About The Word Ascetic

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Ascetic Meaning & Definition
Ascetic Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Ascetic?

[n] practices self denial as spiritual discipline
[adj] practicing great self-denial; "Be systematically ascetic...do...something for no other reason than that you would rather not do it"- William James; "a desert nomad's austere life"; "a spartan diet"; "a spartan existence"
[adj] pertaining to or characteristic of an ascetic; "ascetic practices"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Ascetic: abstainer | abstemious | ascetical | ascetical | austere | spartan

Related Terms | Find terms related to Ascetic: abbacomes | abbot | abstainer | abstemious | abstinent | Albigensian | anchoress | anchorite | anchoritic | apologetic | Apostolic | Apostolici | astringent | atoning | austere | bald | banian | bare | beadsman | bedridden invalid | bhikshu | brother | caloyer | candid | Catharist | celibate | cenobite | chaste | cleansing | cloistered monk | closet cynic | common | commonplace | compensational | compensatory | continent | conventual | conventual prior | dervish | desert fathers | desert saints | Diogenes | direct | disciplined | dry | dull | dwarfed | dwarfish | Encratic | Encratite | eremite | eremitic | exiguous | expiatory | fakir | flagellant | forbearing | Franciscan | frank | friar | frugal | fruitarian | grand prior | gymnosophist | hermit | hermitess | hieromonach | Hieronymian | Hieronymite | homebody | homely | homespun | hydropot | impoverished | invalid | isolationist | jejune | lay abbot | lay brother | lean | Lenten | limited | loner | lustral | lustrational | lustrative | marabout | matter-of-fact | meager | mean | mendicant | miserly | monastic | monk | mortified | narrow | natural | neat | nephalist | nephalistic | niggardly | on the wagon | open | outcast | palmer | paltry | pariah | parsimonious | penitential | piacular | pilgrim | pillar saint | pillarist | plain | plain-speaking | plain-spoken | poor | prior | propitiatory | prosaic | prosing | prosy | puny | pure | purgative | purgatorial | purifying | puritan | puritanical | Pythagorean | Pythagorist | Rechabite | reclamatory | recluse | recompensing | redeeming | redemptive | redressing | religieux | religious | reparative | reparatory | repentant | repenting | restitutional | restitutive | restitutory | restrained | righting | rigoristic | rustic | Sabbatarian | sannyasi | satisfactional | scant | scanty | schooled | scrawny | scrimp | scrimpy | seclusionist | self-abasing | self-abnegating | self-denying | self-forgetful | selfless | severe | sexually abstinent | Shaker | shut-in | simple | simple-speaking | skimp | skimpy | slender | slight | slim | small | sober | solitaire | solitary | solitudinarian | spare | sparing | Spartan | squaring | stark | starvation | stay-at-home | stern | stingy | stinted | Stoic | straightforward | straitened | stunted | stylite | subsistence | sworn off | teetotal | teetotaler | teetotalist | thin | Timon of Athens | trained | Trappist | unadorned | unaffected | unimaginative | unnourishing | unnutritious | unpoetical | unvarnished | vegetarian | Waldensian | water-drinker | watered | watery | wedded to poverty | yogi | yogin

See Also | puritan | religionist | religious person | stylite

Ascetic In Webster's Dictionary

\As*cet"ic\a. [Gr. ?, fr. ? to exercise, to practice gymnastics.] Extremely rigid in self-denial and devotions; austere; severe. The stern ascetic rigor of the Temple discipline. --Sir W. Scott.
\As*cet"ic\, n. In the early church, one who devoted himself to a solitary and contemplative life, characterized by devotion, extreme self-denial, and self-mortification; a hermit; a recluse; hence, one who practices extreme rigor and self-denial in religious things. I am far from commending those ascetics that take up their quarters in deserts. --Norris. {Ascetic theology}, the science which treats of the practice of the theological and moral virtues, and the counsels of perfection. --Am. Cyc.

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