About The Word Coronary

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Learn about the word Coronary to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Coronary definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Coronary Meaning & Definition
Coronary Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Coronary?

[n] obstruction of blood flow in a coronary artery by a blood clot (thrombus)
[adj] surrounding like a crown (especially of the blood vessels surrounding the heart); "coronary arteries"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Coronary: coronary thrombosis

Related Terms | Find terms related to Coronary: abdominal | anal | angina | angina pectoris | annular | annulate | annulose | aortic insufficiency | aortic stenosis | apoplectic stroke | apoplexy | appendical | arrhythmia | arteriosclerosis | atherosclerosis | atrial fibrillation | auricular fibrillation | beriberi heart | cardiac | cardiac arrest | cardiac insufficiency | cardiac shock | cardiac stenosis | cardiac thrombosis | carditis | cecal | circinate | circular | colic | colonic | congenital heart disease | cor biloculare | cor juvenum | cor triatriatum | coronary insufficiency | coronary thrombosis | crownlike | cyclic | cycloid | diastolic hypertension | discoid | disklike | duodenal | encased heart | endocarditis | enteric | extrasystole | fatty heart | fibroid heart | flask-shaped heart | frosted heart | gastric | hairy heart | heart attack | heart block | heart condition | heart disease | heart failure | high blood pressure | hypertension | hypertensive heart disease | ileac | intestinal | ischemic heart disease | jejunal | mesogastric | mitral insufficiency | mitral stenosis | myocardial infarction | myocardial insufficiency | myocarditis | myovascular insufficiency | ox heart | palpitation | paralytic stroke | paroxysmal tachycardia | pericarditis | pile | premature beat | pseudoaortic insufficiency | pulmonary insufficiency | pulmonary stenosis | pyloric | rectal | rheumatic heart disease | ringlike | ring-shaped | round | round heart | rounded | sclerosis | splanchnic | stony heart | stroke | tachycardia | thrombosis | tricuspid insufficiency | tricuspid stenosis | turtle heart | varicose veins | varix | ventricular fibrillation | visceral

See Also | heart attack | thrombosis

Coronary In Webster's Dictionary

\Cor"o*na*ry\ (k?r"?-n?-r?), a. [L. coronarius: cf. F. coronaire.] 1. Of or pertaining to a crown; forming, or adapted to form, a crown or garland. ``Coronary thorns.'' --Bp. Pearson. The catalogue of coronary plants is not large in Theophrastus. --Sir T. Browne. 2. (Anat.) Resembling, or situated like, a crown or circlet; as, the coronary arteries and veins of the heart.
\Cor"o*na*ry\, n. A small bone in the foot of a horse.

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