About The Word Defunct

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Learn about the word Defunct to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Defunct definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Defunct Meaning & Definition
Defunct Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Defunct?

[adj] having ceased to exist or live; "the will of a defunct aunt"; "a defunct Indian tribe"
[adj] no longer in force or use; inactive; "a defunct (or dead) law"; "a defunct organization"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Defunct: dead | inoperative

Related Terms | Find terms related to Defunct: ago | all bets off | all gone | all off | all over | all up | annihilated | antiquated | antique | asleep | asleep in Jesus | at an end | at rest | bereft of life | blown over | breathless | by | bygone | bypast | called home | canceled | carrion | cold | complete | concluded | croaked | dated | dead | dead and buried | dead and gone | death-struck | deceased | decided | deleted | demised | departed | departed this life | destitute of life | done | done for | done with | down the drain | elapsed | ended | exanimate | expired | expunged | extinct | fallen | fini | finished | food for worms | forgotten | gone | gone glimmering | gone to glory | gone west | gone-by | had it | has-been | inactive | inanimate | inapplicable | inert | inoperative | invalid | irrecoverable | kaput | kaputt | lapsed | late | late lamented | launched into eternity | lifeless | lost | martyred | no more | obsolete | out | outmoded | over | passe | passed | passed away | passed on | past | perfected | perished | pushing up daisies | released | reposing | resting easy | run out | sainted | set at rest | settled | shot | sleeping | smitten with death | SOL | still | stillborn | taken away | taken off | terminated | through | through with | unusable | unused | vanished | washed up | wiped out | with the Lord | with the saints | without life | without vital functions | wound up | zapped

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Defunct In Webster's Dictionary

\De*funct"\ a. [L. defunctus, p. p. of defungi to acquit one's self of, to perform, finish, depart, die; de + fungi to perform, discharge: cf. F. d['e]funt. See {Function}.] Having finished the course of life; dead; deceased. ``Defunct organs.'' --Shak. The boar, defunct, lay tripped up, near. --Byron.
\De*funct"\, n. A dead person; one deceased.

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