"
[v] remove all contents or possession from, or empty completely; "The boys cleaned the sandwich platters"; "The trees were cleaned of apples by the storm"
[v] take away possessions from someone; "The Nazis stripped the Jews of all their assets"
[v] steal goods; take as spoils; "During the earthquake people looted the stores that were deserted by their owners"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Strip: airstrip | bare | cartoon strip | clean | comic strip | denudate | denude | deprive | despoil | discase | dismantle | disrobe | divest | flight strip | foray | landing strip | leach | loot | peel | pillage | plunder | ransack | reave | rifle | slip | strip down | strip show | striptease | uncase | unclothe | undress | undress

Related Terms | Find terms related to Strip:

See Also | airfield | artefact | artifact | band | bark | batten | bereave | burn off | cartoon | clean | clean out | clear | cleat | cramp | cramp iron | decorticate | defoliate | deplumate | deplume | deplume | disarm | displume | displume | dispossess | edge | expropriate | field | fingerboard | flare path | flying field | furring | furring strip | jackstraw | landing field | lead | leading | lumber | margin | milk | mullion | newspaper | nude dancing | orphan | pale | paper | pare | part | peel | picket | piece | pluck | pull | remove | remove | ribbon | row | runway | sketch | skin | slat | smooth | smoothen | spillikin | spline | stay | take | take | take | take away | take away | take off | tape | tear | tickertape | timber | toothpick | typewriter ribbon | unarm | unclothe | unsex | weather strip | weather stripping | withdraw | withdraw

Strip In Webster's Dictionary

\Strip\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Stripped}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Stripping}.] [OE. stripen, strepen, AS. str?pan in bestr?pan to plunder; akin to D. stroopen, MHG. stroufen, G. streifen.] 1. To deprive; to bereave; to make destitute; to plunder; especially, to deprive of a covering; to skin; to peel; as, to strip a man of his possession, his rights, his privileges, his reputation; to strip one of his clothes; to strip a beast of his skin; to strip a tree of its bark. And strippen her out of her rude array. --Chaucer. They stripped Joseph out of his coat. --Gen. xxxvii. 23. Opinions which . . . no clergyman could have avowed without imminent risk of being stripped of his gown. --Macaulay. 2. To divest of clothing; to uncover. Before the folk herself strippeth she. --Chaucer. Strip your sword stark naked. --Shak. 3. (Naut.) To dismantle; as, to strip a ship of rigging, spars, etc. 4. (Agric.) To pare off the surface of, as land, in strips. 5. To deprive of all milk; to milk dry; to draw the last milk from; hence, to milk with a peculiar movement of the hand on the teats at the last of a milking; as, to strip a cow. 6. To pass; to get clear of; to outstrip. [Obs.] When first they stripped the Malean promontory. --Chapman. Before he reached it he was out of breath, And then the other stripped him. --Beau. & Fl. 7. To pull or tear off, as a covering; to remove; to wrest away; as, to strip the skin from a beast; to strip the bark from a tree; to strip the clothes from a man's back; to strip away all disguisses. To strip bad habits from a corrupted heart, is stripping off the skin. --Gilpin. 8. (Mach.) (a) To tear off (the thread) from a bolt or nut; as, the thread is stripped. (b) To tear off the thread from (a bolt or nut); as, the bolt is stripped. 9. To remove the metal coating from (a plated article), as by acids or electrolytic action. 10. (Carding) To remove fiber, flock, or lint from; -- said of the teeth of a card when it becomes partly clogged. 11. To pick the cured leaves from the stalks of (tobacco) and tie them into ``hands''; to remove the midrib from (tobacco leaves).
\Strip\, v. i. 1. To take off, or become divested of, clothes or covering; to undress. 2. (Mach.) To fail in the thread; to lose the thread, as a bolt, screw, or nut. See {Strip}, v. t., 8.
\Strip\, n. 1. A narrow piece, or one comparatively long; as, a strip of cloth; a strip of land. 2. (Mining) A trough for washing ore. 3. (Gunnery) The issuing of a projectile from a rifled gun without acquiring the spiral motion. --Farrow.

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