About The Word Rip

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Learn about the word Rip to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Rip definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Rip Meaning & Definition
Rip Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Rip?

[n] the act of rending or ripping or splitting something; "he gave the envelope a vigorous rip"
[n] a stretch of turbulent water in the sea
[n] an opening made forcibly as by pulling apart; "there was a rip in his pants"
[n] a dissolute man in fashionable society
[v] criticize or abuse strongly and violently; "The candidate ripped into his opponent mercilessly"
[v] tear or be torn violently; "The curtain ripped from top to bottom"; "pull the cooked chicken into strips"
[v] cut (wood) along the grain
[v] move precipitously or violently; "The tornado ripped along the coast"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Rip: blood | crosscurrent | profligate | pull | rake | rend | rent | rent | riptide | rive | roue | split | split | tear | tear | tide rip

Related Terms | Find terms related to Rip:

See Also | assail | assault | attack | bust | cut | debauchee | gap | go | lash out | libertine | locomote | move | opening | round | rounder | rupture | snap | snipe | tear | tear | travel | turbulence | turbulency

Rip In Webster's Dictionary

\Rip\, n. [Cf. Icel. hrip a box or basket; perhaps akin to E. corb. Cf. {Ripier}.] A wicker fish basket.
\Rip\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Ripped}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Ripping}.] [Cf. AS. r[=y]pan, also Sw. repa to ripple flax, D. repelen, G. reffen, riffeln, and E. raff, raffle. Cf. {Raff}, {Ripple} of flax.] 1. To divide or separate the parts of, by cutting or tearing; to tear or cut open or off; to tear off or out by violence; as, to rip a garment by cutting the stitches; to rip off the skin of a beast; to rip up a floor; -- commonly used with up, open, off. 2. To get by, or as by, cutting or tearing. He 'll rip the fatal secret from her heart. --Granville. 3. To tear up for search or disclosure, or for alteration; to search to the bottom; to discover; to disclose; -- usually with up. They ripped up all that had been done from the beginning of the rebellion. --Clarendon. For brethern to debate and rip up their falling out in the ear of a common enemy . . . is neither wise nor comely. --Milton. 4. To saw (wood) lengthwise of the grain or fiber. {Ripping chisel} (Carp.), a crooked chisel for cleaning out mortises. --Knight. {Ripping iron}. (Shipbuilding) Same as {Ravehook}. {Ripping saw}. (Carp.) See {Ripsaw}. {To rip out}, to rap out, to utter hastily and violently; as, to rip out an oath. [Colloq.] See {To rap out}, under {Rap}, v. t.
\Rip\, n. 1. A rent made by ripping, esp. by a seam giving way; a tear; a place torn; laceration. 2. [Perh. a corruption of the first syllable of reprobate.] A term applied to a mean, worthless thing or person, as to a scamp, a debauchee, or a prostitute, or a worn-out horse. [Slang.] 3. A body of water made rough by the meeting of opposing tides or currents.

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