About The Word Fighting

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Learn about the word Fighting to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Fighting definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Fighting Meaning & Definition
Fighting Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Fighting?

[n] the act of fighting; any contest or struggle; "a fight broke out at the hockey game"; "there was fighting in the streets"
[adj] disposed to loud disagreements and fighting
[adj] engaged in war; "belligerent (or warring) nations"; "a fighting war"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Fighting: belligerent | brawling | combat | disorderly | fight | militant | unpeaceful | war-ridden | warring

Related Terms | Find terms related to Fighting: aggressive | all-out war | altercation | antagonistic | appeal to arms | argument | armed combat | armed conflict | attack | battle | battling | bellicose | belligerence | belligerency | belligerent | bickering | bloodshed | bloodthirsty | bloody | bloody-minded | bout | boxing | boxing match | cat-and-dog life | chauvinist | chauvinistic | Chinese boxing | close fighting | combat | combative | conflict | contending | contention | contentious | contentiousness | contest | contestant | contestation | contesting | controversy | cut and thrust | debate | disputant | disputation | dispute | enemy | enmity | ferocious | fierce | fisticuffs | full of fight | hawkish | hostile | hostilities | hostility | hot war | infighting | inimical | jingo | jingoish | jingoist | jingoistic | Kilkenny cats | la guerre | litigation | logomachy | martial | might of arms | militant | militaristic | military | military operations | offensive | open hostilities | open war | paper war | polemic | prizefight | prizefighting | pugilism | pugnacious | quarrel | quarreling | quarrelsome | quarrelsomeness | resort to arms | saber-rattling | sanguinary | sanguineous | savage | savate | scrapping | scrappy | shadowboxing | shooting war | soldierlike | soldierly | spar | squabbling | state of war | strife | striving | struggle | struggling | the clinches | the fights | the ring | the sword | total war | trigger-happy | truculent | unfriendly | unpacific | unpeaceable | unpeaceful | war | war of words | warfare | warlike | warmaking | warmongering | warring | wartime | words | wrangling

See Also | affaire d'honneur | affray | banging | battering | battle | beating | blow | brawl | brush | clash | conflict | cut-and-thrust | disturbance | dogfight | duel | encounter | fencing | fistfight | fisticuffs | fray | free-for-all | gang fight | gunfight | gunplay | hassle | impact | in-fighting | knife fight | rough-and-tumble | ruffle | rumble | scuffle | set-to | shock | shootout | skirmish | slugfest | snickersnee | struggle | swordplay | tussle | whipping

Fighting In Webster's Dictionary

\Fight"ing\, a. 1. Qualified for war; fit for battle. An host of fighting men. --2 Chron. xxvi. 11. 2. Occupied in war; being the scene of a battle; as, a fighting field. --Pope. {A fighting chance}, one dependent upon the issue of a struggle. [Colloq.] {Fighting crab} (Zo["o]l.), the fiddler crab. {Fighting fish} (Zo["o]l.), a remarkably pugnacious East Indian fish ({Betta pugnax}), reared by the Siamese for spectacular fish fights.

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