About The Word Detachment

Bay Area Crosswords

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Detachment Meaning & Definition
Detachment Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Detachment?

[n] the act of releasing from an attachment or connection
[n] coming apart
[n] avoiding emotional involvement
[n] a small unit of troops of special composition
[n] the state of being isolated or detached; "the insulation of England was preserved by the English Channel"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Detachment: breakup | disengagement | insularism | insularity | insulation | separation | withdrawal

Related Terms | Find terms related to Detachment: abstraction | abulia | accidia | acedia | adjunct | age group | alienation | aloneness | aloofness | anxiety | anxiety equivalent | anxiety state | apartheid | apartness | apathy | army | army group | ataraxia | ataraxy | backwardness | band | bashfulness | battalion | battery | battle group | benumbedness | bevy | blah | blahs | blankness | body | boredom | breakup | brigade | bunch | cabal | cadre | carelessness | cast | casualness | catatonic stupor | celibacy | chill | chilliness | clearance | clique | cohort | coldness | column | comatoseness | combat command | combat team | company | complement | component | compulsion | constraint | contingent | coolness | corps | coterie | covey | crew | cross section | crowd | deactivation | dejection | demobilization | deportation | depression | detaching | detail | diaspora | disarticulation | disassociation | disbandment | discard | disconnectedness | disconnection | discontinuity | discreetness | discretion | disengagement | disintegration | disinterest | disinterestedness | disjointing | disjunction | dislocation | dismissal | disorganization | dispassion | dispassionateness | dispersal | dispersion | disposal | disposition | disregard | disregardfulness | dissolution | distance | disunion | division | divorce | divorcement | dole | dullness | easygoingness | ejection | elation | elimination | emotionalism | equitability | eradication | euphoria | evenhandedness | exile | expatriation | expressionlessness | expulsion | faction | fairness | field army | field train | file | fleet | flying column | folie du doute | fraction | frigidity | frostiness | gang | garrison | group | grouping | groupment | guardedness | heartlessness | hebetude | heedlessness | hopelessness | hypochondria | hysteria | hysterics | iciness | impartiality | impassiveness | impassivity | impersonality | inaccessibility | inappetence | inattention | incoherence | incuriosity | incuriousness | indifference | indifferentism | indifferentness | indiscrimination | inexcitability | in-group | insensibility | insouciance | installment | intellectual inertia | introversion | isolation | isolationism | item | Jim Crow | junta | justness | keeping apart | kitchen police | KP | lack of affect | lack of appetite | lack of interest | lackadaisicalness | languidness | legion | lethargicalness | lethargy | liquidation | listlessness | loftiness | loneliness | loneness | lonesomeness | luxation | mania | maniple | melancholia | mental distress | mindlessness | mob | modesty | movement | moving apart | negligence | neutrality | nonchalance | numbness | objectivity | obsession | offishness | Olympian detachment | organization | ostracism | outfit | out-group | outlawing | outlawry | pack | parcel | part | particular | parting | partition | party | passiveness | passivity | pathological indecisiveness | peer group | percentage | phalanx | phlegm | phlegmaticalness | phlegmaticness | platoon | plucklessness | pococurantism | portion | posse | preoccupation | privacy | privatism | privatization | psychalgia | psychomotor disturbance | purge | quadrant | quarantine | quarter | quota | random sample | rank | recess | recklessness | reclusion | regardlessness | regiment | release | remainder | remoteness | removal | repression | reserve | reservedness | resignation | resignedness | restraint | reticence | reticency | retirement | retreat | riddance | rupture | rustication | salon | sample | sampling | seclusion | secrecy | section | sector | segment | segmentation | selflessness | separateness | separating | separation | separatism | sequestration | set | severance | share | single blessedness | sloth | sluggishness | solitariness | solitude | sopor | soporifousness | spiritlessness | splendid isolation | split-up | spunklessness | squad | squadron | stable | standoffishness | stolidity | string | stupefaction | stupor | subdivision | subduedness | subgroup | subspecies | subtraction | supineness | suppression | suspension | tactical unit | task force | team | tic | torpidity | torpidness | torpor | train | tribe | troop | troupe | twitching | unaffability | unanxiousness | unapproachability | unbias | unbiasedness | unconcern | uncongeniality | undemonstrativeness | unexpansiveness | uninquisitiveness | uninterestedness | unit | unmindfulness | unopinionatedness | unprejudicedness | unresponsiveness | unselfishness | unsolicitousness | wing | withdrawal | withdrawnness | zoning

See Also | alteration | army unit | bodyguard | breach | break | change | falling out | flanker | guard | indifference | isolation | modification | patrol | picket | press gang | provost guard | rearguard | rift | rupture | separation | severance

Detachment In Webster's Dictionary

\De*tach"ment\, n. [Cf. F. d['e]tachement.] 1. The act of detaching or separating, or the state of being detached. 2. That which is detached; especially, a body of troops or part of a fleet sent from the main body on special service. Troops . . . widely scattered in little detachments. --Bancroft. 3. Abstraction from worldly objects; renunciation. A trial which would have demanded of him a most heroic faith and the detachment of a saint. --J. H. Newman.

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