About The Word Mob

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Mob Meaning & Definition
Mob Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Mob?

[n] a disorderly crowd of people
[n] an association of criminals; "police tried to break up the gang"; "a pack of thieves"
[n] a loose affiliation of gangsters in charge of organized criminal activities
[adj] characteristic of a mob; disorderly or lawless; "mob rule"; "fanned mounting tension into mobbish terrorizing"; "moblike mentality"
[v] press tightly together or cram; "The crowd packed the auditorium"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Mob: disorderly | gang | jam | mobbish | moblike | pack | pack | pile | rabble | ring | rout | syndicate | throng

Related Terms | Find terms related to Mob: a mass of | a world of | age group | alliance | army | assemblage | association | axis | band | battalion | bevy | Black Hand | bloc | body | brigade | bunch | Bund | cabal | cadre | camarilla | camp | canaille | carpet | cast | cell | charmed circle | chew out | circle | clan | clique | closed circle | cloud | cluster | clutter | coalition | cohort | cohue | college | combination | combine | common market | company | complement | confederacy | confederation | consumer cooperative | contingent | cooperative | cooperative society | corps | Cosa Nostra | coterie | council | covey | credit union | crew | crowd | crush | customs union | deluge | detachment | detail | division | dregs | economic community | elite | elite group | faction | federation | fleet | flight | flock | flocks | flood | free trade area | galaxy | gang | gangdom | gangland | group | grouping | groupment | hail | heap | herd | hive | horde | host | ignobile vulgus | ingroup | in-group | inner circle | jam | junta | junto | large amount | lash | league | legion | lots | machine | many | many-headed multitude | mass | masses | masses of | mobile vulgus | movement | muchness | multitude | nest | numbers | organized crime | outfit | out-group | pack | panoply | partnership | party | peer group | phalanx | platoon | plurality | political machine | posse | press | proletariat | push | quantities | quite a few | rabble | ragtag and bobtail | rail | rate | regiment | riffraff | ring | Rochdale cooperative | rout | row | ruck | salon | scores | scum | set | shoal | society | spate | squad | stable | string | swarm | team | the common herd | the crowd | the great unnumbered | the great unwashed | the herd | the hoi polloi | the horde | the Mafia | the majority | the many | the masses | the mob | the multitude | the rackets | the syndicate | the underworld | throng | tidy sum | trash | tribe | troop | troupe | union | unwashed | we-group | wing | worlds of

See Also | association | Cosa Nostra | crowd | crowd | crowd together | gangdom | gangland | gangster | lynch mob | Maffia | Mafia | mobster | nest | organized crime | youth gang

Mob In Webster's Dictionary

\Mob\, n. [See {Mobcap}.] A mobcap. --Goldsmith.
\Mob\, v. t. To wrap up in, or cover with, a cowl. [R.]
\Mob\, n. [L. mobile vulgus, the movable common people. See {Mobile}, n.] 1. The lower classes of a community; the populace, or the lowest part of it. A cluster of mob were making themselves merry with their betters. --Addison. 2. Hence: A throng; a rabble; esp., an unlawful or riotous assembly; a disorderly crowd. The mob of gentlemen who wrote with ease. --Pope. Had every Athenian citizen been a Socrates, every Athenian assembly would still have been a mob. --Madison. Confused by brainless mobs. --Tennyson. {Mob law}, law administered by the mob; lynch law. {Swell mob}, well dressed thieves and swindlers, regarded collectively. [Slang] --Dickens.
\Mob\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Mobbed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Mobbing}.] To crowd about, as a mob, and attack or annoy; as, to mob a house or a person.

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