About The Word Flood

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Flood Meaning & Definition
Flood Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Flood?

[n] a large flow
[n] the act of flooding; filling to overflowing
[n] light that is a source of artificial illumination having a broad beam; used in photography
[n] the inward flow of the tide; "a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune" -Shakespeare
[n] the rising of a body of water and its overflowing onto normally dry land; "plains fertilized by annual inundations"1
[n] an overwhelming number or amount; "a flood of requests"; "a torrent of abuse"
[v] cover with liquid, usually water; "The swollen river flooded the village"; "The broken vein had flooded blood in her eyes"
[v] become filled to overflowing; "Our basement flooded during the heavy rains"
[v] fill quickly beyond capacity; as with a liquid; "the basement was inundated after the storm"; "The images flooded his mind"
[v] supply with an excess of; "flood the market with tennis shoes"; "Glut the country with cheap imports from the Orient"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Flood: alluvion | deluge | deluge | deluge | flood lamp | floodlight | glut | inundate | inundation | inundation | outpouring | overflow | oversupply | photoflood | swamp | torrent

Related Terms | Find terms related to Flood: abundance | access | accession | accretion | accrual | accruement | accumulation | acres | addition | advance | affluence | aggrandizement | alluvion | alluvium | ample sufficiency | ampleness | amplification | amplitude | appreciation | arc | arc light | army | ascent | augmentation | avalanche | bags | ballooning | barrels | be prodigal with | bloating | bonanza | boom | boost | bountifulness | bountiousness | brash | broadening | buildup | bumper crop | burst of rain | bushel | cascade | cataclysm | cataract | choke | cloudburst | cluster | cohue | color filter | copiousness | countlessness | course | cover | crescendo | crowd | crush | current | debacle | deluge | development | dimmer | dip | direct tide | downfall | downflow | downpour | drencher | drift | drown | duck | dunk | ebb | ebb and flow | ebb tide | edema | elevation | embarras de richesses | engulf | engulfment | enlargement | enough | excess | expansion | extension | extravagance | extravagancy | exuberance | fertility | fill | float | floats | flock | flood the market | flood tide | flooding | floodlight | flow | flow back | flow in | flow on | flow out | flush | flux | flux and reflux | foison | footlights | foots | fresh | freshet | full measure | full tide | fullness | gain | galaxy | gelatin | generosity | generousness | glut | great abundance | great plenty | greatening | growth | gush | gushing rain | heap | heavy rain | high tide | high water | hike | horde | host | immerse | increase | increment | inflation | inundate | inundation | issue | jam | jump | klieg light | know no bounds | landslide | lavishness | leap | legion | liberality | liberalness | light plot | lights | limelight | load | lots | low tide | low water | lunar tide | luxuriance | luxuriate | make | marquee | mass | maximum | medium | mob | money to burn | more than enough | mountain | mounting | much | multiplication | multitude | myriad | myriads | neap | neap tide | Niagara | nimiety | numerousness | ocean | oceans | opposite tide | opulence | opulency | outpouring | overabound | overabundance | overaccumulation | overbounteousness | overbrim | overcopiousness | overdose | overequip | overflow | overflowing | overfurnish | overgrow | overlavish | overlavishness | overluxuriance | overmeasure | overmuchness | overnumerousness | overplentifulness | overplenty | overpopulation | overprofusion | overprovender | overprovide | overprovision | overrun | overrunning | oversell | overspill | overspread | overstock | oversufficiency | oversupply | overswarm | overwhelm | panoply | peck | permeate | plash | plenitude | plenteousness | plentifulness | plenty | plethora | pour | pour on | pour out | pour over | press | prevalence | prodigality | productiveness | profuseness | profusion | proliferation | pullulate | quantities | quantity | rabble | rain | rainburst | rainspout | rainstorm | raise | redundancy | refluence | reflux | regurgitate | repleteness | repletion | rich harvest | rich vein | richness | riot | riotousness | rip | riptide | rise | river | rout | ruck | run | run over | run riot | rush | satiety | saturate | scads | scud | sea | set | shower | slop | slosh | sluice | snowballing | soaker | soaking rain | solar tide | spate | spill | spill out | spill over | spillage | spot | spotlight | spout | spread | spring tide | stream | submerge | submersion | substantiality | substantialness | superabound | superabundance | superfluity | superflux | surfeit | surge | surge back | surplus | swamp | swarm | sweep | swelling | teem | teemingness | thalassometer | the Deluge | the Flood | throng | tidal amplitude | tidal current | tidal current chart | tidal flow | tidal range | tidal wave | tide | tide chart | tide gate | tide gauge | tide race | tide rip | tidewater | tideway | tons | torrent | torrent of rain | trend | tumescence | up | upping | upsurge | upswing | uptrend | upturn | volume | washout | waterflood | waterspout | waxing | wealth | whelm | whelming | widening | world | worlds

See Also | batch | cover | deal | debacle | deluge | drench | effusion | fill | fill | fill up | fill up | filling | flash flood | flashflood | flock | flood in | flood out | flood tide | flow | flow | flow | flowing | furnish | geological phenomenon | good deal | great deal | hatful | heap | inundate | light | light source | lot | make full | mass | mess | mickle | mint | muckle | overwhelm | peck | photographic equipment | pile | plenty | pot | provide | quite a little | raft | render | rising tide | sight | slew | spate | spread over | stack | stream | submerge | supply | swamp | tidy sum | wad | whole lot | whole slew

Flood In Webster's Dictionary

\Flood\, n. [OE. flod a flowing, stream, flood, AS. fl[=o]d; akin to D. vloed, OS. fl[=o]d, OHG. fluot, G. flut, Icel. fl[=o][eth], Sw. & Dan. flod, Goth. fl[=o]dus; from the root of E. flow. [root]80. See {Flow}, v. i.] 1. A great flow of water; a body of moving water; the flowing stream, as of a river; especially, a body of water, rising, swelling, and overflowing land not usually thus covered; a deluge; a freshet; an inundation. A covenant never to destroy The earth again by flood. --Milton. 2. The flowing in of the tide; the semidiurnal swell or rise of water in the ocean; -- opposed to ebb; as, young flood; high flood. There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. --Shak. 3. A great flow or stream of any fluid substance; as, a flood of light; a flood of lava; hence, a great quantity widely diffused; an overflowing; a superabundance; as, a flood of bank notes; a flood of paper currency. 4. Menstrual disharge; menses. --Harvey. {Flood anchor} (Naut.), the anchor by which a ship is held while the tide is rising. {Flood fence}, a fence so secured that it will not be swept away by a flood. {Flood gate}, a gate for shutting out, admitting, or releasing, a body of water; a tide gate. {Flood mark}, the mark or line to which the tide, or a flood, rises; high-water mark. {Flood tide}, the rising tide; -- opposed to {ebb tide}. {The Flood}, the deluge in the days of Noah.
\Flood\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Flooded}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Flooding}.] 1. To overflow; to inundate; to deluge; as, the swollen river flooded the valley. 2. To cause or permit to be inundated; to fill or cover with water or other fluid; as, to flood arable land for irrigation; to fill to excess or to its full capacity; as, to flood a country with a depreciated currency.

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Crossword Dictionary