About The Word Column

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Learn about the word Column to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Column definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Column Meaning & Definition
Column Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Column?

[n] a tall cylindrical vertical upright
[n] a vertical structure standing alone and not supporting anything (as a monument or a column of air)
[n] a vertical glass tube used in column chromatography; a mixture is poured in the top and washed through a stationary substance where components of the mixture are adsorbed selectively to form colored bands
[n] an article giving opinions or perspectives
[n] a line of (usually military) units following one after another
[n] a linear array of numbers one above another
[n] anything tall and thin approximating the shape of a column or tower; "the test tube held a column of white powder"; "a tower of dust rose above the horizon"; "a thin pillar of smoke betrayed their campsite"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Column: chromatography column | editorial | newspaper column | pillar | pillar | tower

Related Terms | Find terms related to Column: antenna tower | arcade | arch | army | army group | article | atlas | baluster | balustrade | banister | barbican | barrel | barrow | base | battalion | battery | battle group | belfry | bell tower | bole | book | boundary stone | brace | brass | brigade | bust | buttress | cadre | cairn | campanile | caravan | caryatid | cask | cavalcade | cenotaph | chapter | clause | cohort | colonnade | colonnette | colossus | combat command | combat team | company | corps | cortege | cromlech | cross | cup | cupola | cyclolith | cylinder | cylindroid | dado | derrick | detachment | detail | die | division | dolmen | dome | dress parade | drum | fascicle | field army | field train | file | fire tower | flying column | flyover | footstalk | footstone | funeral | garrison | grave | gravestone | headstone | hoarstone | inscription | installment | jack | kitchen police | KP | lantern | legion | lighthouse | line | livraison | maniple | march past | marker | martello | martello tower | mast | mausoleum | megalith | memento | memorial | memorial arch | memorial column | memorial statue | memorial stone | menhir | minaret | monolith | monument | motorcade | mound | mule train | necrology | newel-post | obelisk | obituary | observation tower | organization | outfit | pack train | pagoda | parade | paragraph | part | passage | pedestal | pedicel | peduncle | peristyle | phalanx | phrase | pier | pilaster | pile | piling | pillar | pinnacle | pipe | plaque | platoon | plinth | pole | pomp | portico | posse | post | prize | procession | promenade | prop | pylon | pyramid | queen-post | rank | regiment | reliquary | remembrance | review | ribbon | roll | roller | rostral column | rouleau | section | serial | shaft | shore | shrine | skimmington | skyscraper | socle | spire | squad | squadron | staff | stalk | stanchion | stand | standard | standpipe | stay | steeple | stela | stem | stone | stream | string | stupa | subbase | surbase | tablet | tactical unit | task force | telamon | television mast | testimonial | tomb | tombstone | tope | tour | tower | train | troop | trophy | trunk | tube | turret | underpinning | unit | upright | verse | volume | water tower | windmill tower | wing

See Also | agony column | array | article | atlas | cap | capital | caryatid | chapiter | construction | file | footstall | form | Indian file | newel | newspaper | obelisk | paper | pedestal | pilaster | pile | piling | plinth | shaft | shape | single file | spile | stilt | structure | support column | table | tabular array | telamon | temple | totem pole | tube | tubing | upright | vertical

Column In Webster's Dictionary

\Col"umn\, n. [L. columna, fr. columen, culmen, fr. cellere (used only in comp.), akin to E. excel, and prob. to holm. See {Holm}, and cf. {Colonel}.] 1. (Arch.) A kind of pillar; a cylindrical or polygonal support for a roof, ceiling, statue, etc., somewhat ornamented, and usually composed of base, shaft, and capital. See {Order}. 2. Anything resembling, in form or position, a column in architecture; an upright body or mass; a shaft or obelisk; as, a column of air, of water, of mercury, etc.; the Column Vend[^o]me; the spinal column. 3. (Mil.) (a) A body of troops formed in ranks, one behind the other; -- contradistinguished from {line}. Compare {Ploy}, and {Deploy}. (b) A small army. 4. (Naut.) A number of ships so arranged as to follow one another in single or double file or in squadrons; -- in distinction from ``line'', where they are side by side. 5. (Print.) A perpendicular set of lines, not extending across the page, and separated from other matter by a rule or blank space; as, a column in a newspaper. 6. (Arith.) A perpendicular line of figures. 7. (Bot.) The body formed by the union of the stamens in the Mallow family, or of the stamens and pistil in the orchids. {Attached column}. See under {Attach}, v. t. {Clustered column}. See under {Cluster}, v. t. {Column rule}, a thin strip of brass separating columns of type in the form, and making a line between them in printing.

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Crossword Dictionary