About The Word Offensive

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Learn about the word Offensive to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Offensive definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Offensive Meaning & Definition
Offensive Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Offensive?

[n] the action of attacking the enemy
[adj] of an offensive substitute for inoffensive terminology; "`nigger' is a dysphemistic term for `African-American'"
[adj] unpleasant or disgusting especially to the senses; "offensive odors"
[adj] morally offensive; "an unsavory reputation"; "an unsavory scandal"
[adj] causing anger or annoyance; "offensive remarks"
[adj] for the purpose of attack rather than defense; "offensive weapons"
[adj] violating or tending to violate or offend against; "violative of the principles of liberty"; "considered such depravity offensive against all laws of humanity"
[adj] causing or able to cause nausea; "a nauseating smell"; "nauseous offal"; "a sickening stench"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Offensive: abhorrent | abusive | antipersonnel | assault(a) | assaultive | attack(a) | attacking(a) | charnel | creepy | detestable | disgustful | disgusting | distasteful | dysphemistic | foul | ghastly | ghoulish | hideous | hit-and-run | horrid | horrific | incursive | insulting | invading | invasive | loathly | loathsome | marauding | morbid | nauseating | nauseous | noisome | objectionable | obnoxious | obscene | odoriferous | offence | offending | offense | on the offensive(p) | opprobrious | outrageous | predatory | raiding | rank | repellant | repellent | repelling | repugnant | repulsive | revolting | scornful | scrimy | scurrilous | sepulchral | sickening | skanky | tip-and-run | unpleasant | unsavory | unsavoury | unwholesome | verminous | vile | violative | wicked | yucky

Related Terms | Find terms related to Offensive: abhorrent | abominable | abusive | aggravated assault | aggression | aggressive | amphibious attack | antagonistic | appalling | armed assault | arrant | assailing | assailment | assault | atrocious | attack | attacking | awful | backhand | backhanded | bad | bad-smelling | banzai attack | barfy | base | battling | bawdy | beastly | bellicose | belligerent | below contempt | beneath contempt | blameworthy | blitz | blitzkrieg | bloodthirsty | bloody | bloody-minded | blue | boorish | brackish | breakthrough | brutal | caddish | calumnious | charge | chauvinist | chauvinistic | chintzy | cloying | coarse | combative | contemptible | contentious | contumelious | counterattack | counteroffensive | coup de main | crippling attack | crude | dead set at | degrading | deplorable | descent on | despicable | detestable | dire | dirty | disagreeable | discourteous | disgusting | displeasing | disrespectful | diversion | diversionary attack | dreadful | drive | egregious | enemy | enormous | evil | execrable | fecal | ferocious | Fescennine | fetid | fierce | fighting | filthy | flagrant | flank attack | forbidding | foul | foul-mouthed | foul-spoken | foul-tongued | frightful | frontal attack | frowsty | frowy | frowzy | full of fight | fulsome | funky | fusty | gamy | gas attack | ghastly | graveolent | grievous | grim | grisly | gross | gruesome | hateful | hawkish | head-on attack | heinous | hideous | high | horrible | horrid | hostile | humiliating | icky | ignoble | ill-bred | ill-smelling | impertinent | impolite | improper | impudent | impure | in bad taste | inappropriate | inconsiderate | indecent | indecorous | indelicate | inelegant | infamous | infiltration | inimical | insensitive | insolent | insulting | ithyphallic | jingo | jingoish | jingoist | jingoistic | lamentable | left-handed | lewd | lightning attack | lightning war | loathsome | lousy | loutish | louty | lurid | maggoty | malodorous | martial | mass attack | mawkish | megadeath | mephitic | miasmal | miasmic | mildewed | mildewy | militant | militaristic | military | moldy | monstrous | mugging | musty | nasty | nauseant | nauseating | nauseous | nefarious | nidorous | noisome | notorious | noxious | objectionable | obnoxious | obscene | odious | odorous | offense | olid | on the offensive | onset | onslaught | outrageous | overkill | overripe | panzer warfare | pitiable | pitiful | poisonous | pornographic | provocative | pugnacious | push | putrescent | putrid | quarrelsome | Rabelaisian | rancid | rank | raunchy | reasty | reasy | rebarbative | reechy | reeking | reeky | regrettable | repellent | repelling | reprehensible | repugnant | repulsive | revolting | ribald | rotten | rude | run against | run at | rush | saber-rattling | sad | salacious | sally | sanguinary | sanguineous | savage | scandalous | schlock | scrappy | scurrile | scurrilous | scurvy | shabby | shameful | shock tactics | shocking | shoddy | sickening | smellful | smelling | smelly | smoking-room | smutty | soldierlike | soldierly | sordid | sortie | spoiled | squalid | stenchy | stinking | strike | strong | stuffy | sulfurous | sultry | tactless | tasteless | terrible | threatening | too bad | trigger-happy | truculent | unappetizing | unbecoming | unbeseeming | unchaste | uncivil | unclean | uncongenial | undignified | unfeminine | unfitting | unfriendly | ungenteel | ungentle | ungentlemanly | ungrateful | unladylike | unmannerly | unpacific | unpalatable | unpeaceable | unpeaceful | unpleasant | unprintable | unprovoked assault | unrefined | unrepeatable | unsavory | unseemly | unsolicitous | unspeakable | unsuitable | untasteful | unwholesome | vile | villainous | vomity | vulgar | warlike | warmongering | warring | weevily | woeful | worst | worthless | wretched | yucky

See Also | aggressive | counteroffensive | disrespectful | evil | harmful | hateful | hostile | military operation | operation | push back | rollback | unpalatable

Offensive In Webster's Dictionary

\Of*fen"sive\, a. [Cf.F. offensif. See {Offend}.] 1. Giving offense; causing displeasure or resentment; displeasing; annoying; as, offensive words. 2. Giving pain or unpleasant sensations; disagreeable; revolting; noxious; as, an offensive smell; offensive sounds. ``Offensive to the stomach.'' --Bacon. 3. Making the first attack; assailant; aggressive; hence, used in attacking; -- opposed to {defensive}; as, an offensive war; offensive weapons. {League offensive and defensive}, a leaque that requires all the parties to it to make war together against any foe, and to defend one another if attacked. Syn: Displeasing; disagreeable; distasteful; obnoxious; abhorrent; disgusting; impertinent; rude; saucy; reproachful; opprobrious; insulting; insolent; abusive; scurrilous; assailant; attacking; invading. -- {Of*fen"sive*ly}, adv. -- {Of*fen"sive*ness}, n.
\Of*fen"sive\, n. The state or posture of one who offends or makes attack; aggressive attitude; the act of the attacking party; -- opposed to {defensive}. {To act on the offensive}, to be the attacking party.

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