About The Word Indifference

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Indifference Meaning & Definition
Indifference Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Indifference?

[n] the trait of lacking enthusiasm for or interest in things generally
[n] the trait of remaining calm and seeming not to care; a casual lack of concern
[n] apathy demonstrated by an absence of emotional reactions
[n] unbiased impartial unconcern

Synonyms | Synonyms for Indifference: apathy | emotionlessness | impassiveness | impassivity | nonchalance | phlegm | spiritlessness | stolidity | unconcern | unemotionality

Related Terms | Find terms related to Indifference: abandon | abeyance | absentmindedness | abstraction | abulia | acedia | alienation | aloofness | anxiety | anxiety equivalent | anxiety state | apathy | ataraxia | ataraxy | benumbedness | blah | blahs | boredom | callousness | careless abandon | carelessness | casualness | catalepsy | catatonia | catatonic stupor | coldness | comatoseness | compulsion | coolness | cursoriness | deadliness | deathliness | dejection | depression | detachment | disinterest | disinterestedness | dispassion | dispassionateness | disregard | disregardfulness | distraction | dormancy | drowsiness | dullness | easiness | easygoingness | elation | emotionalism | enervation | ennui | entropy | equitability | equitableness | euphoria | evenhandedness | fairishness | fairness | fatigue | flightiness | flippancy | folie du doute | forgetfulness | frivolousness | giddiness | hastiness | heartlessness | heaviness | hebetude | heedlessness | hopelessness | hypochondria | hysteria | hysterics | immateriality | impartiality | impassiveness | impassivity | impotence | imprecision | inadvertence | inadvertency | inanimation | inappetence | inattention | inattentiveness | inconsequence | inconsequentiality | inconsiderableness | inconsiderateness | inconsideration | incuriosity | incuriousness | indevotion | indevoutness | indifferentism | indifferentness | indolence | ineffectuality | inertia | inertness | inferiority | inobservance | insensibility | insignificance | insouciance | intellectual inertia | irrelevance | jadedness | lack of appetite | lack of foresight | lack of interest | lackadaisicalness | lackluster | languidness | languishment | languor | languorousness | Laodiceanism | lassitude | latency | laxity | laxness | laziness | leniency | lenitude | lentor | lethargicalness | lethargy | levity | lifelessness | lightmindedness | listlessness | littleness | looseness | loosening | lotus-eating | low priority | lukewarm piety | mania | marginality | mediocreness | mediocrity | melancholia | mental distress | middlingness | moderateness | modestness | modesty | negligence | negligibility | neutrality | nonchalance | nonobservance | nonreligiousness | numbness | objectivity | oblivion | obliviousness | obsession | offhandedness | oscitancy | overindulgence | overpermissiveness | passableness | passiveness | passivity | pathological indecisiveness | perfunctoriness | permissiveness | pettiness | phlegm | phlegmaticalness | phlegmaticness | picayune | picayunishness | plucklessness | pococurantism | pokiness | preoccupation | psychalgia | psychomotor disturbance | puniness | recklessness | regardlessness | relaxation | relaxedness | remissness | resignation | resignedness | respectability | satedness | secondariness | shallowness | slackness | sleepiness | slightness | sloppiness | sloth | slothfulness | slowness | sluggishness | smallness | softness | somnolence | sopor | soporifousness | spiritlessness | sprezzatura | spunklessness | stagnancy | stagnation | stasis | stolidity | stupefaction | stupor | superficiality | supineness | suspense | tactlessness | tediousness | thoughtlessness | tic | tolerableness | torpidity | torpidness | torpitude | torpor | triviality | twitching | unalertness | unawareness | unbiasedness | unconcern | unconsciousness | undevoutness | undutifulness | unheedfulness | unimportance | unimpressiveness | uninquisitiveness | unintentiveness | uninterestedness | unmindfulness | unnoteworthiness | unobservance | unopinionatedness | unprejudicedness | unpreparedness | unreadiness | unreligiousness | unresponsiveness | unrestraint | unsolicitousness | unsolicitude | unthinkingness | unwariness | unwatchfulness | vegetation | vis inertiae | weakness | weariness | withdrawal | withdrawnness | world-weariness

See Also | aloofness | apathy | carefreeness | detachment | distance | passiveness | passivity | unconcern | withdrawal

Indifference In Webster's Dictionary

\In*dif"fer*ence\, n. [L. indifferentia similarity, want of difference: cf. F. indiff['e]rence.] 1. The quality or state of being indifferent, or not making a difference; want of sufficient importance to constitute a difference; absence of weight; insignificance. 2. Passableness; mediocrity. 3. Impartiality; freedom from prejudice, prepossession, or bias. He . . . is far from such indifference and equity as ought and must be in judges which he saith I assign. --Sir T. More. 4. Absence of anxiety or interest in respect to what is presented to the mind; unconcernedness; as, entire indifference to all that occurs. Indifference can not but be criminal, when it is conversant about objects which are so far from being of an indifferent nature, that they are highest importance. --Addison. Syn: Carelessness; negligence; unconcern; apathy; insensibility; coldness; lukewarmness.

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