About The Word Coldness

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Coldness Meaning & Definition
Coldness Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Coldness?

[n] a lack of affection or enthusiasm
[n] the absence of heat; "the coldness made our breath visible"; "come in out of the cold"; "cold is a vasoconstrictor"
[n] the sensation produced by low temperatures; "he shivered from the cold"; "the cold helped clear his head"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Coldness: cold | cold | coolness | frigidity | low temperature

Related Terms | Find terms related to Coldness: absolute zero | algidity | aloofness | anesthesia | autism | backwardness | bashfulness | bitterness | blankness | bleakness | briskness | callosity | callousness | carnality | catatonia | chill | chilliness | cold | cold blood | cold heart | coldbloodedness | coldheartedness | constraint | cool | coolness | coolth | crispness | cryogenics | cryology | deadpan | decrease in temperature | detachment | disaffinity | discreetness | discretion | dispassion | dispassionateness | distance | dullness | emotional deadness | emotionlessness | enmity | expressionlessness | fervorlessness | flesh | fleshliness | freezing point | freshness | frigidity | frost | frostiness | gelidity | guardedness | halfheartedness | hardheartedness | hardness | hardness of heart | heart of stone | heartlessness | iciness | immovability | impassibility | impassiveness | impassivity | impersonality | impotence | inaccessibility | inclemency | incompatibility | incompatibleness | indifference | indifferentism | indifferentness | inexcitability | inhospitality | inimicality | insensitivity | insipidity | intense cold | introversion | keenness | lack of affect | lack of feeling | lack of touch | Laodiceanism | libido | love | lovemaking | low temperature | lukewarmness | marriage | modesty | neuterness | neutrality | neutralness | nip | nippiness | obduracy | objectivity | obtuseness | offishness | passionlessness | perfunctoriness | personal conflict | pitilessness | poker face | potency | rawness | remoteness | repression | reserve | reservedness | restraint | reticence | reticency | retirement | rigor | self-absorption | sensuality | severity | sex drive | sexiness | sexual instinct | sexual urge | sexualism | sexuality | sharp air | sharpness | soullessness | spiritlessness | standoffishness | straight face | strain | subduedness | suppression | tension | tepidness | unaffability | unamiability | unapproachability | uncongeniality | uncordiality | undemonstrativeness | unemotionalism | unexcitability | unexpansiveness | unfeeling | unfeelingness | unfriendliness | ungeniality | unimpressibility | unimpressionableness | unmercifulness | unnaturalness | unpassionateness | unresponsiveness | unsociability | unsusceptibility | unsympatheticness | untouchability | vapidity | voluptuousness | withdrawal | withdrawnness | zeallessness

See Also | chill | chilliness | cool | emotionlessness | frostiness | gelidity | iciness | lukewarmness | stone | temperature | temperature | tepidness | unemotionality | vasoconstrictive | vasoconstrictor

Coldness In Webster's Dictionary

\Cold"ness\, n. The state or quality of being cold.

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Crossword Dictionary