About The Word Chaste

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Chaste Meaning & Definition
Chaste Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Chaste?

[adj] morally pure especially not having experienced sexual intercourse; "a holy woman innocent and chaste"
[adj] abstaining from unlawful sexual intercourse
[adj] pure and simple in design or style; "a chaste border of conventionalized flowers"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Chaste: celibate | continent | plain | pure | vestal | virgin | virginal | virtuous

Related Terms | Find terms related to Chaste: abase | absolute | abstemious | abstinent | aesthetic | afflict | Apostolic | artistic | ascetic | Attic | austere | bare | basic | becoming | beyond all praise | blotless | castigate | celibate | chasten | chastise | choice | Ciceronian | classic | classical | clean | cleanly | clear | common | commonplace | continent | correct | decent | decorous | defectless | direct | discipline | easy | elegant | elementary | Encratic | essential | ethical | everyday | excellent | faultless | finished | flawless | fruitarian | fundamental | garden | garden-variety | good | graceful | gracile | guiltless | homely | homespun | homogeneous | household | humble | humiliate | ideal | immaculate | impeccable | in good taste | indefectible | indefective | indivisible | infallible | innocent | irreducible | irreproachable | just right | Lenten | limpid | lucid | maidenly | matter-of-fact | mere | modest | monolithic | moral | natural | neat | nephalistic | nondescript | of a piece | of choice | of quality | on the wagon | ordinary | peerless | pellucid | perfect | perspicuous | plain | pleasing | polished | primal | primary | proper | prosaic | prosy | pure | pure and simple | pure in heart | purehearted | Pythagorean | quiet | Rechabite | refined | restrained | righteous | round | seemly | severe | sexually abstinent | sexually innocent | Shaker | simon-pure | simple | single | sinless | snowy | spare | Spartan | spotless | stainless | stark | Stoic | straightforward | subdued | sworn off | taintless | tasteful | teetotal | terse | trim | try | unadorned | unadulterated | unaffected | unblemished | unblotted | uncluttered | uncontaminated | uncorrupt | undecorated | undefiled | understated | undifferenced | undifferentiated | unembellished | unfaultable | uniform | unlabored | unmixed | unobtrusive | unsoiled | unspotted | unstained | unsullied | untainted | untarnished | vegetarian | virgin | virginal | virtuous | well-chosen | white | wholesome | workaday | workday

See Also | moral

Chaste In Webster's Dictionary

\Chaste\ (ch[=a]st), a. [F. chaste, from L. castus pure, chaste; cf. Gr. kaqaro`s pure, Skr. [,c]udth to purify.] 1. Pure from unlawful sexual intercourse; virtuous; continent. ``As chaste as Diana.'' --Shak. Whose bed is undefiled and chaste pronounced. --Milton. 2. Pure in thought and act; innocent; free from lewdness and obscenity, or indecency in act or speech; modest; as, a chaste mind; chaste eyes. 3. Pure in design and expression; correct; free from barbarisms or vulgarisms; refined; simple; as, a chaste style in composition or art. That great model of chaste, lofty, and eloquence, the Book of Common Prayer. --Macaulay. 4. Unmarried. [Obs.] --Chaucer. Syn: Undefiled; pure; virtuous; continent; immaculate; spotless. {Chaste tree}. Same as {Agnus castus}.

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