About The Word Gap

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Learn about the word Gap to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Gap definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Gap Meaning & Definition
Gap Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Gap?

[n] an act of delaying or interrupting the continuity; "it was presented without commercial breaks"
[n] a narrow opening; "he opened the window a crack"
[n] a conspicuous disparity or difference as between two figures; "gap between income and outgo"; "the spread between lending and borrowing costs"
[n] a pass between mountain peaks
[n] an open or empty space in or between things; "there was a small opening between the trees"; "the explosion made a gap in the wall"
[v] make an opening or gap in

Synonyms | Synonyms for Gap: breach | break | col | crack | disruption | interruption | opening | spread

Related Terms | Find terms related to Gap: abysm | abyss | aperture | arrearage | arroyo | bottom | bottom glade | bottoms | box canyon | breach | break | breakage | broaching | burst | caesura | canyon | cavity | cessation | chap | chasm | check | chimney | chink | chip | clearing | cleavage | cleave | cleft | cleuch | clough | clove | col | coulee | couloir | crack | cranny | crevasse | crevice | cut | cut apart | cwm | dale | defalcation | defect | deficiency | deficit | defile | dehisce | delay | dell | difference | dike | dingle | disagreement | disclosure | discontinuity | discrepancy | disparity | disruption | distance | distinction | ditch | divergence | division | donga | draw | excavation | fault | fenestra | fissure | fistula | flaw | flume | fontanel | foramen | fracture | furrow | gape | gash | gat | gill | glen | gorge | groove | grove | gulch | gulf | gully | halt | hang open | hiatus | hole | hollow | incise | incision | inconsistency | inlet | interim | intermission | interruption | interspace | interval | intervale | joint | kloof | lack | lacuna | laying open | leak | letup | lull | lunar rill | missing link | moat | need | notch | nullah | omission | open | opening | opening up | orifice | oscitate | outage | outlet | pass | passage | passageway | pause | pore | ravine | recess | rent | respite | rest | rift | rime | rip | rive | rupture | scale | scissure | seam | separation | shortage | slash | slice | slit | slot | space | splinter | split | stoma | stop | strath | suspension | tear | throwing open | trench | trough | ullage | uncorking | unstopping | vale | valley | void | wadi | wait | want | wantage | yawn

See Also | abruption | barracking | blank | breach | breaking off | chasm | cleft | crack | crevice | delay | disparity | Earth's surface | fissure | foramen | heckling | hiatus | holdup | hole | interjection | interpellation | interpolation | interposition | lacuna | mountain pass | mouth | nodes of Ranvier | notch | open | open up | opening | pass | Ranvier's nodes | rent | rift | rip | scissure | space | spark gap | split | surface | tear | water gap | wind gap | window

Gap In Webster's Dictionary

\Gap\, n. [OE. gap; cf. Icel. gap an empty space, Sw. gap mouth, breach, abyss, Dan. gab mouth, opening, AS. geap expanse; as adj., wide, spacious. See {Gape}.] An opening in anything made by breaking or parting; as, a gap in a fence; an opening for a passage or entrance; an opening which implies a breach or defect; a vacant space or time; a hiatus; a mountain pass. Miseries ensued by the opening of that gap. --Knolles. It would make a great gap in your own honor. --Shak. {Gap lathe} (Mach.), a turning lathe with a deep notch in the bed to admit of turning a short object of large diameter. {To stand in the gap}, to expose one's self for the protection of something; to make defense against any assailing danger; to take the place of a fallen defender or supporter. {To stop a gap}, to secure a weak point; to repair a defect.
\Gap\, v. t. 1. To notch, as a sword or knife. 2. To make an opening in; to breach. Their masses are gapp'd with our grape. --Tennyson.
\Gap\, n. (A["e]ronautics) The vertical distance between two superposed surfaces, esp. in a biplane.

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