About The Word Mania

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Mania Meaning & Definition
Mania Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Mania?

[n] an irrational but irresistible motive for a belief or action
[n] a mood disorder; an affective disorder in which the victim tends to respond excessively and sometimes violently

Synonyms | Synonyms for Mania: cacoethes | manic disorder | passion

Related Terms | Find terms related to Mania: aberration | abnormality | abstraction | abulia | alienation | an universal wolf | anxiety | anxiety equivalent | anxiety state | apathy | appetence | appetency | appetite | appetition | brain damage | brainsickness | bug | catatonic stupor | clouded mind | compulsion | coveting | craving | craze | craziness | crazy fancy | daftness | dejection | dementedness | dementia | depression | derangement | desire | detachment | disorientation | distraction | elation | emotionalism | enthusiasm | euphoria | fad | fanaticism | fancy | fascination | fixation | fixed idea | folie | folie du doute | frenzy | furor | furore | fury | hangup | hunger | hypochondria | hysteria | hysterics | idee fixe | indifference | infatuation | insaneness | insanity | insensibility | irrationality | itch | itching | lethargy | loss of mind | loss of reason | lunacy | madness | manic-depressive psychosis | melancholia | mental deficiency | mental derangement | mental disease | mental disorder | mental distress | mental disturbance | mental illness | mental instability | mental sickness | mind overthrown | mindsickness | obsession | oddness | overambitiousness | overanxiety | overanxiousness | overeagerness | overenthusiasm | overzealousness | passion | pathological indecisiveness | pixilation | possession | preoccupation | prurience | pruriency | psychalgia | psychomotor disturbance | queerness | rabidness | rage | reasonlessness | senselessness | sexual desire | shattered mind | sick mind | sickness | strangeness | stupor | thing | thirst | tic | twitching | unbalance | unbalanced mind | unresponsiveness | unsaneness | unsound mind | unsoundness | unsoundness of mind | urge | withdrawal | witlessness | yearning | yen | zealotism | zealotry

See Also | affective disorder | agromania | alcoholism | craze | delirium | dipsomania | egomania | emotional disorder | emotional disturbance | frenzy | fury | hysteria | irrational motive | kleptomania | logomania | logorrhea | major affective disorder | monomania | necromania | necrophilia | necrophilism | phaneromania | possession | potomania | pyromania | trichotillomania

Mania In Webster's Dictionary

\Ma"ni*a\, n. [L. mania, Gr. ?, fr. ? to rage; cf. OE. manie, F. manie. Cf. {Mind}, n., Necromancy.] 1. Violent derangement of mind; madness; insanity. Cf. {Delirium}. 2. Excessive or unreasonable desire; insane passion affecting one or many people; as, the tulip mania. {Mania a potu} [L.], madness from drinking; delirium tremens. Syn: Insanity; derangement; madness; lunacy; alienation; aberration; delirium; frenzy. See {Insanity}.

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Crossword Dictionary