About The Word Orphan

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Learn about the word Orphan to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Orphan definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Orphan Meaning & Definition
Orphan Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Orphan?

[n] a child who has lost both parents
[adj] deprived of parents by death or desertion
[v] deprive of parents

Synonyms | Synonyms for Orphan: orphaned | parentless | unparented

Related Terms | Find terms related to Orphan: abandoned | alone | bereave | castaway | castoff | cast-off | derelict | discard | disregarded | dogie | flotsam | flotsam and jetsam | forsaken | foundling | heir | ignored | jetsam | junk | lagan | leave | leave behind | lost | neglected | orphaned | parentless | refuse | reject | relict | rubbish | slighted | solitary | successor | survivor | trash | waif | waifs and strays | wastrel | widow | widower

See Also | child | deprive | divest | fry | kid | minor | nestling | nipper | shaver | small fry | strip | tiddler | tike | tyke | youngster

Orphan In Webster's Dictionary

\Or"phan\, n. [L. orphanus, Gr. ?, akin to L. orbus. Cf. {Orb} a blank window.] A child bereaved of both father and mother; sometimes, also, a child who has but one parent living. {Orphans' court} (Law), a court in some of the States of the Union, having jurisdiction over the estates and persons of orphans or other wards. --Bouvier.
\Or"phan\, a. Bereaved of parents, or (sometimes) of one parent.
\Or"phan\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Orphaned}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Orphaning}.] To cause to become an orphan; to deprive of parents. --Young.

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