About The Word Lost

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Learn about the word Lost to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Lost definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Lost Meaning & Definition
Lost Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Lost?

[n] people who are destined to die soon; "the agony of the doomed was in his voice"
[adj] not caught with the senses or the mind; "words lost in the din"
[adj] unable to function; without help
[adj] no longer in your possession or control; unable to be found or recovered; "a lost child"; "lost friends"; "his lost book"; "lost opportunities"
[adj] spiritually or physically doomed or destroyed; "lost souls"; "a lost generation"; "a lost ship"; "the lost platoon"
[adj] not gained or won; "a lost battle"; "a lost prize"
[adj] having lost your bearings; confused as to time or place or personal identity; "I frequently find myself disoriented when I come up out of the subway"; "the anesthetic left her completely disoriented"
[adj] perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements; filled with bewilderment; "obviously bemused by his questions"; "bewildered and confused"; "a cloudy and confounded philosopher"; "just a mixed-up kid"; "she felt lost on the first day of school"
[adj] no longer known; irretrievable; "a forgotten art"; "a lost art"; "lost civilizations"
[adj] incapable of being recovered or regained; "his lost honor"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Lost: at sea | baffled | befuddled | bemused | bewildered | confiscate | confounded | confused | damned | destroyed | disoriented | doomed | doomed | forfeit | forfeited | forgotten | gone(p) | helpless | hopeless | incomprehensible | irrecoverable | mazed | mislaid | misplaced | missed | missing | mixed-up | perplexed | ruined | squandered | straying | uncomprehensible | unoriented | unrecoverable | unredeemed | unsaved | wasted

Related Terms | Find terms related to Lost: abandoned | abashed | ablated | abroad | absent | absentminded | absorbed | abstracted | accursed | adrift | astray | at sea | away | baffled | bemused | bewildered | beyond recall | beyond remedy | bothered | buried | by the board | bygone | castle-building | clueless | condemned | confounded | confused | consumed | corrupt | cureless | cursed | damned | daydreaming | daydreamy | dead | defunct | departed | depleted | desperate | destroyed | devastated | discomposed | disconcerted | dismayed | disoriented | dissipated | dissolute | distracted | distrait | distraught | disturbed | doomed | down the drain | dreaming | dreamy | drowsing | ecstatic | elsewhere | embarrassed | engrossed | eroded | exhausted | expended | extinct | fallen | faraway | forfeit | forfeited | forgotten | frantic | frenzied | godless | gone | gone away | gone to waste | graceless | guessing | half-awake | helpless | hopeless | immedicable | in a fix | in a maze | in a pickle | in a reverie | in a scrape | in a stew | in the clouds | incorrigible | incurable | inoperable | irreclaimable | irrecoverable | irredeemable | irreformable | irremediable | irreparable | irretrievable | irreversible | irrevocable | lacking | late | long-lost | lost in thought | lost to | lost to sight | lost to view | mazed | meditative | mislaid | misplaced | misremembered | missing | misspent | mooning | moonraking | museful | musing | mystified | napping | no more | nodding | nonexistent | obliterated | oblivious | obsolete | off the track | out of sight | out the window | passed | past | past and gone | past hope | past praying for | past recall | pensive | perplexed | perturbed | pipe-dreaming | preoccupied | put-out | puzzled | rapt | remediless | reprobate | ruined | run to seed | shriftless | shrunken | somewhere else | spent | squandered | stargazing | strayed | taken up | terminal | transported | turned around | unchaste | unconscious | unconverted | undone | unmitigable | unredeemable | unredeemed | unregenerate | unrelievable | unsalvable | unsalvageable | unwon | upset | used | used up | vanished | wanton | wasted | without a clue | woolgathering | worn away | wrapped in thought | wrecked

See Also | cursed | curst | lost | people | unregenerate | unregenerated

Lost In Webster's Dictionary

\Lost\, a. [Prop. p. p. of OE. losien. See {Lose}, v. t.] 1. Parted with unwillingly or unintentionally; not to be found; missing; as, a lost book or sheep. 2. Parted with; no longer held or possessed; as, a lost limb; lost honor. 3. Not employed or enjoyed; thrown away; employed ineffectually; wasted; squandered; as, a lost day; a lost opportunity or benefit. 5. Having wandered from, or unable to find, the way; bewildered; perplexed; as, a child lost in the woods; a stranger lost in London. 6. Ruined or destroyed, either physically or morally; past help or hope; as, a ship lost at sea; a woman lost to virtue; a lost soul. 7. Hardened beyond sensibility or recovery; alienated; insensible; as, lost to shame; lost to all sense of honor. 8. Not perceptible to the senses; no longer visible; as, an island lost in a fog; a person lost in a crowd. 9. Occupied with, or under the influence of, something, so as to be insensible of external things; as, to be lost in thought. {Lost motion} (Mach.), the difference between the motion of a driver and that of a follower, due to the yielding of parts or looseness of joints.

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Crossword Dictionary