About The Word Pile

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Pile Meaning & Definition
Pile Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Pile?

[n] a nuclear reactor that uses controlled nuclear fission to generate energy
[n] the yarn (as in a rug or velvet) that stands up from the weave
[n] a column of wood or steel or concrete that is driven into the ground to provide support for a structure
[n] battery consisting of voltaic cells arranged in series; the earliest electric battery devised by Volta
[n] a collection of objects laid on top of each other
[n] informal: a large sum of money
[n] (often followed by `of') a large number or amount or extent; "a batch of letters"; "a deal of trouble"; "a lot of money"; "he made a mint on the stock market"; "it must have cost plenty"
[v] place or lay as if in a pile; "The teacher piled work on the students until the parents protested"
[v] arrange in stacks; "heap firewood around the fireplace"; "stack your books up on the shelves"
[v] press tightly together or cram; "The crowd packed the auditorium"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Pile: atomic pile | atomic reactor | batch | chain reactor | cumulus | deal | flock | galvanic pile | good deal | great deal | hatful | heap | heap | heap | jam | lot | mass | mess | mickle | mint | mob | mound | muckle | pack | peck | piling | plenty | pot | quite a little | raft | sight | slew | spate | spile | stack | stack | stilt | throng | tidy sum | voltaic pile | wad | whole lot | whole slew

Related Terms | Find terms related to Pile: abscess | abundance | accumulate | accumulation | agglomeration | aggregate | aggregation | amass | amassment | angina | angina pectoris | anthill | aortic insufficiency | aortic stenosis | apoplectic stroke | architecture | arrhythmia | arteriosclerosis | assault | assemblage | assemble | assortment | atherosclerosis | atomic pile | atrial fibrillation | attack | auricular fibrillation | back | backlog | bag | bags | baluster | balustrade | banister | bank | bank up | bankroll | barrel | base | batch | bed sore | beriberi heart | bestraddle | bestride | blade | blain | bleb | blister | board | boil | bomb | boodle | bottle | box | bract | bracteole | bractlet | breeder reactor | bricks | bristle | bristles | brush | bubo | budget | building | bulla | bundle | bunion | burden | can | canker | canker sore | capillament | carbuncle | cardiac arrest | cardiac insufficiency | cardiac shock | cardiac stenosis | cardiac thrombosis | carditis | caryatid | chain reactor | chain-reacting pile | chancre | chancroid | charge | chilblain | choke | cilium | climb on | coat | cock | cold sore | collect | collection | colonnade | column | commissariat | commissary | concentration | congenital heart disease | congeries | conglomeration | considerable | construct | construction | cor biloculare | cor juvenum | cor triatriatum | cornucopia | coronary | coronary insufficiency | coronary thrombosis | cotyledon | crate | crowd in | cumulate | cumulation | dado | deal | deposit | diastolic hypertension | die | down | drift | dump | dune | edifice | eiderdown | embankment | encased heart | endocarditis | enter | erection | eschar | establishment | exaggerate | exit | extrasystole | fabric | fast pile | fatty heart | feel | felon | fester | festering | fever blister | fibroid heart | fill | finish | fistula | flag | flask-shaped heart | fleece | floral leaf | floss | flue | fluff | foliole | footstalk | fortune | freight | frond | frosted heart | fur | furnace | furuncle | furunculus | fuzz | gathering | get in | get into | get on | glomeration | glume | go aboard | go on board | gobs | good deal | good sum | grain | granular texture | great deal | gumboil | hair | hairy heart | haycock | haymow | hayrick | haystack | heap | heap up | heaps | heaps of gold | heart attack | heart block | heart condition | heart disease | heart failure | hemorrhoids | heterogeneous reactor | high blood pressure | hill | hoard | holdings | homogeneous reactor | hop in | horsehair | house | hypertension | hypertensive heart disease | intermediate pile | inventory | involucre | involucrum | ischemic heart disease | jack | jam in | jumble | jump in | jump on | kibe | knub | lade | lamina | larder | large sum | lashings | lattice | leaf | leaflet | leave | leg | lemma | lesion | ligule | lint | load | loads | loot | lot | lots | lump | mane | mass | material | materials | materiel | mess | millions | mint | mint of money | mitral insufficiency | mitral stenosis | molehill | money | mound | mount | mountain | mow | much | munitions | myocardial infarction | myocardial insufficiency | myocarditis | myovascular insufficiency | nap | needle | neutron factory | newel-post | nub | nuclear furnace | oceans | oodles | overwhelm | ox heart | pack | pack away | pack in | packaged house | packet | pale | palisade | palpitation | papula | papule | paralytic stroke | paronychia | paroxysmal tachycardia | parulis | peck | pedestal | pedicel | peduncle | peg | pelt | pericarditis | petal | petechia | picket | pier | pilaster | pile in | pile it on | pile out | pile up | piles | piling | pillar | pimple | pine needle | pit | plenitude | plenty | plethora | plinth | plush | plutonium reactor | pock | pocket | pole | polyp | post | pot | potful | power of money | power reactor | power-breeder reactor | prefab | prefabrication | premature beat | pretty penny | protuberance | provisionment | provisions | pseudoaortic insufficiency | pubescence | pubic hair | pulmonary insufficiency | pulmonary stenosis | pustule | pyramid | pyre | quantity | queen-post | quite a little | radioactive waste | raft | rafts | rations | reactor | reactor pile | repertoire | repertory | rheumatic heart disease | rick | rising | rods | roll | round heart | ruck | sack | scab | scads | sclerosis | seed leaf | sepal | setula | shaft | shag | shank | ship | shock | sight | skyscraper | slew | slews | slow pile | snowdrift | socle | soft chancre | sore | spate | spathe | spear | spile | spire | stack | stack up | stacks | staff | stake | stalk | stanchion | stand | standard | stellarator | stem | stigma | stipula | stipule | stock | stock-in-trade | stockpile | stony heart | store | stores | stow | stroke | structure | sty | subbase | superabundance | superstructure | supplies | supply | supply on hand | suppuration | surbase | surface | surface texture | swansdown | swelling | tachycardia | texture | thistledown | thousands | thrombosis | tidy sum | tons | tower | treasure | treasury | tricuspid insufficiency | tricuspid stenosis | trunk | tubercle | tumulus | turtle heart | ulcer | ulceration | upright | uranium reactor | varicose veins | varix | ventricular fibrillation | wad | wads | wale | wealth | weave | welt | wheal | whelk | whitlow | whole slew | windrow | woof | wool | wound

See Also | accumulation | aggregation | arrange | assemblage | battery | collection | column | compost heap | compost pile | cord | crowd | crowd together | deluge | dunghill | electric battery | flood | funeral pyre | heap up | inundation | large indefinite amount | large indefinite quantity | lay | midden | money | muckheap | muckhill | nuclear reactor | pile up | pillar | place | pose | position | put | pyre | reactor | rick | scrapheap | set | set up | sheath pile | sheet pile | sheet piling | shock | slagheap | stack | stack up | stockpile | thread | torrent | woodpile | yarn

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Crossword Dictionary