About The Word Paltry

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Paltry Meaning & Definition
Paltry Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Paltry?

[adj] contemptibly small in amount; "a measly tip"; "the company donated a miserable $100 for flood relief"; "a paltry wage"; "almost depleted his miserable store of dried beans"
[adj] not worth considering; "he considered the prize too paltry for the lives it must cost"; "piffling efforts"; "a trifling matter"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Paltry: meager | meagerly | meagre | measly | miserable | negligible | trifling | worthless

Related Terms | Find terms related to Paltry: abject | abominable | abstemious | arrant | ascetic | atrocious | austere | base | beggarly | beneath contempt | borne | cheap | cheesy | coarse | common | contemptible | crummy | debased | degraded | depraved | despicable | dirty | disgusting | dwarfed | dwarfish | execrable | exiguous | flagrant | foul | fourth-class | frugal | fulsome | gaudy | gimcracky | grave | gross | heinous | illiberal | impoverished | inconsequential | inconsiderable | ineffectual | inferior | insignificant | irregular | jejune | lean | Lenten | limited | little | low | low-class | low-down | low-grade | low-quality | low-test | lumpen | mangy | meager | mean | measly | meretricious | Mickey Mouse | mingy | miserable | miserly | monstrous | narrow | nefarious | niggardly | obnoxious | odious | parsimonious | pathetic | petty | picayune | piddling | pitiable | pitiful | poky | poor | punk | puny | rank | reptilian | rubbishy | sad | scabby | scant | scanty | scrawny | scrimp | scrimpy | scrubby | scruffy | scummy | scurvy | scuzzy | second-best | second-class | seedy | set | shabby | shoddy | skimp | skimpy | sleazy | slender | slight | slim | small | sorry | spare | sparing | Spartan | squalid | starvation | stingy | stinted | straitened | stunted | subsistence | tacky | tatty | thin | third-class | third-rate | tinny | trashy | trifling | trivial | trumpery | two-for-a-cent | two-for-a-penny | twopenny | twopenny-halfpenny | unchivalrous | ungenerous | unimportant | unmentionable | unnourishing | unnutritious | valueless | vile | watered | watery | worthless | wretched

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Paltry In Webster's Dictionary

\Pal"try\, a. [Compar. {Paltrier}; superl. {Paltriest}.] [Cf. Prov. E. paltry refuse, rubbish, LG. paltering ragged, palte, palter, a rag, a tatter, Dan. pialt, Sw. palta, pl. paltor.] Mean; vile; worthless; despicable; contemptible; pitiful; trifling; as, a paltry excuse; paltry gold. --Cowper. The paltry prize is hardly worth the cost. --Byron. Syn: See {Contemptible}.

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