About The Word Disorderly

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Learn about the word Disorderly to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Disorderly definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Disorderly Meaning & Definition
Disorderly Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Disorderly?

[adj] undisciplined and unruly; "disorderly youths"; "disorderly conduct"
[adj] completely unordered and unpredictable and confusing
[adj] in utter disorder; "a disorderly pile of clothes"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Disorderly: boisterous | brawling | chaotic | fighting | higgledy-piggledy | hugger-mugger | jumbled | mob | mobbish | moblike | rambunctious | raucous | robustious | rough-and-tumble | rowdy | rumbustious | topsy-turvy | unruly | untidy | wild

Related Terms | Find terms related to Disorderly: amiss | amorphic | amorphous | anarchial | anarchic | anarchistic | antinomian | askew | awry | bad | baggy | blobby | blurred | blurry | boisterous | capricious | changeable | changing | chaotic | characterless | choppy | cluttered | cockeyed | confused | convulsed | deranged | deviating | deviative | deviatory | different | disarranged | discomfited | discomposed | disconcerted | dislocated | disobedient | disordered | disorganized | disruptive | disturbed | divaricate | divergent | diversified | diversiform | erose | erratic | featureless | formless | fuzzy | haphazard | haywire | hazy | helter-skelter | higgledy-piggledy | improper | impulsive | in disarray | in disorder | inchoate | inconsistent | inconstant | indecisive | indefinite | indeterminate | inform | intractable | irregular | jagged | jerky | jumbled | kaleidoscopic | lawless | lumpen | mercurial | messy | misbehaving | misplaced | misty | motley | muddled | mutable | mutinous | naughty | nihilistic | noisy | nonconformist | nondescript | nonstandard | nonuniform | not respectable | obscure | obstreperous | off-base | on the fritz | orderless | out of gear | out of joint | out of kelter | out of kilter | out of order | out of place | out of tune | out of whack | out-of-line | pell-mell | perturbed | pluralistic | ragged | rampant | raucous | rebellious | refractory | revolutionary | riotous | roily | rough | rowdy | rowdyish | ruffianly | rumbustious | scrambled | shapeless | shuffled | spasmodic | sporadic | syndicalistic | termagant | terrorist | topsy-turvy | tumultuous | turbid | turbulent | unbehaving | unbridled | unclear | uncontrollable | uncontrolled | undefined | undisciplined | unequable | unequal | uneven | ungovernable | ungoverned | unmanageable | unordered | unorganized | unorthodox | unrestrained | unruly | unsettled | unstable | unsteady | unsystematic | untidy | ununiform | upset | vague | variable | variegated | variform | various | varying | violent | wavering | wild

See Also |

Disorderly In Webster's Dictionary

\Dis*or"der*ly\, a. 1. Not in order; marked by disorder; disarranged; immethodical; as, the books and papers are in a disorderly state. 2. Not acting in an orderly way, as the functions of the body or mind. 3. Not complying with the restraints of order and law; tumultuous; unruly; lawless; turbulent; as, disorderly people; disorderly assemblies. 4. (Law) Offensive to good morals and public decency; notoriously offensive; as, a disorderly house. Syn: Irregular; immethodical; confused; tumultuous; inordinate; intemperate; unruly; lawless; vicious.
\Dis*or"der*ly\, adv. In a disorderly manner; without law or order; irregularly; confusedly. Withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly. --2 Thess. iii. 6. Savages fighting disorderly with stones. --Sir W. Raleigh.

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