About The Word Odious

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Odious Meaning & Definition
Odious Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Odious?

[adj] unequivocally detestable; "abominable treatment of prisoners"; "detestable vices"; "execrable crimes"; "consequences odious to those you govern"- Edmund Burke

Synonyms | Synonyms for Odious: abominable | detestable | execrable | hateful

Related Terms | Find terms related to Odious: abhorrent | abject | abominable | arrant | atrocious | awful | barfy | base | beastly | beggarly | below contempt | beneath contempt | blameworthy | brutal | cheesy | contemptible | crappy | crude | crummy | debased | degraded | deplorable | depraved | despicable | detestable | dire | dirty | disgusting | dislikable | displeasing | distasteful | dreadful | egregious | enormous | execrable | fecal | feculent | fetid | filthy | flagrant | flyblown | forbidding | foul | fulsome | gloppy | grave | grievous | gross | gunky | hateful | heinous | horrible | horrid | icky | ignoble | infamous | intolerable | lamentable | little | loathsome | lousy | low | low-down | lumpen | maggoty | malodorous | mangy | mean | measly | mephitic | miasmal | miasmic | miserable | mislikable | monstrous | mucky | nasty | nauseating | nefarious | noisome | notorious | noxious | objectionable | obnoxious | obscene | offensive | ordurous | outrageous | paltry | petty | pitiable | pitiful | poky | poor | puky | putrid | rank | rebarbative | regrettable | repellent | reprehensible | reptilian | repugnant | repulsive | revolting | rotten | sad | scabby | scandalous | schlock | scrubby | scruffy | scummy | scurfy | scurvy | shabby | shameful | shitty | shocking | shoddy | sickening | slabby | slimy | sloppy | sloshy | sludgy | slushy | small | sordid | sposhy | squalid | stinking | terrible | too bad | unclean | uncongenial | uninviting | unlikable | unlovable | unmentionable | unpleasant | vile | villainous | vomity | woeful | wormy | worst | worthless | wretched | yecchy

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Odious In Webster's Dictionary

\O"di*ous\, a. [L. odiosus, from odium hatred: cf. F. odieux. See {Odium}.] 1. Hateful; deserving or receiving hatred; as, an odious name, system, vice. ``All wickedness will be most odious.'' --Sprat. He rendered himself odious to the Parliament. --Clarendon. 2. Causing or provoking hatred, repugnance, or disgust; offensive; disagreeable; repulsive; as, an odious sight; an odious smell. --Milton. The odious side of that polity. --Macaulay. Syn: Hateful; detestable; abominable; disgusting; loathsome; invidious; repulsive; forbidding; unpopular. -- {O"di*ous`ly}. adv. -- {O"di*ous*ness}, n.

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