About The Word Finished

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Finished Meaning & Definition
Finished Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Finished?

[adj] brought to ruin; "after the revolution the aristocracy was finished"; "the unsuccessful run for office left him ruined politically and economically"
[adj] ended or brought to an end; "are you finished?"; "gave me the finished manuscript"; "the manuscript is finished"; "almost finished with his studies"
[adj] (of materials or goods) brought to the desired final state; "a finished product"
[adj] having a surface coating or finish applied; "the finished bookcase costs much more than the unfinished ones"
[adj] (of skills or the products of skills) brought to or having the greatest excellence; perfected; "a dazzling and finished piece of writing"; "a finished violinist"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Finished: all over | complete | concluded | destroyed | done | done with(p) | dressed | ended | fattened | fattening | over(p) | polished | ruined | terminated | through | through with(p) | up(p)

Related Terms | Find terms related to Finished: ablated | accomplished | ago | all bets off | all off | all over | all up | antiquated | antique | archetypical | asleep | asleep in Jesus | at an end | at concert pitch | at rest | Attic | ausgespielt | balanced | bankrupt | bereft of life | blasted | blighted | blown over | breathless | broken | buffed | burnished | burnt up | by | bygone | bypast | called home | canceled | career | carrion | chaste | Ciceronian | classic | cleaned up | clear | coached | coequal | complete | completed | concluded | consumed | consummate | conversant | coordinate | croaked | cultivated | cultured | dated | dead | dead and buried | dead and gone | death-struck | deceased | decided | defunct | deleted | demised | departed | departed this life | depleted | desolated | destitute of life | destroyed | devastated | developed | direct | dissipated | done | done for | done in | done with | down | down-and-out | drained | easy | eaten up | effete | elapsed | elegant | ended | equal | equilateral | eroded | eurythmic | even | exanimate | exemplary | exhausted | expert | expired | expunged | extinct | fallen | fini | finished up | food for worms | forgotten | fully developed | furbished | glace | glassy | glazed | gleaming | glossy | gone | gone glimmering | gone to glory | gone to pot | gone west | gone-by | graceful | gracile | harmonious | has-been | impoverished | in ruins | inanimate | initiate | initiated | irrecoverable | irremediable | kaput | lacquered | lapsed | late | late lamented | launched into eternity | lifeless | limpid | lucid | martyred | masterful | masterly | mature | matured | model | natural | neat | no more | obsolete | over | overthrown | passe | passed | passed away | passed on | past | pellucid | perfected | perfective | perspicuous | plain | polished | practiced | prepared | primed | professional | proficient | proportioned | pure | pushing up daisies | quintessential | ravaged | refined | regular | released | reposing | resting easy | restrained | ripe | ripened | round | rubbed | ruined | ruinous | run out | sainted | satiny | set at rest | settled | shellacked | shiny | shot | silken | silky | simple | skilled | sleek | sleeping | slick | smitten with death | smooth | SOL | spent | spoiled | still | stillborn | straightforward | suave | symmetric | taken away | taken off | tasteful | technical | terminated | terse | through | through with | trained | trim | unaffected | undone | uniform | unlabored | urbane | used up | vanished | varnished | velvety | versatile | virtuosic | washed up | washed-up | wasted | well-balanced | well-set | well-set-up | wiped out | with the Lord | with the saints | without life | without vital functions | worn away | worn-out | wound up | wrapped up | wrecked | zapped

See Also | painted | processed | smooth

Finished In Webster's Dictionary

\Fin"ished\, a. Polished to the highest degree of excellence; complete; perfect; as, a finished poem; a finished education. {Finished work} (Mach.), work that is made smooth or polished, though not necessarily completed.

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